gpt4 book ai didi

c++ - C++ 中的 vector 订阅错误

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我正在用 C++ 构建一个简单的 Tac Tac Toe 游戏,但是当轮到计算机时我收到 vector 订阅错误。我找不到这个错误的原因,请告诉我。


//Plays the game of Tic-Tac-Toe with a human opponent

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

//global constants
const char X = 'X';
const char O = 'O';
const char EMPTY = ' ';
const char TIE = 'T';
const char NO_ONE = 'N';

//function prototypes
void instructions();
char asYesNo(string question);
int askNumber(string question, int high, int low = 0);
char humanPiece();
char opponent(char piece);
void displayBoard(const vector<char>& board);
char winner(const vector<char>& board);
bool isLegal(const vector<char>& board, int move);
int humanMove(const vector<char>& board, char human);
int computerMove(vector<char> board, char computer);
void announceWinner(char winner, char computer, char human);

//main function
int main()
int move;
const int NUM_SQUARES = 9;
vector<char> board(NUM_SQUARES, EMPTY);

char human = humanPiece();
char computer = opponent(human);
char turn = X;

while (winner(board) == NO_ONE)
if (turn == human)
move = humanMove(board, human);
board[move] = human;
move = computerMove(board, computer);
board[move] = computer;
turn = opponent(turn);

announceWinner(winner(board), computer, human);

return 0;

//displays instructions
void instructions()
cout << "Welcome to the ultimate man-machine showdown: Tic-Tac-Toe.\n";
cout << "--where human brain is pit against silicon processor\n\n";

cout << "Make your move known by entering a number, 0 - 8. The number\n";
cout << "corresponds to the desired board position, as illustrated:\n\n";

cout << " 0 | 1 | 2\n";
cout << " ---------- \n";
cout << " 3 | 4 | 5\n";
cout << " ---------- \n";
cout << " 6 | 7 | 8\n\n";

cout << "Prepare yourself, human. The battle is about to begin.\n\n";

//asks 'yes' or 'no' until it gets an answer either equel to 'y' or 'n'
char askYesNo(string question)
char response;
cout << question << "(y/n): ";
cin >> response;
}while (response != 'y' && response != 'n');

return response;

//asks a number within a range ans keeps asking untill the number is within that range, next it return that number within the specific range
int askNumber(string question, int high, int low)
int number;
cout <<question << " (" <<low <<" - " <<high <<"): ";
cin >> number;
}while (number > high || number < low);

return number;

//asks who will go first, X always starts cuz of tradition
char humanPiece()
char go_first = askYesNo("Do you require the first move?");
if (go_first == 'y')
cout <<"\nThen take the first move, you will need it!\n";
return X;
cout <<"\nYour bravery will be your undoing...I will go first.\n";
return O;

//cuz X always starts we need to decide who will be X
char opponent(char piece)
if (piece == X)
return O;
return X;

//Displays the board
void displayBoard(const vector<char>& board)
cout <<"\n\t" <<board[0] << " | " <<board[1] << " | "<<board[2];
cout <<"\n\t" <<"---------";
cout <<"\n\t" <<board[3] << " | " <<board[4] << " | "<<board[5];
cout <<"\n\t" <<"---------";
cout <<"\n\t" <<board[6] << " | " <<board[7] << " | "<<board[8];
cout <<"\n\t" <<"---------";
cout <<"\n\n";

//checks every possible way for someone to win, if there is no winner it checks for a tie
char winner(const vector<char>& board)
//all possible winning rows
const int WINNING_ROWS[8][3] = {{0, 1, 2},
{3, 4, 5},
{6, 7, 8},
{0, 3, 6},
{1, 4, 7},
{2, 5, 8},
{0, 4, 8},
{2, 4, 6}};
const int TOTAL_ROWS = 8;

//if any winning row has three values that are the same (and not EMPTY),
//then we have a winner
for (int row = 0; row < TOTAL_ROWS; ++row)
if ( (board[WINNING_ROWS[row][0]] != EMPTY) &&
(board[WINNING_ROWS[row][0]] == board[WINNING_ROWS[row][1]]) &&
(board[WINNING_ROWS[row][1]] == board[WINNING_ROWS[row][2]]) )
return board[WINNING_ROWS[row][0]];

// since nobody has won, check for a tie (no EMPTY squares left)
if (count (board.begin(), board.end(), EMPTY) == 0)
return TIE;
// since nobody has won an it isn't a tie, the game ain't over
return NO_ONE;

//checks if the move is legal
inline bool isLegal(int move , const vector<char>& board)
return (board[move] == EMPTY);

//asks the human to typ his move and checks if it legal
int humanMove(const vector<char>& board, char human)
int move = askNumber("Where will you move?", (board.size() -1));
while (!isLegal(move, board))
cout <<"\nThat square is already occupied, foolish human.\n";
move = askNumber("Where will you move?", (board.size() -1));
cout <<"Fine...\n";

return move;

//calculate's the computers move
int computerMove(vector<char> board, char computer)
//three good steps to win:
//1. if the computer can win, make that winning move
//2. if the human can win, block that son of a b*tch
//3. otherwise take the middle, if not possible the corners and so on

unsigned int move = O;
bool found = false;

//if the computer can win, make that winning move
while (!found && move < board.size())
if (isLegal (move, board))
board[move] = computer;
found = winner(board) == computer;
board[move] = EMPTY;

if (!found)

//if the human can win, block that son of a b*tch
if (!found)
move = O;
char human = opponent(computer);

while (!found && move < board.size())
if (isLegal(move, board))
board[move] = human;
found = winner(board) == human;
board[move] = EMPTY;

if (!found)

//otherwise take the middle, if not possible the corners and so on
if (!found)
move = O;
unsigned int i = O;

const int BEST_MOVES[] = {4, 0, 2, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7};
//pick best open square
while (!found && i < board.size())
move = BEST_MOVES[i];
if (isLegal(move, board))
found = true;


cout <<"I shall take a square number " <<move <<endl;
return move;

//tells (epicly) who won the game
void announceWinner(char winner, char computer, char human)
if (winner == computer)
cout << winner <<"'s won!\n";
cout << "As i predicted, human, I am triumphant once more -- proof\n";
cout << "that computers are superior to humans in all regards.\n";

else if (winner == human)
cout << winner <<"'s won!\n";
cout <<"No, no! It cannot be! Somehow you tricked me, human.\n";
cout <<"But never again! I, the computer, so swear it!\n";

cout <<"It's a tie.\n";
cout <<"You were most lucky, human, and somehow managed to tie me.\n";
cout <<"Celebrate... for this is the best you will ever archieve.\n";




int move = O;

const char O = 'O';

所以... move 值 79(字母 O 的 ASCII 值),这比您的棋盘大小 (9) 大。结果,没有执行 computerMove 的任何循环,因为您总是有 move > board.size() 并且您返回 move = 79 - 所以错误,因为您超出了 board 的大小:

board[move] = computer;


int move = 0;

在你的函数 computerMove() 的每一步

关于c++ - C++ 中的 vector 订阅错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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