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css - @keyframes 动画中的时间

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 04:22:51 32 4
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所以我正在制作一个简单的元素,它会显示一个计时器并仅使用 HTML 和 CSS 计数到 99。

但是有人能告诉我为什么我需要延迟我的 100 秒动画以使其与 10 秒动画同步吗?

.second::before {
animation: time 100s linear 4.5s infinite;
/* Why do I have to put a delay to get this to sync properly with the second counter!?? */
content: "0";
.second::after {
animation: time 10s linear infinite;
content: "0";
@keyframes time {
10% {
content: "1"
20% {
content: "2"
30% {
content: "3"
40% {
content: "4"
50% {
content: "5"
60% {
content: "6"
70% {
content: "7"
80% {
content: "8"
90% {
content: "9"
 <span class="second"></span>

这看起来很简单;在 100 秒内从 0 数到 9,即:每 10 秒一个数字

还要在 10 秒内从 0 数到 9,即:每秒一位数

那么,为什么 100 秒动画会在动画开始大约五秒后显示第一个数字,然后每隔 10 秒显示另一个数字?

CodePen 示例如下:oldTimer


您设置动画的方式,一个值表示 10%,另一个值表示 20%,变化发生在中间点,即 15%。

这意味着一个动画与您所相信的相差 0.5 秒,而另一个则相差 5 秒。净差4.5s


.second { font-size: 80px; }

.second::before {
animation: time 100s linear infinite;
/* Why do I have to put a delay to get this to sync properly with the second counter!?? */
content: "0";
.second::after {
animation: time 10s linear infinite;
content: "0";
@keyframes time {
0%, 9.99% {
content: "0";
background-color: blue;
10%, 19.99% {
content: "1";
background-color: green;
20%, 29.99% {
content: "2";
background-color: tomato;
30%, 39.99% {
content: "3"
40%, 49.99% {
content: "4"
50%, 59.99% {
content: "5"
60%, 69.99% {
content: "6"
70%, 79.99% {
content: "7"
80%, 89.99% {
content: "8"
90%, 100% {
content: "9"
<span class="second"></span>

关于css - @keyframes 动画中的时间,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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