- android - 多次调用 OnPrimaryClipChangedListener
- android - 无法更新 RecyclerView 中的 TextView 字段
- android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException : Index 0 requested, 光标大小为 0
- android - 使用 AppCompat 时,我们是否需要明确指定其 UI 组件(Spinner、EditText)颜色
============================================= ============================
//importing libraries for cin and cout, as well as setw() and setprecision()
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std; //sets all code to standard syntax
int main(){ //initializes the main function
//initializing variables
char answer = ' ';
int saleItems = 0;
double saleTax = 0.0;
double grandTotal = 0.0;
double itemValue = 0.0;
double titemValue = 0.0;
double taxPerc = 0.0;
//begins a post-test loop
do {
titemValue = 0.0; //makes sure the accumulator resets WITHIN the loop
//prompts for sale items amount
cout << "How many sales items do you have? : ";
cin >> saleItems;
//creates a loop that displays the prompt for each iteration of saleItems
for (int x = 1; x <= saleItems; x += 1){
cout << "Enter in the value of sales item " << x << " : $";
cin >> itemValue;
titemValue += itemValue; //accumulator for adding up the iterated values
//prompts the user to enter a sales percentage
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Enter in the sales tax percentage(Enter 10 for 10%): ";
cin >> taxPerc;
cout << endl << endl;
//processes the variables after taxPerc has been given
saleTax = titemValue * (taxPerc / 100);
grandTotal = titemValue + saleTax;
//sets decimal precision to 2 places
cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
//displays receipt with the calculated and input values
cout << "********************************************" << endl;
cout << "******** S A L E S R E C E I P T ********" << endl;
cout << "********************************************" << endl;
cout << "** **" << endl;
cout << "** **" << endl;
cout << "** **" << endl;
cout << "** **" << endl;
cout << "** Total Sales $" << setw(9) << titemValue << " **" << endl;
cout << "** Sales Tax $" << setw(9) << saleTax << " **" << endl;
cout << "** ---------- **" << endl;
cout << "** Grand Total $" << setw(9) << grandTotal << " **" << endl;
cout << "** **" << endl;
cout << "** **" << endl;
cout << "********************************************" << endl << endl << endl;
//prompts user to begin loop again
cout << "Do you want to run this program again? (Y/N):";
cin >> answer;
answer = toupper(answer);
cout << endl << endl;
} while (answer == 'Y');
============================================= ============================
因此,从本质上讲,我需要能够将每个 itemValue 保存为多个不同的值,而无需循环重复自身,只需替换它们,考虑到累加器将继续循环,我真的不知道我该怎么做,并将 itemValue 值相加。
在顶部声明一个数组。注意:你必须给它一个固定的大小。有多种方法可以使大小可变,但它们会变得更复杂(例如 vector )。最好使用常量而不是硬编码数字来指定大小,因为稍后您将需要该常量。
const int maxSaleItems = 100;
double itemValues[maxSaleItems];
cout << "How many sales items do you have? : ";
cin >> saleItems;
if (saleItems > maxSaleItems) {
cout << "Sorry, I can only handle " << maxSaleItems << " items.";
cout << "Enter in the value of sales item " << x << " : $";
cin >> itemValue;
titemValue += itemValue; //accumulator for adding up the iterated values
itemValues[x - 1] = itemValue;
注意 x-1
在数组访问中——数组是基于 0 的(即它们的索引从 0 开始)。通常我会循环 x
来自 0
至 < saleItems
cout << "** **" << endl;
for (int x = 1; x <= saleItems; x += 1){
cout << "** Item " << x << " $" << itemValues[x-1] << " **" <<endl;
cout << "** **" << endl;
正如我在评论中所说,使用 std::vector
编辑:简单 vector
例子。要添加 vector ,您需要包含适当的标题:
#include <vector>
任何更多,因为 vector 可以增长。声明 vector 变量。 <double>
使其成为包含 double
的 vector 值(value)观:
std::vector<double> itemValues;
在循环中,不是按位置设置新项目的数组值,而是使用 push_back
将其添加到 vector 的末尾.
cout << "Enter in the value of sales item " << x << " : $";
cin >> itemValue;
titemValue += itemValue; //accumulator for adding up the iterated values
打印收据代码,可以完全保留为数组版本,因为您可以访问数组之类的 vector :
cout << "** **" << endl;
for (int x = 1; x <= saleItems; x += 1){
cout << "** Item " << x << " $" << itemValues[x-1] << " **" <<endl;
cout << "** **" << endl;
您还可以进行其他更改来制作 vector
关于c++ - 保存累加器的每次迭代?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38297649/
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这个问题在这里已经有了答案: Does a sequential stream in Java 8 use the combiner parameter on calling collect? (1
我正在实现一个需要递归调用才能获取所有数据的 API。我已经实现了一个具有 recursive transformer 的 Bloc 组件。但是,转换器似乎一直在递归调用中返回空累加器。 commen
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是否可以在分组时通过集合收集字符串?这就是它在 Java 8 中的工作方式: Map discountOptions = p.getDiscountOptions().Stream() .