- android - 多次调用 OnPrimaryClipChangedListener
- android - 无法更新 RecyclerView 中的 TextView 字段
- android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException : Index 0 requested, 光标大小为 0
- android - 使用 AppCompat 时,我们是否需要明确指定其 UI 组件(Spinner、EditText)颜色
我试图限制界限,但遇到了问题。我正在放大另一个 Canvas 上的图像,然后实现缩放和平移。我的问题(下面的代码)是限制/限制 offsetx/y,这样你就永远不会看到空白;仅部分图像。
请原谅!任何帮助表示赞赏! :P
var zoomIntensity = 0.2;
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var canvas2 = document.getElementById("canvas2");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var context2 = canvas2.getContext("2d");
var width = 200;
var height = 200;
var scale = 1;
var originx = 0;
var originy = 0;
var offset = {x:0, y:0};
//fill smaller canvas with random pixels
for(var x = 0; x < 100; x++)
for(var y = 0; y < 100; y++)
var rando = function(){return Math.floor(Math.random() * 9)};
var val = rando();
context2.fillStyle = "#" + val + val + val;
//draw the larger canvas
function draw()
context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
// Clear screen to white.
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillRect(originx - offset.x, originy - offset.y, width/scale, height/scale);
context.drawImage(canvas2, 0,0, width, height);
// Draw loop at 60FPS.
setInterval(draw, 1000/60);
canvas.onmousewheel = function (event){
// Get mouse offset.
var mousex = event.clientX - canvas.offsetLeft;
var mousey = event.clientY - canvas.offsetTop;
// Normalize wheel to +1 or -1.
var wheel = event.wheelDelta/120;
// Compute zoom factor.
var zoom = Math.exp(wheel*zoomIntensity);
// Translate so the visible origin is at the context's origin.
context.translate(originx - offset.x, originy - offset.y); //offset is panning
//make sure we don't zoom out further than normal scale
var resultingScale = scale * zoom;
if(resultingScale < 1)
zoom = 1/scale;
// Compute the new visible origin. Originally the mouse is at a
// distance mouse/scale from the corner, we want the point under
// the mouse to remain in the same place after the zoom, but this
// is at mouse/new_scale away from the corner. Therefore we need to
// shift the origin (coordinates of the corner) to account for this.
originx -= mousex/(scale*zoom) - mousex/scale;
originy -= mousey/(scale*zoom) - mousey/scale;
// Scale it (centered around the origin due to the trasnslate above).
context.scale(zoom, zoom);
// Offset the visible origin to it's proper position.
context.translate(-originx + offset.x, -originy + offset.y); //offset is panning
// Update scale and others.
scale *= zoom;
document.onkeydown = function (evt)
var offsetx = 0;
var offsety = 0;
case 37: //left
offsetx = 1;
case 38: //up
offsety = 1;
case 39: //right
offsetx = -1
case 40: //down
offsety = -1;
offsetx /= scale;
offsety /= scale;
offset.x += offsetx;
offset.y += offsety;
<canvas id="canvas" width="200" height="200"></canvas>
<canvas id="canvas2" width="100" height="100"></canvas>
要限制位置,您需要将图像的 Angular 坐标转换为屏幕坐标。由于获取转换仍然不是跨浏览器的标准,下面的演示包含转换的副本。
对象 view
包含 Canvas View 。当您使用函数 view.setBounds(top,left,right,bottom);
时, View 将锁定到该区域(您正在查看的图像 0,0,100,100)
比例和位置(原点)将被限制在边界之外或由 view.setContext(context)
设置的 Canvas 上下文的边缘之一。
函数 scaleAt(pos,amount);
要设置转换,请使用 view.apply()
这将更新 View 转换并设置上下文转换。
Demo 是 OP 示例宽度修改的副本以回答问题。
// use requestAnimationFrame when doing any form of animation via javascript
var zoomIntensity = 0.2;
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var canvas2 = document.getElementById("canvas2");
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
var context2 = canvas2.getContext("2d");
var width = 200;
var height = 200;
context.font = "24px arial";
context.textAlign = "center";
context.lineJoin = "round"; // to prevent miter spurs on strokeText
//fill smaller canvas with random pixels
for(var x = 0; x < 100; x++){
for(var y = 0; y < 100; y++) {
var rando = function(){return Math.floor(Math.random() * 9)};
var val = rando();
if(x === 0 || y === 0 || x === 99 || y === 99){
context2.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
context2.fillStyle = "#" + val + val + val;
// mouse holds mouse position button state, and if mouse over canvas with overid
var mouse = {
pos : {x : 0, y : 0},
worldPos : {x : 0, y : 0},
posLast : {x : 0, y : 0},
button : false,
overId : "", // id of element mouse is over
dragging : false,
whichWheel : -1, // first wheel event will get the wheel
wheel : 0,
// View handles zoom and pan (can also handle rotate but have taken that out as rotate can not be contrained without losing some of the image or seeing some of the background.
