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Javascript (JQuery) 和 Bootstrap 模态

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 03:02:49 26 4
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我目前正在开展一个项目,该项目根据单击的链接以模式显示有关电影的一些信息(从 中提取)。以前这一切都是在后端使用 PHP 完成的,并且没有任何问题,但是由于一个页面上可以有 5-100 个电影链接,创建所有模式会导致页面加载需要一段时间。

现在我想使用 JS 将模态创建/弹出窗口移到前面,以便仅在单击该特定电影链接时才创建它。将它移动到使用 Javascript 我遇到了两个我无法解决的问题。

  1. 必须单击电影标题链接两次才能显示模式,我不确定是什么原因造成的。查看开发工具,我可以看到在第一次单击时创建了一个模态,但由于某种原因未显示。第二次单击时,将创建并显示另一个。

  2. 显示模式后,我无法使用“X”按钮关闭它。我在 PHP 中使用的代码 "<button type=\"button\" class=\"close exit-button\" data-dismiss=\"modal\">&times;</button>"不再有效。 Bootstrap 确实能够使用 $("#movieInfo").modal("hide") 显示/隐藏模态,但如果我创建一个函数来在单击按钮时运行它,它仍然不会隐藏。

这是我使用的 JS 代码:

window.addEventListener("load", function() {
var movielink = document.getElementById("movie");
movielink.addEventListener("click", function(){generateModal(this.innerHTML);}, false);
}, false);

function generateModal(movieT) {
var movieTitle = encodeURIComponent(movieT).replace(/%20/g, '+');
var url = ""+movieTitle+"&y=&plot=short";
$.getJSON(url, function(json) {
$('#modalContainer').html("<div id = \"movieInfo\" class = \"modal fade\" role = \"dialog\">"
+ "<div class \"modal-dialog modal-sm\">"
+ "<div class = \"modal-content\">"
+ "<div class = \"modal-body\">"
+ "<div class = \"poster\">"
+ "<img src = "+json.Poster+" width = 200 height = 300>"
+ "</div>"
+ "<div class = \"movie-specs\">"
+ "<button id = \"closebtn\" type=\"button\" class=\"close exit-button\"s onclick = \"closeModal()\">&times;</button>"
+ "<h3 class = \"movie-title\">"+json.Title+" ("+json.Year+")</h3>"
+ "<p class = \"topmargin-gone\">"+json.Rated+" | "+json.Runtime+" | "+json.Genre+"</p>"
+ "<p class = \"topmargin-gone\">"+json.Released+"</p><hr>"
+ "<div class = \"ratingInfo\">"
+ "<h4 class = \"topmargin-gone\"><strong>Ratings</strong></h4><p class = \"topmargin-gone\">Rated: "+json.imdbRating+"/10 "
+ "from "+json.imdbVotes+" users | Metascore: "+json.Metascore+"</p>"
+ "</div><hr>"
+ "<div class = \"plot-actors\">"
+ "<p>"+json.Plot+"</p><p><strong>Director: </strong>"+json.Director+"</p>"
+ "<p><strong>Writers: </strong>"+json.Writer+"</p>"
+ "<p><strong>Actors: </strong>"+json.Actors+"</p>"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>"
+ "</div>");


这是在 PHP 中的循环内创建链接的方式:

$allDisplay .= "<li><em><a id ='movie' href = '#'>"
. "$title[$z]</a></em> - $nominees[$z]</li>";

最后,这是链接和模式所在位置的 HTML 外观:

<meta charset = "utf-8">
<title>Award Search</title>
<!-- jQuery Library -->
<script src = ""></script>
<!--Bootstrap CSS -->
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "">
<!-- Styles CSS sheet -->
<link rel = "stylesheet" href = "/src/styles/styles_awardQuery.css">
<!--Bootstrap JavaScript -->
<script src = ""></script>
<script src = "/src/php/modalCreation.js"></script>
<div class = "site-wrapper">
<div class = "site-wrapper-inner">
<div class = "cover-container">
<div class = "masthead clearfix">
<div class = "inner">
<h3 class = "masthead-brand">Award Search</h3>
<ul class = "nav masthead-nav">
<li><a href = "/src/pages/welcomePage.php">Home</a></li>
<li><a href = "/src/pages/aboutLoggedIn.html">About</a></li>
<li><a href = "/src/pages/logoutPage.php">Logout</a></li>

<div class = "inner cover">
<h1 class = "cover-heading">Academy Award Show Number <?php echo $academyNumber; ?>
<?php echo "($year[1])<br><span class = \"small\">Hosted by $acHost</span>"; ?></h1>
<?php echo $allDisplay; ?>
<div id ="modalContainer"></div>





$("#movieInfo").modal("show"); 被触发之前 bloc 实际上附加到您的网页。这是由于网络延迟和 AJAX 调用的异步行为允许您的脚本继续执行而无需等待获得答案。


function generateModal(movieT) {
var movieTitle = encodeURIComponent(movieT).replace(/%20/g, '+');
var url = ""+movieTitle+"&y=&plot=short";
$.getJSON(url, function(json) {
$('#modalContainer').html('<div id="movieInfo" class="modal fade" role="dialog">'
+ '<div class "modal-dialog modal-sm">'
+ '<div class="modal-content">'
+ '<div class="modal-body">'
+ '<div class="poster">'+'<img src='+json.Poster+' width=200 height=300>'+'</div>'
+ '<div class="movie-specs">'
+ '<button id="closebtn" type="button" class="close exit-button"s onclick="closeModal()">&times;</button>'
+ '<h3 class="movie-title">'+json.Title+' ('+json.Year+')</h3>'
+ '<p class="topmargin-gone">'+json.Rated+' | '+json.Runtime+' | '+json.Genre+'</p>'
+ '<p class="topmargin-gone">'+json.Released+'</p><hr>'
+ '<div class="ratingInfo">'
+ '<h4 class="topmargin-gone"><strong>Ratings</strong></h4><p class="topmargin-gone">Rated: '+json.imdbRating+'/10 '
+ 'from '+json.imdbVotes+' users | Metascore: '+json.Metascore+'</p>'
+ '</div><hr>'
+ '<div class="plot-actors">'
+ '<p>'+json.Plot+'</p><p><strong>Director: </strong>'+json.Director+'</p>'
+ '<p><strong>Writers: </strong>'+json.Writer+'</p>'
+ '<p><strong>Actors: </strong>'+json.Actors+'</p>'
+ '</div>'+'</div>'+'</div>'+'</div>'+'</div>'+'</div>');

// after we have made the modal, we show it
// code here will be fired before the end of the AJAX call

对于您的其他错误,我认为双模态可以解释该行为,因此请先修补它,如果您仍然无法关闭模态,请告诉我们 ;)

关于Javascript (JQuery) 和 Bootstrap 模态,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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