这似乎是一个 X2go 服务器问题,如此处所述
Therefore, there are 4 reasons why certain modern “3d-ish” desktops are incompatible with nxagent, and therefore X2Go.
The desktop environment requires a newer version of the X11 extension “GLX” (OpenGL) than nxagent 3.5.0.x and X.org 6.9 provide (version 1.2).
- Ubuntu 16.04 薄荷
- CentOS 6.8
我尝试了 Qt 5.8 和 Qt 5.5.1 的 Qt for linux 安装
CentOS 6.8 Qt 5.8连安装都失败
使用 CentOS 6.8 中的 Qt 5.5.1 和 Ubuntu 16.04 Mint 中的 Qt 5.8 我在尝试运行 QtWebView 最小示例时遇到此错误
failed to get the current screen resources
WARNING: Application /data/home002/pvicente/git/star_icvs/tools/build-qt_geo_map-Desktop_Qt_5_5_1_GCC_64bit-Debug/qt_geo_map calling GLX 1.3 function "glXCreatePbuffer" when GLX 1.3 is not supported! This is an application bug!
QSGContext::initialize: stencil buffer support missing, expect rendering errors
QXcbConnection: XCB error: 172 (Unknown), sequence: 163, resource id: 150, major code: 149 (Unknown), minor code: 20
*这似乎是一个纯粹的 X2Go 错误 *,因为尝试在本地终端(在带有 Qt 5.8 的 Ubuntu 16.04 Mint 中,程序运行良好。