const view = (()=>{
const matrix = [1,0,0,1,0,0]; // current view transform
const invMatrix = [1,0,0,1,0,0]; // current inverse view transform
var m = matrix; // alias
var im = invMatrix; // alias
var scale = 1; // current scale
const bounds = {
topLeft : 0,
left : 0,
right : 200,
bottom : 200,
var useConstraint = true; // if true then limit pan and zoom to
// keep bounds within the current context
var maxScale = 1;
const workPoint1 = {x :0, y : 0};
const workPoint2 = {x :0, y : 0};
const wp1 = workPoint1; // alias
const wp2 = workPoint2; // alias
var ctx;
const pos = { // current position of origin
x : 0,
y : 0,
var dirty = true;
const API = {
canvasDefault () { ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0) },
if(dirty){ this.update() }
getScale () { return scale },
getMaxScale () { return maxScale },
matrix, // expose the matrix
invMatrix, // expose the inverse matrix
update(){ // call to update transforms
dirty = false;
m[3] = m[0] = scale;
m[1] = m[2] = 0;
m[4] = pos.x;
m[5] = pos.y;
this.invScale = 1 / scale;
// calculate the inverse transformation
var cross = m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2];
im[0] = m[3] / cross;
im[1] = -m[1] / cross;
im[2] = -m[2] / cross;
im[3] = m[0] / cross;
maxScale = Math.min(
ctx.canvas.width / (bounds.right - bounds.left) ,
ctx.canvas.height / (bounds.bottom - bounds.top)
if (scale < maxScale) { m[0] = m[3] = scale = maxScale }
wp1.x = bounds.left;
wp1.y = bounds.top;
if (wp2.x > 0) { m[4] = pos.x -= wp2.x }
if (wp2.y > 0) { m[5] = pos.y -= wp2.y }
wp1.x = bounds.right;
wp1.y = bounds.bottom;
if (wp2.x < ctx.canvas.width) { m[4] = (pos.x -= wp2.x - ctx.canvas.width) }
if (wp2.y < ctx.canvas.height) { m[5] = (pos.y -= wp2.y - ctx.canvas.height) }
toWorld(from,point = {}){ // convert screen to world coords
var xx, yy;
if(dirty){ this.update() }
xx = from.x - m[4];
yy = from.y - m[5];
point.x = xx * im[0] + yy * im[2];
point.y = xx * im[1] + yy * im[3];
return point;
toScreen(from,point = {}){ // convert world coords to screen coords
if(dirty){ this.update() }
point.x = from.x * m[0] + from.y * m[2] + m[4];
point.y = from.x * m[1] + from.y * m[3] + m[5];
return point;
scaleAt(at, amount){ // at in screen coords
if(dirty){ this.update() }
scale *= amount;
pos.x = at.x - (at.x - pos.x) * amount;
pos.y = at.y - (at.y - pos.y) * amount;
dirty = true;
move(x,y){ // move is in screen coords
pos.x += x;
pos.y += y;
dirty = true;
ctx = context;
dirty = true;
bounds.top = top;
bounds.left = left;
bounds.right = right;
bounds.bottom = bottom;
useConstraint = true;
dirty = true;
return API;
//draw the larger canvas
function draw(){
view.canvasDefault(); // se default transform to clear screen
context.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
context.fillStyle = "white";
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
view.apply(); // set the current view
context.drawImage(canvas2, 0,0);
if(view.getScale() === view.getMaxScale()){
context.fillStyle = "black";
context.strokeStyle = "white";
context.lineWidth = 2.5;
context.strokeText("Max scale.",context.canvas.width / 2,24);
context.fillText("Max scale.",context.canvas.width / 2,24);
if(mouse.overId === "canvas"){
canvas.style.cursor = mouse.button ? "none" : "move";
canvas.style.cursor = "default";
// add events to document so that mouse is captured when down on canvas
// This allows the mouseup event to be heard no matter where the mouse has
// moved to.
function mouseEvent (event){
mouse.overId = event.target.id;
if(event.target.id === "canvas" || mouse.dragging){ // only interested in canvas mouse events including drag event started on the canvas.
