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我正在学习 JavaScript。
function extend(Child, Parent) {
var F = function() { }
F.prototype = Parent.prototype
Child.prototype = new F()
Child.prototype.constructor = Child
Child.superclass = Parent.prototype
让我们创建 3 个类
function foo() {}
foo.prototype.identify = function() {
return "I'm a foo";
function bar() {}
extend(bar, foo)
bar.prototype.identify = function() {
return "I'm a bar and " +
this.constructor.superclass.identify.apply(this, arguments);
function zot() {}
extend(zot, bar)
zot.prototype.identify = function() {
return "I'm a zot and " +
this.constructor.superclass.identify.apply(this, arguments);
f = new foo();
alert(f.identify()); // "I'm a foo"
b = new bar();
alert(b.identify()); // "I'm a bar and I'm a foo"
z = new zot();
alert(z.identify()); // stack overflow
Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded(…)
因为一旦 identify.apply(this)
被调用两次(就像在 zot
中,与 bar
将指向两个函数上的同一个实例,并将无休止地调用自己的 identify()
相反,尝试显式指向基本 identify
function extend(Child, Parent) {
var F = function() {}
F.prototype = Parent.prototype
Child.prototype = new F()
Child.prototype.constructor = Child
Child.superclass = Parent.prototype
function foo() {}
foo.prototype.identify = function() {
return "I'm a foo";
function bar() {}
extend(bar, foo)
bar.prototype.identify = function() {
return "I'm a bar and " +
bar.superclass.identify.apply(this, arguments);
function zot() {}
extend(zot, bar)
zot.prototype.identify = function() {
return "I'm a zot and " +
zot.superclass.identify.apply(this, arguments);
var f = new foo();
alert(f.identify()); // "I'm a foo"
var b = new bar();
alert(b.identify()); // "I'm a bar and I'm a foo"
var z = new zot();
alert(z.identify()); // "I'm a zot and I'm a bar and I'm a foo"
关于javascript - 当我调用 this.constructor.superclass.someMethod 时,超出最大调用堆栈大小会引发异常,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40842246/
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