- android - 多次调用 OnPrimaryClipChangedListener
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- android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException : Index 0 requested, 光标大小为 0
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当我编译时它说“警告 C4700:使用了未初始化的局部变量‘count’”。我不确定为什么要这样说,我没有来这里,所以有人可以做我的作业。只是寻求有关此错误的帮助,我知道它与函数定义 ReadStudentData 或 Main 中有关。
using namespace std;
struct StudentType
{string studentName;
int testScore;//Between 0 and 100
char grade;
void PrintNameHeader(ostream& out);
bool OpenInputFile(ifstream& inFile, string& infilename ); //OPEN input file
void Pause();// Pause
void ReadStudentData(ifstream& infile, StudentType student[], int& );// Read student infp including first and last name and test score
void AssignGrades(StudentType student[], int);//assign grades to each student
int HighestScore(const StudentType student[], int );//Get the highest scores
void PrintNamesWithHighestScore(const StudentType student[], int);//Print name with highest Scores
void DisplayAllStudents(const StudentType student[], int);//Display all students
void GetLowHighRangeValues(int& , int&);//for example a student types 50 100 , it will get all students within that range
void DisplayStudentsInRange(const StudentType student[], int, int, int);// display students in that range
void SortStudentsByName(StudentType student[], int);// sort students by name
void SortStudentsByScore(StudentType student[], int);// sort students by test score highest to lowest
const int NUM_STUDENTS = 20;
int main()
ifstream infile;
string inFilename;
int count = 0;
StudentType student[NUM_STUDENTS];
int numStudents;
ReadStudentData(infile, student, numStudents);
AssignGrades(student, numStudents);
return 0;
//Function definitions
void PrintNameHeader(ostream& out)
//Display name header on screen
cout << "name" << endl;
bool OpenInputFile(ifstream& inFile, string& infilename)
cout << "Enter the name of the .txt file that you want to open for input.\n";
cout << "Do not put spaces in the file name ";
cin >> infilename;
cout << endl;
if (inFile.fail())
cout << "Sorry, the input file " << infilename <<" was not found"<< endl;\
return false;
cout << "Input file " << infilename << " is open for reading.\n\n";
return true;
void Pause()
cout << endl;
cin.ignore(80, '\n');
cout<<"Please hit the enter key to continue...\n";
void ReadStudentData(ifstream& infile, StudentType student[], int& numstudents)
string firstName,
int count = 0;
if( infile)
for (int count; count < NUM_STUDENTS; count++)
cin >> firstName[count] >> LastName[count] >> testScore[count];
student[count].studentName = firstName + ", " + LastName;
numstudents = count;
cout << numstudents << endl;
void AssignGrades(StudentType student[], int numstudents)
int i;
for(i=0;i< NUM_STUDENTS;i++)
{case 10:
case 9: student[i].grade='A';
case 8: student[i].grade='B';
case 7: student[i].grade='C';
case 6: student[i].grade='D';
default: student[i].grade='F';
int HighestScore(const StudentType student[], int numstudents)
int max=0,i;
return max;
void PrintNamesWithHighestScore(const StudentType student[], int numstudents)
void DisplayAllStudents(const StudentType student[], int numstudents)
void GetLowHighRangeValues(int& lowRange, int& highRange)
void DisplayStudentsInRange(const StudentType student[], int numStudents, int lownum, int highNum)
void SortStudentsByName(StudentType student[], int numStudents)
void SortStudentsByScore(StudentType student[], int numstudents)
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