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c++ - 使用 boost::serialization 序列化递归图结构时如何防止堆栈溢出?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 05:18:23 49 4
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我正在尝试使用 boost 序列化库序列化大型(几何)图形结构。


class Node {
double x,y;
std::vector<Node*> adjacent_nodes;

class Graph {
std::vector<Node*> nodes;

现在有 > 10k 个节点,我的问题是,当我开始序列化(保存)我的图时,它会在返回之前递归调用所有这些节点的序列化,因为图是连接的。

更准确地说,在序列化图形时,它将首先序列化“节点” vector 中的第一个节点。这样做时,它需要序列化第一个节点的“adjacent_nodes”,例如包含第二个节点。


我找到了 this thread从 2010 年开始,有人解释了完全相同的问题。然而,他们并没有在那里找到可行的解决方案。



class Node {

double x,y;
std::vector<Node*> adjacent_nodes;


inline double get_x() const { return x; }
inline double get_y() const { return y; }
inline std::vector<Node*> const& get_adjacent_nodes() const { return adjacent_nodes; }

Node (double x, double y):x(x),y(y) {}

void add_adjacent(Node* other) {


Node() {}

friend class boost::serialization::access;
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int) {
ar & x;
ar & y;
ar & adjacent_nodes;


class Simple_graph {

std::vector<Node*> nodes;

void add_edge(int firstIndex, int secondIndex) {


/* methods to get the distance of points, to read in the nodes, and to generate edges */

~Simple_graph() {
for (auto node: nodes) {
delete node;


friend class boost::serialization::access;
template <class Archive>
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int) {
ar & nodes;


编辑:添加在上述线程中提出的一些建议,引用 Dominique Devienne:

1) save all the nodes without their topology info on a first pass of the vector, thus recording all the "tracked" pointers for them, then write the topology info for each, since then you don't "recurse", you only write a "ref" to an already serialized pointer.

2) have the possibility to write a "weak reference" to a pointer, which only adds the pointer to the "tracking" map with a special flag saying it wasn't "really" written yet, such that writing the topology of a node that wasn't yet written is akin to "forward references" to those neighboring nodes. Either the node will really be written later on, or it never will, and I suppose serialization should handle that gracefully.

#1 doesn't require changes in boost serialization, but puts the onus on the client code. Especially since you have to "externally" save the neighbors, so it's no longer well encapsulated, and writing a subset of the surface's nodes become more complex.

#2 would require seeking ahead to read the actual object when encountering a forward reference, and furthermore a separate map to know where to seek for it. That may be incompatible with boost serialization (I confess to be mostly ignorant about it).



由于您已经拥有一个包含指向所有节点的指针的 vector ,因此您可以使用索引序列化 adjacent_nodes vector ,而不是序列化实际的节点数据。

序列化节点时,您需要将 this 指针转换为索引。如果您可以将节点索引存储在节点中,这是最简单的,否则您将不得不搜索 nodes 以找到正确的指针(可以通过创建某种关联容器来加快此过程将指针映射到索引)。

当您需要读取数据时,您可以创建初始的 nodes vector ,其中填充了指向空/虚拟节点的指针(这些节点将在序列化时填充)。


关于c++ - 使用 boost::serialization 序列化递归图结构时如何防止堆栈溢出?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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