gpt4 book ai didi

c++ - 这种情况有没有更好的办法[垂头丧气]

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 05:11:19 24 4
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我在这里遇到了这种棘手的情况,所以基本上我被要求编写一个函数,如果我点击的点位于图中,则返回指向该图的指针,如果该点不在任何图中,则返回 null。

CFigure *ApplicationManager::GetFigure(int x, int y) const
//If a figure is found return a pointer to it.
//if this point (x,y) does not belong to any figure return NULL
int c = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < FigCount; i++)
if (dynamic_cast<CRectangle*> (FigList[i]))
CFigure* basepointer = FigList[i];
Point A = static_cast<CRectangle*>(basepointer)->GetCorner1();
Point B = static_cast<CRectangle*>(basepointer)->GetCorner2();

if ((x>=A.x && x<=B.x) || (x<=A.x && x>=B.x))
if ((y >= A.y && x <= B.y) || (y <= A.y && x >= B.y))
else if (dynamic_cast<CCircle*> (FigList[i]))
CFigure* basepointer = FigList[i];
Point A = static_cast<CCircle*>(basepointer)->getCntr();
int B = static_cast<CCircle*>(basepointer)->GetRadius();

double distance = sqrt(pow((x - A.x), 2) + pow((y - A.y), 2));
if (distance<=(double)B)
else if (dynamic_cast<CLine*> (FigList[i]))
CFigure* basepointer = FigList[i];
Point A = static_cast<CLine*>(basepointer)->getPoint1();
Point B = static_cast<CLine*>(basepointer)->getpoint2();
double distance1 = sqrt(pow((x - A.x), 2) + pow((y - A.y), 2)); //Distance from point to P1
double distance2 = sqrt(pow((x - B.x), 2) + pow((y - B.y), 2)); //Distance from Point to P2
double distance3 = sqrt(pow((B.x - A.x), 2) + pow((B.y - A.y), 2)); //Distance from P1 to P2
if (distance1+distance2==distance3)
CFigure* basepointer = FigList[i];
Point p1 = static_cast<CTriangle*>(basepointer)->getp1();
Point p2 = static_cast<CTriangle*>(basepointer)->getp2();
Point p3 = static_cast<CTriangle*>(basepointer)->getp3();
float alpha = (((float)p2.y - (float)p3.y)*((float)x - (float)p3.x) + ((float)p3.x - (float)p2.x)*((float)y - (float)p3.y)) /
(((float)p2.y - (float)p3.y)*((float)p1.x - (float)p3.x) + ((float)p3.x - (float)p2.x)*((float)p1.y - (float)p3.y));
float beta = (((float)p3.y - (float)p1.y)*((float)x - (float)p3.x) + ((float)p1.x - (float)p3.x)*((float)y - (float)p3.y)) /
(((float)p2.y - (float)p3.y)*((float)p1.x - (float)p3.x) + ((float)p3.x - (float)p2.x)*((float)p1.y - (float)p3.y));
float gamma = 1.0f - alpha - beta;
if (alpha>0 && beta>0 && gamma >0)

///Add your code here to search for a figure given a point x,y
if (c==0)
return NULL;






virtual bool isclicked(int x, int y) = 0;

这是一个纯虚函数。 CFigure 的所有子类都必须实现它。子类的实现检查点击是否在其边界内并相应地返回 true 或 false。

ApplicationManager::GetFigure 简化为类似的东西

CFigure *ApplicationManager::GetFigure(int x, int y) const
for (size_t i = 0; i < FigCount; i++)
if (FigList[i]->isclicked(x,y))
return FigList[i];
return nullptr;

通过虚函数和多态的魔力,程序将找出需要调用哪个子类的 isclicked 函数,而无需您做任何进一步的努力。

关于c++ - 这种情况有没有更好的办法[垂头丧气],我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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