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c++ - 如何解决我们必须向前和向后迭代的 Broken Necklace Problem

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-27 23:36:02 25 4
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This problem has been asked here but that's not what I am looking for.

大家好!我正在解决断链问题,这是一个 USACO 问题。这是问题所在:

你有一条由 N 个红色、白色或蓝色珠子组成的项链(3<=N<=350),其中一些是红色的,一些是蓝色的,还有一些是白色的,随机排列。以下是 n=29 的两个示例:

            1 2                               1 2
r b b r b r r b
r b b b
r r b r
r r w r
b r w w
b b r r
b b b b
b b r b
r r b r
b r r r
b r r r
r r r b
r b r r r w
Figure A Figure B
r red bead
b blue bead
w white bead


图 A 中的配置可以表示为一串 b 和 r,其中 b 代表蓝色珠子,r 代表红色珠子,如下所示:brbrrrbbbrrrrrrrbbbbbbrrrrb。




在一些项链中,如上图 B 所示,包含白色珠子。收集珠子时,遇到的白色珠子可能会被处理为红色或蓝色,然后涂上所需的颜色。表示此配置的字符串可以包含 r、b 和 w 三个符号中的任何一个。


实际上,我尝试使用 C++ 来解决问题。但是,我似乎在案例 3 中得到了一个错误的答案,即

77 rwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwbwrwbwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwr

我的代码输出 72 但答案是 74。我什至看不出答案是 74(难道我们必须减去 5 b block 才能得到 77-5=72)我们如何得到 74?我的代码怎么错了,我遗漏了哪些案例?我似乎无法调试此代码...


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main(){
//For faster I/O
//read and write files
freopen("", "r", stdin);
freopen("beads.out", "w", stdout);
//get as input all the bead colors
int N; cin >> N;
char beads[N]; for(int i=0;i<N;i++) cin >> beads[i];

//the max amount of stuff we can get
int maxCount = INT_MIN;
//some helper variables we'll need later
int currCount = 0; int counter1 = 0; int counter2 = 0; char currColor = 'w';

for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
//set counter1 and counter2 both to 0
counter1 = 0; counter2 = 0;
//the iterator
int j;

//First loop - forwards
j = i;
currColor = beads[i];
while(beads[j]==currColor || beads[j]=='w'){
if(currColor == 'w' && beads[j] != 'w') currColor = beads[j];
if(j==N-1) j=0;
else j++;
if(counter1 > N) break;

//Second loop - backwards
j = (i>0) ? i-1 : N-1;
currColor = (i>0) ? beads[i-1] : beads[N-1];
while(beads[j]==currColor || beads[j]=='w'){
if(currColor == 'w' && beads[j] != 'w') currColor = beads[j];
if(j==0) j=N-1;
else j--;
if(counter2 > N) break;

//get the current count and get max value
currCount = counter1 + counter2;
maxCount = max(currCount,maxCount);

if(maxCount > N) cout << N;
else cout << maxCount;

cout << "\n";

return 0;


对于您的代码,我稍微修正了一下。但不能保证它适用于所有情况。 74 是正确答案的原因是因为您可以将颜色从“r 变为 b”或“b 变为 r”。因此,例如,使用“rrrrbbb”,您可以捕获所有 7 个珠子。现在当它出现“w”时,它可能是“r”或“b”。因此,有了这个字符串。


您可以捕获 b 和它后面或前面的 w,但不能捕获 r。如果你捕获第一个 b 那么你也不能捕获第二个 b。因此,无论哪种方式抓取,您都将剩下 1r、1w 和 1b。

为什么你的代码不起作用,你不允许颜色从 r 变为 b 一次。我修复了你的前向代码,测试了你的代码,但我没有测试你的后向代码。它适用于下面的字符串,但谁知道所有其他字符串。





虽然传送代码看起来很酷,但它并不是最高效的代码。我想出了第二种解决方案来解决这个问题。那就是把珠子压缩成 block ,然后把珠子 block 加在一起。在那种方法中,我将珠子分为两种类型“r”和“b”。对于 'w' 珠子,如果它们在一个 block 之前,它们的计数将不会添加到该 block ,但我们会跟踪它们的计数。但是,如果他们在一个 block 之后,他们将被添加到一个 block 中。对于像 rwr 或 bbwwbb 这样的 'w' 珠子,它们成为该 block 的计数,或者简单地我们将它们分别转换为 r 或 b。最后我们只需要计算每个相邻的珠子 block 的数量。因此,保存嵌套循环。那是剧透代码2。剧透2也通过了提交。它看起来像 C 代码,但剧透 2 可以作为 C 或 CPP 代码提交。


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

int main(){
//For faster I/O
//read and write files
freopen("", "r", stdin);
freopen("beads.out", "w", stdout);
//get as input all the bead colors
int N; cin >> N;

char beads[N]; for(int i=0;i<N;i++) cin >> beads[i];

//the max amount of stuff we can get
int maxCount = INT_MIN;
//some helper variables we'll need later
int currCount = 0; int counter1 = 0; int counter2 = 0; char currColor = 'w';

for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
//set counter1 and counter2 both to 0
counter1 = 0; counter2 = 0;
//the iterator
int j;
bool changeOne = 0;

//First loop - forwards
j = i;
currColor = beads[i];
// The color allow to change one
// For example
// rrrrbbbb is perfectly 8 beads you can get.
// Nonetheless bbbrrrrbr you can only get the first 3b and 4 r to make the longesth.
// Now when it come to w, it can be either. Thus with this string below.
// rwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwrwbwrwbwrw
// you can get either one b with the w behind it or one b with the w before it.
if ( beads[j] != currColor ){
if ( beads[j] != 'w' && changeOne ) break;

