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javascript - 单击第一个图像时允许加载第二个图像,同时保持 WR.CSS 样式。

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 02:21:08 25 4
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我正在使用来自 W3.CSS 链接的基本 html/css 模板 here


<div class="w3-third">
<img src="/w3images/boy.jpg" style="width:100%" onclick="onClick(this)" alt="Quiet day at the beach. Cold, but beautiful">
<img src="/w3images/man_bench.jpg" style="width:100%" onclick="onClick(this)" alt="Waiting for the bus in the desert">
<img src="/w3images/natureboy.jpg" style="width:100%" onclick="onClick(this)" alt="Nature again.. At its finest!">


 <!-- Modal for full size images on click-->
<div id="modal01" class="w3-modal w3-black" style="padding-top:0" onclick="'none'">
<span class="w3-button w3-black w3-xlarge w3-display-topright">×</span>
<div class="w3-modal-content w3-animate-zoom w3-center w3-transparent w3-padding-64">
<img id="img01" class="w3-image">
<p id="caption"></p>




在您的 html 中:

<img src="/w3images/natureboy.jpg" style="width:100%" onclick="onClick('second-image-ocean')" alt="A boy surrounded by beautiful nature">

<img src="/w3images/ocean.jpg" style="display:none" id="second-image-ocean" alt="This ocean really reminds me of a boy...">

<img src="/w3images/girl_mountain.jpg" style="width:100%" onclick="onClick('second-image-trees')" alt="What a beautiful scenery this sunset">

<img src="/w3images/trees.jpg" style="display:none" id="second-image-trees" alt="These trees really remind me of a girl...">

然后在您的 JavaScript 中将函数 onClick 更改为:

function onClick(id) {
element = document.getElementById(id);
document.getElementById("img01").src = element.src;
document.getElementById("modal01").style.display = "block";
var captionText = document.getElementById("caption");
captionText.innerHTML = element.alt;

关于javascript - 单击第一个图像时允许加载第二个图像,同时保持 WR.CSS 样式。,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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