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javascript - 如何防止 Service Worker 删除缓存、PWA

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 03:04:02 27 4
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我使用 Vue、js、node 技术构建了支持 PWA 的 SPA。问题是,每当我关闭电脑时,服务人员都会删除我存储的用于离线查看应用程序的缓存,否则它可以工作。第二个问题是它拒绝获取包含谷歌字体的数据,除非我在浏览器中启用 CORS。由于 PWA 是基于浏览器的,用户不会在浏览器中安装 CORS 插件,是否有某种方法可以在(Windows)服务器上启用 CORS?预先感谢,这是我的服务人员代码。

// service worker file. Every time when you change this file rename staticCache const in order to changes to be visible when user closes tab and reopens it.
const staticCache = 'site-static-1'; // static cache for main site files, app shell (all static files, html, css, starting images, logo etc). If you change code always rename this to new number
const assets = [ // this is array of app shell API requests for assets. Those are keys and asset values (images etc) will be values of key/value pair in array
]; // we hve to fetch separately fonts from links inside
// In Chrome Web Tools go to Application>Cache storage and click /css?family=raleway, links are inside value of that key

// installing service worker event
self.addEventListener('install', evt => {
console.log('Service worker has been installed');
// programmatically skip awaiting for new changed sw file to become active, because sometimes closing Chrome and tabs is not enough
// if we change sw.js and want to make sure change is visible ie cache is refreshed, we need to change version number of staticCache constant.
// NOTE: If we save this file by adding asset to be fetched (image for example) it will be visible in a new cache upon clicking browser reload.
// ..but if we delete it from the list of items to be fetched, IT WILL REMAIN in the cache until we change staticCache version number, save and reload browser page.
// So it is best practice to always change version number in staticCache whenever you make and save changes.
self.skipWaiting(); // it will be triggered only if there is a new sw version that awaits to be executed

evt.waitUntil( // installing awaits until this is executed first, otherwise it could stop it => { // it opent cache, if there isn't it will create one
cache.addAll(assets); // add into cache all assets from the assets array []

// activating service worker event
self.addEventListener('activate', evt => {
console.log('Service worker has been activated');
caches.keys().then(keys => { // get array with keys (of key/value pair) from different cache versions in Chrome Dev Tools>Application>Cache Storage
// go thru all caches keys array and delete all values except newest cache, named in staticCache const. That way only the last cache is used by an app
return Promise.all(keys
.filter(key => key !== staticCache)
.map(key => caches.delete(key))

// fetch event
self.addEventListener('fetch', evt => {
console.log('SW is fetching data');
evt.respondWith( // check if requested data is stored in the cache.
caches.match(evt.request).then(cacheRes => {
return cacheRes || fetch(evt.request) // if item is in cache use it, if isn't go to the server and fetch it


问题似乎出在服务工作线程中的 activate 事件处理程序上。这主要用于从浏览器中删除旧缓存。尝试用以下代码替换事件监听器

self.addEventListener('activate', (event) => {
caches.keys().then((cacheNames) => {
return Promise.all( => {
if (cache !== staticCache) {
return caches.delete(cache); //Deleting the old cache (cache v1)
.then(function () {"Old caches are cleared!");
return self.clients.claim();

关于javascript - 如何防止 Service Worker 删除缓存、PWA,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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