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c++ - 结果总是返回 0 和访问类

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 03:32:42 25 4
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首先,使用这样的代码,无论我输入什么信息,它总是返回 0,关于在哪里解决这个问题以及如何解决的任何建议?我相信这与我的类(class)员工有关。我将如何解决这个问题?

其次,如何访问 int total() 中的信息?我需要访问它以获取最后一点代码。

此外,如果您注意到我可以做些什么来优化我的程序,我欢迎您提出建议。我正在学习 C++,并将永远是一名学生。

// Datamax.cpp
// Created by Kennith Adkins

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Employee
string eName;
float eHours;
float eWage;
float ePay;
float eOvertimeHours;
float eOvertimePay;
float eTotalPay;
float eTotalBaseHours;
float eTotalSalary;
float eTotalOvertimeHours;

int Overtime ()
if (eHours > 40)
eOvertimeHours = (eHours - 40);
eOvertimePay = (eOvertimeHours * (eWage * 1.5));
ePay = ((eHours - eOvertimeHours) * eWage);
eTotalPay = ePay + eOvertimePay;
ePay = (eHours * eWage);
int total()
eTotalBaseHours = (employee1.eHours - employee1.eOvertimeHours) + (employee2.eHours - employee2.eOvertimeHours) + (employee3.eHours - employee3.eOvertimeHours);
eTotalSalary = (employee1.eTotalPay + employee2.eTotalPay + employee3.eTotalPay);
eTotalOvertimeHours = (employee1.eOvertimeHours + employee2.eOvertimeHours + employee3.eOvertimeHours);
} employee1, employee2, employee3;

// Start the main program here
int main()
// Gretting
cout << "Welcome to the Employee Pay Center\n";

// Employee1 information
cout << "Enter the employee name: ";
cin >> employee1.eName;
cout << "Enter the hours worked: ";
cin >> employee1.eHours;
cout << "Enter his or her hourly wage: ";
cin >> employee1.eWage;
cout << endl; // Adding a blank line to space the information out

// Employee2 information
cout << "Enter the employee name: ";
cin >> employee2.eName;
cout << "Enter the hours worked: ";
cin >> employee2.eHours;
cout << "Enter his or her hourly wage: ";
cin >> employee2.eWage;
cout << endl; // Adding a blank line to space the information out

// Employee3 information
cout << "Enter the employee name: ";
cin >> employee3.eName;
cout << "Enter the hours worked: ";
cin >> employee3.eHours;
cout << "Enter his or her hourly wage: ";
cin >> employee3.eWage;
cout << endl; // Adding a blank line to space the information out

// Returning the information to the Employeer
cout << "Employe Name ............ = " << employee1.eName << "\n";
cout << "Base Pay................. = " << employee1.ePay << "\n";
cout << "Hours in Overtime........ = " << employee1.eOvertimeHours << "\n";
cout << "Overtime Pay Amount...... = " << employee1.eOvertimePay << "\n";
cout << "Total Pay................ = " << employee1.eTotalPay << "\n\n";

cout << "Employe Name ............ = " << employee2.eName << "\n";
cout << "Base Pay................. = " << employee2.ePay << "\n";
cout << "Hours in Overtime........ = " << employee2.eOvertimeHours << "\n";
cout << "Overtime Pay Amount...... = " << employee2.eOvertimePay << "\n";
cout << "Total Pay................ = " << employee2.eTotalPay << "\n\n";

cout << "Employe Name ............ = " << employee3.eName << "\n";
cout << "Base Pay................. = " << employee3.ePay << "\n";
cout << "Hours in Overtime........ = " << employee3.eOvertimeHours << "\n";
cout << "Overtime Pay Amount...... = " << employee3.eOvertimePay << "\n";
cout << "Total Pay................ = " << employee3.eTotalPay << "\n\n";

cout << "*******************************************************\n";
cout << "*****************EMPLOYEE SUMMARY DATA*****************\n";
cout << "*******************************************************\n";
cout << "** Total Employee Salaries............ " << "**\n";
cout << "** Total Employee Hours............... " << "**\n";
cout << "** Total Overtime Hours............... " << "**\n";
cout << "*******************************************************\n";
cout << "*******************************************************\n";

return 0;






关于c++ - 结果总是返回 0 和访问类,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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