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c++ - 当到达 main() 时,由全局变量的构造函数初始化的静态模板变量为空

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 13:24:53 25 4
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template < typename TYPE >
struct foo
static TYPE bar;

template < typename TYPE >
TYPE foo < TYPE >::bar;

template < typename RET, typename... ARGS >
struct changer
typedef std::function < RET ( ARGS... ) > type;

static void set ( type v ) { foo < type >::bar = v; }

static type get () { return foo < type >::bar; }

void custom_func ( int i )
std::cout << "called with " << i << std::endl;

struct initializer
typedef changer < void, int > changer_t;

initializer ()
changer_t::set ( std::bind ( & custom_func, std::placeholders::_1 ) );
call ( 1 );

void call ( int v )
auto myfunc = changer_t::get ();

if ( myfunc ) myfunc ( v );
else std::cout << "myfunc is empty" << std::endl;

initializer x;

int main()
{ ( 2 );

return 0;


called with 1
myfunc is empty

当我将 foochanger 更改为非模板代码时

struct foo
static std::function < void ( int ) > bar;

std::function < void ( int ) > foo::bar;

struct changer
typedef std::function < void ( int ) > type;

static void set ( type v ) { foo::bar = v; }

static type get () { return foo::bar; }


called with 1
called with 2


使用 MSVC2013 和 g++ 测试 templated | not-templated

更新:我只是不小心在VS中构建了 Release模式,其中模板版本输出

called with 1
called with 2

...我在逗 UB 吗?


模板的静态成员具有无序初始化。这意味着 bar 可能(但也可能不会)为您的目的初始化得太晚 - 在 x 初始化之后。


另见 Initialization order of static data inside class template .

关于c++ - 当到达 main() 时,由全局变量的构造函数初始化的静态模板变量为空,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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