- android - 多次调用 OnPrimaryClipChangedListener
- android - 无法更新 RecyclerView 中的 TextView 字段
- android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException : Index 0 requested, 光标大小为 0
- android - 使用 AppCompat 时,我们是否需要明确指定其 UI 组件(Spinner、EditText)颜色
我正在尝试使用 HTML5 音频和基于 Canvas 的频率创建可视化工具。它在 chrome 和 safari 上运行良好。但我想让它也能在 IE 和 Firefox 上运行。
// Create a new instance of an audio object and adjust some of its properties
var audio = new Audio();
audio.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
audio.src = 'http://www.streaming507.com:8072/stream';
audio.controls = true;
audio.loop = true;
// Establish all variables that your Analyser will use
var canvas, ctx, source, context, analyser, fbc_array, bars, bar_x, bar_width, bar_height;
// Initialize the MP3 player after the page loads all of its HTML into the window
window.addEventListener("load", initMp3Player, false);
function initMp3Player() {
context = new webkitAudioContext(); // AudioContext object instance
analyser = context.createAnalyser(); // AnalyserNode method
canvas = document.getElementById('analyser_render');
ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
// Re-route audio playback into the processing graph of the AudioContext
source = context.createMediaElementSource(audio);
// frameLooper() animates any style of graphics you wish to the audio frequency
// Looping at the default frame rate that the browser provides(approx. 60 FPS)
function frameLooper() {
fbc_array = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // Clear the canvas
var my_gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 170, 0);
my_gradient.addColorStop(0, "black");
my_gradient.addColorStop(0.5, "red");
my_gradient.addColorStop(1, "white");
ctx.fillStyle = my_gradient; // Color of the bars
bars = 100;
for (var i = 0; i < bars; i++) {
bar_x = i * 3;
bar_width = 2;
bar_height = -(fbc_array[i] / 2);
// fillRect( x, y, width, height ) // Explanation of the parameters below
ctx.fillRect(bar_x, canvas.height, bar_width, bar_height);
div#mp3_player {
width: 500px;
height: 60px;
background: #000;
padding: 5px;
margin: 50px auto;
div#mp3_player > div > audio {
width: 500px;
background: #000;
float: left;
div#mp3_player > canvas {
width: 500px;
height: 30px;
background: #002D3C;
float: left;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="mp3_player">
<div id="audio_box"></div>
<canvas id="analyser_render"></canvas>
请注意,它不显示堆栈溢出的可视化,但它可以在本地主机上运行。基本上,它在 IE 和 Moz 上不显示的问题是 webkitAudioContext()
和 webkitRequestAnimationFrame()
。从第一个中删除 webkit 使其可以在 chrome 和 IE 上工作,但在 Safari 上停止工作。
有什么办法让它在当前的浏览器(如 Chrome、Safari、Firefox 和 IE)中工作吗?
var Actx;
try {
Actx = (AudioContext || webkitAudioContext);
catch(err) {
// sorry, no visualizer for you...
if (Actx) {
context = new Actx();
// ... continue here
else {
// optionally rub it in here instead of in catch...
,您可以使用this polyfill ,然后使用不带前缀的:
function frameLooper() {
关于javascript - 如何使AudioContext()和RequestAnimationFrame()在当前浏览器中运行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41372553/
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