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C++ MPI 发送接收问题

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我正在从事一个并行计算项目,但遇到了核心通信问题。该程序可以运行,但在各个方面都遇到了问题。程序达到的点取决于所使用的核心数。所以我要通过对高度振荡函数的各种方法求和来计算积分。每个计算应在核心之间拆分并相加。它应该通过各种波数来展示行为。所以我需要将每个计算分成几个部分,然后将它们分派(dispatch)到核心,然后将它们带回来并对它们求和。在此之后我需要为下一个波数重复它,这些波数是 [100,10000]。积分区域从 0 到 pi,每个需要使用波数分成相等的部分。

对于这段代码,如果我在一个内核上运行它,我可以将它设为波数 120,如果我使用 2 个内核,它会一直运行到大约 240 个波数,3 个内核是 360,4 个内核是 477。这种趋势会持续更多或更少。


#include <iostream>

#include <fstream>

#include <vector>

#include <typeinfo>

#include "mpi.h"

#include "math.h"

using namespace std;

double fun_val_points(int kw, double x);

vector<double> integrand(double (fn)(int wn, double x), double wn,
vector<double> pts, int qn);

const double PI = 3.141592653589793;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
MPI::Init(argc, argv);

for (int wavenum = 100; wavenum <= 10000; wavenum++){
// Declare variables
int rank, numcores, tag = 123;
int div, rem, qn = 101; // qn represents the number of
//quadrature points

// Initialize variables
rank = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_rank();
numcores = MPI::COMM_WORLD.Get_size();
div = int((wavenum+1) / numcores);
rem = (wavenum+1) % numcores;
vector<double>points(div + rem, 0.0);

if (rank == 0) {
vector<double> quadraturePoints(wavenum + 1, 0.0);
//quadraturePoints needs to be k+1 equally spaced points
// between 0 and pi. It then needs to be
// to each core in a load balanced way.
for (int i = 0; i < wavenum + 1; i++) {
quadraturePoints[i] = PI * (i) / (wavenum); // Initialize

for (int j = 0; j < numcores - 1; j++) {
vector<double> sendpoints = vector<double>(div + rem, 0.0);
int index = 0;
for (int n = j * div; (n <= (j + 1) * div) && (index < div + rem); n++) {
sendpoints[index++] = quadraturePoints[n]; // Get the
//relevent quadrature points for this core
//Send the data to the core
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Send(&sendpoints[0], sendpoints.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, j, tag);

// Send data to the last core, which needs to have any remaining
//quadrature points
vector<double> sendpoints = vector<double>(div + rem, 0.0);
int index = 0;
for (int n = (numcores-1) * div; n < wavenum + 1; n++) {
sendpoints[index++] = quadraturePoints[n];

MPI::COMM_WORLD.Send(&sendpoints[0], sendpoints.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, numcores - 1, tag);


vector<double> localQuads(div+rem,0.0);
// Recieve the quadrature points for local calculation
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Recv(&localQuads[0], div + rem + 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, tag);
while(!localQuads.empty() && localQuads.back() <= .00000001){
localQuads.pop_back(); // Remove any spare 0's on the end of the quad
// This is here because some quadrature points
//were sent as longer lists than necessary
// so that they would all be the same length

vector<double> localWTS(3, 0.0); // To keep track of the integrals
//across the local quad points
for(int i = 0; i < localQuads.size()-1; i++){
vector<double> partition(qn+1, 0.0); // Partition the quadrature
for (double j = 0; j < qn+1; j++){
partition[j] = localQuads[i] + (j/qn)*(localQuads[i+1] - localQuads[i]);
vector<double> temp = integrand(fun_val_points, wavenum, partition,
partition.size()); // Integrate the partition
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
localWTS[j] += temp[j]; // Add the integrated values to the running

// Send the local integration values back to master
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Send(&localWTS[0], 3, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, tag);

if (rank == 0) {
vector<double> totalWTS(3, 0.0);
for (int commRank = 0; commRank < numcores; commRank++) {
MPI::COMM_WORLD.Recv(&localWTS[0], 3, MPI_DOUBLE, commRank, tag);
// Gather all the integral values and add them to the running total
for (int index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
totalWTS[index] += localWTS[index];

ofstream out; // Open a text file for output to disk"data.txt", ios_base::app);

if(!out.is_open()){ // In case there was an error opening the file
cout << "Error opening output file." << endl;

out << wavenum << " ";
out << totalWTS[0] << " " << totalWTS[1] << " " << totalWTS[2] << endl;
return 0;


double fun_val_points(int kw, double x) {
return cos(100 * x - kw*sin(x));

vector<double> integrand(double (fn)(int wn, double x), double wn,vector<double> pts, int qn) {
double M, T, S;
M = 0;
T = 0;
for (int j = 1; j < qn; j++) {
double len = pts[j] - pts[j - 1];
double mpts = (pts[j] + pts[j - 1]) / 2;

M += fn(wn, mpts)*len;
T += (fn(wn, pts[j - 1]) + fn(wn, pts[j]))*len / 2;
S = M * 2 / 3 + T * 1 / 3;

return {M, T, S};


关于 MPI 标准,您的程序不正确。

原因是任务 0 MPI_Send() 到它自己并且没有接收到。

从务实的角度来看,这对小消息“有效”,但对大消息则挂起。请注意,小与大取决于您的 MPI 库、您使用的互连以及其他因素,所以长话短说,假设此模式会导致挂起并且不要这样做。

这通常可以通过使用 MPI_Irecv()MPI_Sendrecv() 来避免。

也就是说,您的通信模式正在请求 MPI 集体操作:MPI_Scatterv(quadraturePoints, ...) 然后是 MPI_Reduce(localWTS, ...)

关于C++ MPI 发送接收问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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