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我正在尝试为 3 个团队生成 3 个随机分数并确定哪个分数最高。我的做法是使用Predfined
编写一个名为 max
的函数,它接受三个 int
类型的参数并返回参数的最大值。您的程序必须同时具有此函数的声明和定义。函数声明必须放在 main
编写执行以下操作的函数 main()
一个。生成一个介于 10 和 40 之间的随机整数作为三个团队中每个团队的分数Hoosier、Boilermakers 和 Fighting Irish,并打印出这些乐谱。你的程序必须能够在不同时间运行时生成不同的分数序列。
调用任务 1 中定义的函数 max
将最大的分数与 Hoosier 的分数进行比较,并打印出“Go Hoosier!!!”如果 Hoosier 队的得分等于所有队中得分最高的。
Author: Dan Wingeart
Assignment: Lab 9
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int max(int Hscore, int Pscore, int Fscore);
int main()
int Fscore, Pscore, Hscore, highestScore;
Fscore = 10 + rand() % 40;
Pscore = 10 + rand() % 40;
Hscore = 10 + rand() % 40;
cout << "Prediction performance of sport teams:" << endl;
cout << "Team Hoosier's score is " << Hscore << endl;
cout << "Team Boilermakers' score is " << Pscore << endl;
cout << "Team Fighting Irish's score is " << Fscore << endl;
highestScore = max(Hscore, Pscore, Fscore)
if (max>Pscore&&max>Fscore){
cout << "The largest score is " << max << endl;
cout << "GO HOOSIER!!!" << endl;}
cout << "The largest score is " << max << endl;
return 0;
int max(int Hscore, int Pscore, int Fscore)
if (Hscore>Pscore&&Hscore>Fscore){
cout << Hscore;}
else if (Pscore>Hscore&&Pscore>Fscore){
cout << Pscore;}
cout << Fscore;}
return 0;
1> Lab9.cpp
1>c:\users\mackiller\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\lab9\lab9\lab9.cpp(34): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before 'if'
1>c:\users\mackiller\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\lab9\lab9\lab9.cpp(34): error C2563: mismatch in formal parameter list
1>c:\users\mackiller\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\lab9\lab9\lab9.cpp(34): error C2563: mismatch in formal parameter list
1>c:\users\mackiller\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\lab9\lab9\lab9.cpp(35): error C2679: binary '<<' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'overloaded-function' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
1> c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\ostream(679): could be 'std::basic_ostream<_Elem,_Traits> &std::operator <<<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::basic_ostream<_Elem,_Traits> &,const char *)'
1> with
1>c:\users\mackiller\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\lab9\lab9\lab9.cpp(38): error C2679: binary '<<' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'overloaded-function' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
1> c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\vc\include\ostream(679): could be 'std::basic_ostream<_Elem,_Traits> &std::operator <<<char,std::char_traits<char>>(std::basic_ostream<_Elem,_Traits> &,const char *)'
1> with
//don't forget to like if the solution is working
//ask ban
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int max(int Hscore, int Pscore, int Fscore);
int main()
srand ( time(NULL) );//(1)
int Fscore, Pscore, Hscore, highestScore;
Fscore = 10 + rand() % 40;
Pscore = 10 + rand() % 40;
Hscore = 10 + rand() % 40;
cout << "Prediction performance of sport teams:" << endl;
cout << "Team Hoosrand ( time(NULL) );sier's score is " << Hscore << endl;
cout << "Team Boilermakers' score is " << Pscore << endl;
cout << "Team Fighting Irish's score is " << Fscore << endl;
highestScore = max(Hscore, Pscore, Fscore);
return 0;
int max(int a, int b, int c)
if(a>b && a>c)//we assume that a is the maximum. This means that a > b and a > c
return a;
else // if a is not maximum then we assume that b is maximum
return b;
return c;// if a and b are not maximum then c is maximum
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