// if we start with 'w'
// and the color haven't change
// we better change it
if ( currColor == 'w' )
currColor = beads[j];
changeOne = true;

if(currColor == 'w' && beads[j] != 'w') currColor = beads[j];

if(j==N-1) j=0;
else j++;

if(counter1 == N) break;

//Second loop - backwards
j = (i>0) ? i-1 : N-1;
currColor = (i>0) ? beads[i-1] : beads[N-1];
while(beads[j]==currColor || beads[j]=='w'){
if(currColor == 'w' && beads[j] != 'w') currColor = beads[j];
if(j==0) j=N-1;
else j--;
if(counter2 == N) break;

//get the current count and get max value
currCount = counter1 + counter2;
maxCount = max(currCount,maxCount);

if(maxCount > N) cout << N;
else cout << maxCount;

cout << "\n";

return 0;


#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main () {
ifstream fin("");
ofstream fout("beads.out");

int totalBeads, len, thisCount, j;
int maxL = 0,
changeOne = 0;

// Read into char array instead of
// string for faster performance
char beads[350], thisChar, lookFor;

fin >> len;
fin >> beads;

// lastIndex is made so that this
// doesn't have to be computed for every loop.
const int lastIndex = len - 1;

for (int i = 0; i < len; i++ ){
thisCount = 1;
lookFor = beads[i];
j = i + 1;
while(1) {
// If we reach the end
// we start again at the beginning.
if ( j > lastIndex ) j = 0;
// If we reach where we use to be
// we are done for this nested loop
if ( j == i ) goto makeLength;

thisChar = beads[j];

if ( thisChar != lookFor ){
if ( lookFor == 'w' ){
lookFor = thisChar;
} else if ( thisChar != 'w' ){
lookFor = thisChar;
// If bead already change between
// r and b one we are done.
if ( changeOne == 1 ){
if ( thisCount > maxL ) maxL = thisCount;
changeOne = 0;
// We are allow one change.

fout << maxL << endl;

return 0;

剧透 2( block 压缩):

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct beadBlock{
int preW;
int count;
char type;
} beadBlock;

int main () {
FILE *fin = fopen ("", "r");
FILE *fout = fopen ("beads.out", "w");

int len;
int maxL = 0,
thisCount = 0,
wCount = 0,
pos = 0,
blockLen = 0;

// For this algorithm we compress the beads to blocks of beads.
// At worst there is the same amount of block as bead.
// For example, rbrbrbrb.

// We never need to keep track of the white beads that are
// behind a block. This, method, included their count into the
// a block count.
beadBlock blocks[351];
char beads[351], thisChar, lookFor;

fscanf(fin, "%d", &len);
fscanf(fin, "%s", beads);

// Discard all white beads at the beginning of the string.
while ( beads[pos] == 'w' ){

// If pos == len, it is all w
// lookFor's value can be of anything
// because it won't be used.
if ( pos != len ) lookFor = beads[pos];
blocks[blockLen].preW = wCount;
for ( ; pos < len; pos++ ){
thisChar = beads[pos];

// If it is w we just increase
// the white count.
if ( thisChar == 'w' ) {
} else {

if ( thisChar != lookFor ){
blocks[blockLen].count = thisCount;
blocks[blockLen].type = lookFor;

// Preparing the wCount for next block.
blocks[blockLen].preW = wCount;
thisCount = 0;
lookFor = thisChar;
// For anything that is not a 'w', we turn wCount to zero.
wCount = 0;


blocks[blockLen].count = thisCount;
blocks[blockLen].type = lookFor;

if ( blockLen < 3 ){
// If there are less than 3 block, it is easy.
// If there is just www, the w count will be added
// by doing block[0].preW.
maxL = blocks[0].preW;
maxL += blocks[0].count;
if (blockLen == 2) maxL += blocks[1].count;
} else {
int lastBlock = blockLen - 1;
// If there were more than 3 blocks,
// we calculate the count of the border blocks first
// and use the length of the higher count.

// If block[0] and block[last] are the same type
// we need to add an additional block.
if ( blocks[0].type == blocks[lastBlock].type){
int maxL2;
// block[last] + block[0] + block[1]
// block[last] + block[last - 1] + block[0]
maxL = blocks[lastBlock].count;
// When calculating a block, any white
// succeeding a block will be inclusive in the count of
// that block but not the white beads proceeding it.
// Thus, when adding two block together that are next
// to each other we do not need to add the
// posW value to the count. However, we have to add preW
// to the value of the block that does not
// have any other block on the left of it.
maxL += blocks[lastBlock].preW;
maxL += blocks[0].preW;
maxL += blocks[0].count;
maxL += blocks[1].count;

maxL2 = blocks[lastBlock - 1].preW;
maxL2 += blocks[lastBlock - 1].count;
maxL2 += blocks[lastBlock].count;
maxL2 += blocks[0].preW;
maxL2 += blocks[0].count;
if ( maxL2 > maxL) maxL = maxL2;
} else {
// If last block and first block are not the same type,
// just add block[last] to block[0]
maxL = blocks[lastBlock].preW;
maxL += blocks[lastBlock].count;
maxL += blocks[0].preW;
maxL += blocks[0].count;
// Then we calculate the length of all
// blocks that are next to each other.
for ( int i = 0; i < lastBlock; i++ ){
// Reusing this count.
thisCount = blocks[i].preW;
thisCount += blocks[i].count;
thisCount += blocks[i+1].count;
if ( thisCount > maxL ) maxL = thisCount;

fprintf(fout, "%d\n", maxL );

return 0;

关于c++ - 如何解决我们必须向前和向后迭代的 Broken Necklace Problem,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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