mouse.posLast.x = mouse.pos.x;
mouse.posLast.y = mouse.pos.y;
mouse.pos.x = event.clientX - canvas.offsetLeft;
mouse.pos.y = event.clientY - canvas.offsetTop;
view.toWorld(mouse.pos, mouse.worldPos); // gets the world coords (where on canvas 2 the mouse is)
if (event.type === "mousemove"){
mouse.pos.x - mouse.posLast.x,
mouse.pos.y - mouse.posLast.y
} else if (event.type === "mousedown") { mouse.button = true; mouse.dragging = true }
else if (event.type === "mouseup") { mouse.button = false; mouse.dragging = false }
else if(event.type === "mousewheel" && (mouse.whichWheel === 1 || mouse.whichWheel === -1)){
mouse.whichWheel = 1;
mouse.wheel = event.wheelDelta;
}else if(event.type === "wheel" && (mouse.whichWheel === 2 || mouse.whichWheel === -1)){
mouse.whichWheel = 2;
mouse.wheel = -event.deltaY;
}else if(event.type === "DOMMouseScroll" && (mouse.whichWheel === 3 || mouse.whichWheel === -1)){
mouse.whichWheel = 3;
mouse.wheel = -event.detail;
if(mouse.wheel !== 0){
view.scaleAt(mouse.pos, Math.exp((mouse.wheel / 120) *zoomIntensity));
mouse.wheel = 0;
div { user-select: none;} /* mouse prevent drag selecting content */
canvas { border:2px solid black;}
<canvas id="canvas" width="200" height="200"></canvas>
<canvas id="canvas2" width="100" height="100"></canvas>
<p>Mouse wheel to zoom. Mouse click drag to pan.</p>
<p>Zoomed image constrained to canvas</p>
关于javascript - 缩放时如何绑定(bind)图像平移(HTML Canvas),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44009094/
我可以使用两种方法添加一个 child ,一种是 Canvas.AddVisualChild(Visual); Canvas.AddLogicalChild(Visual); 我在视觉对象的 Draw
在过去的几周里,我一直在尝试各种方法,试图找到将 BDD 用于依赖于 HTML5 Canvas 元素以及用户与之交互的 Web 应用程序的最佳方法。 我一直在使用 Jasmine 和 Cucumber
我正在尝试完成撤消/重做。我正在使用loadFromJSON(...)从我存储在数组中的 Canvas 状态重新构建 Canvas 。基本上,我的想法是破坏现有的 Canvas 并重新构建 Canva
我正在尝试在 Canvas 上设置简单的放大/缩小功能。我正在使用 KineticJS 处理触摸事件并在 Canvas 中绘图,但无法实现缩放。 KinteicJS 有一个类似的例子,但它们总是在中心
我正在使用 processing.js 在 javascript 中开发一个画笔应用程序 它正在使用 Canvas 对象。我想在 Canvas 的背景中保留一个图像。在前景中画一些东西。在保存时,我只
您好,我想为 discord.js Bot 安装 Canvas 。 当我尝试使用以下命令安装 Canvas 时npm install canvas我收到以下错误: pi@server:~/Bots/D
我正在尝试使用 Canvas 和动力学的组合来构建填充图案,但在尝试获得连续线时遇到了问题。 此 jsfiddle显示了到目前为止我所拥有的,但是因为我的重复模式是正方形,角会影响线条,我尝试使用 l
我正在开发一个 webassembly 程序。 我可以使用 emscripten_set_canvas_size 设置 Canvas 大小(我一直读到我需要切换到新的 API,因为这个 API 会贬值
您好,我已经为第一个 Canvas 中的第一个图像创建了一个圆形表单,但我没有成功使用第一个 Canvas 的 dataURL 并将其添加到第二个 Canvas 中。 这是我的 fiddle :htt
问题在于不同浏览器之间的不一致。 使用Dart Chrome,JS Chrome,JS Opera运行 双击可以进入和退出全屏 m_oCanvas.width =(window.screen.widt
我正在使用Flutter框架和Dart开发图像编辑器,因此无法将矩阵滤镜应用于 Canvas 。 我正在尝试使用“Paint”类和“canvas.drawPaint(paint)”函数将矩阵过滤器应用
如果在已经具有非整数比例因子的 Canvas 上绘制图像,我会遇到 Canvas 上下文drawImage()方法的问题。似乎这样的图像以一种奇怪的方式被剪切(有时图像的最右边的部分被剪切,有时是最底
Canvas 的“宽度”属性值有限制吗? 在下面的示例中,我在 ScrolledWindow 中创建一个 Canvas。 # Packages package require BWidget # Ma
我正在尝试制作类似于 this article 底部的效果的文本效果 我建议的方法是: 制作两个 Canvas ,一个是可见的,另一个是不可见的我用它作为缓冲区。 在缓冲区 Canvas 上绘制一些文
例如var new = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); 我希望这个新变量中存在的 base64 显示到存在的第二个 Canvas 元素中。但是它不使用 drawimage
有人有使用这两个 Node.js 库中的一个或两个的经验吗?很想知道每个人的成功或困难。 最佳答案 LearnBoost是社区中最多产的 Node 模块开发人员之一,因此我选择使用 node-canv
如何知道 Canvas 运行的是“WebGL”还是普通 Canvas ? 通过检查源代码,我发现这两种情况都是 Canvas 。 最佳答案 这真的取决于你想如何去发现。 例如你可以这样调用 `getC
在 Canvas 上绘图非常好。甚至橡皮擦也能正常工作。问题是,当 Canvas 保存为图像时,它绘制的是黑线而不是橡皮擦。 为了更好地理解,我添加了屏幕截图和代码。 1。在删除绘图时 - 一个。源代
我正在尝试为 Canvas 附加鼠标悬停和鼠标移出事件: 默认 Canvas 是函数drawcircle的 Canvas 。 如果用户越过 Canvas ,应将其更改为drawEllipse的 Can
我正在使用 Three.js 构建一个简单的 2D 游戏。我只使用世界的 X 和 Y 位置来移动对象,将它们的 z 位置保留为零。我使用禁用旋转的 TrackballControls,以允许使用右键单