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java - 为什么用 C++ 编写的 BRMS 不如用 Java 编写的 BRMS 有用?

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-28 00:56:34 25 4
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我研究了一个星期的规则引擎,这个问题困扰了我很久。 View 将被确认如下:

  1. Most of rule engines are written in Java, not C or C++
  2. Most of companies prefer to select rule engines written in Java, not C or C++
  3. Specification.As far as i know JSR-94 is a Java Specification Request for a Java Rule Engine API, and there is no specification about C++.
  4. Activity of community.Most of people are interest in product written in Java,such as ILog Jrules,Drools.


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