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用于打印 SIMPLE 的 Javascript 函数

转载 作者:行者123 更新时间:2023-11-27 23:00:02 26 4
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我是编程新手,不明白为什么 innerHTML 函数不会在屏幕上打印值(我意识到我使用了两个函数,对于这么少量的代码来说,这似乎是多余的,但这是因为它用于更大的项目)

<!DOCTYPE html>

<form id="moneyform" name="moneyform">
<select id="money" name="money" onselect="calculateTotal()">
<option value="loon">1 dollar</option>
<option value="toon">2 dollar</option>
<p id="pg"></p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="TEST.js"></script>


var moneyprice = new Array();
moneyprice["loon"] = 1;
moneyprice["toon"] = 2;

function moneyTotal() {
var mons = 0;
var frm = document.forms["moneyform"];
var selectedMoney = frm.elements["money"];
mons = moneyprice[selectedMoney.value]

return mons;

function calculateTotal() {
var total = moneyTotal();

document.getElementById("pg").innerHTML = total;



首先,您正在使用 onselect 事件来启动,但是 select适用于当用户选择 text 字段或 textarea 中的文本时。您需要使用 change 事件,该事件在元素值更改时触发。


var moneyprice = new Array();  // Ok.

// moneyprice doesn't/can't have a "loon" or a "toon" index
// so neither of these lines accomplish anything
moneyprice["loon"] = 1;
moneyprice["toon"] = 2;

console.log(moneyprice); // Empty array

// ******************************************

// Now, this is how to use an array:
var moneyprice2 = new Array(); // Ok.

// You interact with an Array via its numeric indexes:
moneyprice2[0] = "loon";
moneyprice2[1] = "toon";

console.log(moneyprice2); // Empty array

现在,尚不清楚您正试图用该数组做什么,而且您正试图做的事情似乎并没有多大意义 - 您的函数谈论金钱和计算总计,但您的 select 有字符串值。

最后,您使用的代码使用了您确实不应该太习惯使用的古老技术。那里有很多糟糕的代码,因此请向信誉良好的来源学习。 The Mozilla Developer Network是一个。

查看这个缩减的解决方案,让您了解启动和运行某些“事件部件”。请注意所有 JavaScript 是如何与 HTML 分开的。

// Get your element references the proper way.
// No need to get a reference to the form, just to get a reference
// to the select and even if we did want to get a reference
// to the form, we use the modern DOM API to do it (not document[forms]).
let select = document.getElementById("money");
let pg = document.getElementById("pg");

// Set up event handlers in JavaScript, not with HTML attributes
select.addEventListener("change", calculateTotal);

function calculateTotal() {
// .innerHTML should only be used when the string you are dealing with
// contains HTML that needs to be parsed as such. When there isn't any
// HTML, use .textContent
pg.textContent = select.value;
<form id="moneyform">
<select id="money" name="money">
<option value="loon">1 dollar</option>
<option value="toon">2 dollar</option>
<p id="pg"></p>

关于用于打印 SIMPLE 的 Javascript 函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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