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php - Joomla 3.x Protostar - 如何使自定义位置水平而不是垂直堆叠

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我需要一些帮助来尝试弄清楚如何配置以下代码,该代码创建三个自定义位置以水平而不是垂直内联显示,如下图所示(抵押日报、登录和考勤卡占据了三个位置职位)。这是 Index.php 文件中的代码。自定义位置是代码中的位置 10、11 和 12。

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<p><span style="font-size: x-small;">This information is based on BUSINESS days.</span></p>
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Servicer Complaints Ebbing with Delinquencies
<b class="srfrTitle">Servicer Complaints Ebbing with Delinquencies</b>

Posted To: MND NewsWireBlack Knight's Mortgage Monitor report for May took a close look at complaint trends lodged with the Consumer Financial Protection Agency (CFPB). Along with the Five Star Institute, Black Knight compared complaints with corresponding mortgage servicing volume[&#8230;]
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Created on: <b>May 4, 2015 | 14:34 pm</b>
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<span class="srfrFeedItemDate">May 4, 2015 | 14:34 pm</span>
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MBS MID-DAY: Widespread Negative Reprices After Heavy Pressure from European Bonds
<b class="srfrTitle">MBS MID-DAY: Widespread Negative Reprices After Heavy Pressure from European Bonds</b>

Posted To: MBS CommentaryWith UK and Japan bank holidays, cash Treasuries didn&#39;t really have an overnight session (London and Tokyo are the hubs for Treasury trading during the European and Asian sessions respectively). This also affected volume and liquidity in[&#8230;]
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Created on: <b>May 4, 2015 | 13:28 pm</b>
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<span class="srfrFeedItemDate">May 4, 2015 | 13:28 pm</span>
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Outsourcing QC; Fannie/Freddie News; Preventing Fraud; MI Earnings
<b class="srfrTitle">Outsourcing QC; Fannie/Freddie News; Preventing Fraud; MI Earnings</b>

Posted To: Pipeline PressBy now the remains of the pizza lunches for everyone working OT to deliver a successful April have been cleared away, and lenders are optimistic about May - especially those who have remained loyal to pursuing the[&#8230;]
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Created on: <b>May 4, 2015 | 09:53 am</b>
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<span class="srfrFeedItemDate">May 4, 2015 | 09:53 am</span>
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MBS Week Ahead: Important Week for Fed Comments, Econ Data, and Trend Watching
<b class="srfrTitle">MBS Week Ahead: Important Week for Fed Comments, Econ Data, and Trend Watching</b>

Posted To: MBS CommentaryAfter rising to the highest side of the long term trend last week, yields have a chance to explode higher, or re-commit to the range this week. &quot;Exploding higher&quot; could be problematic, or course, but it&#39;s good[&#8230;]
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Created on: <b>May 4, 2015 | 07:34 am</b>
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<span class="srfrFeedItemDate">May 4, 2015 | 07:34 am</span>
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MBS RECAP: Exactly What We Were Hoping NOT to See
<b class="srfrTitle">MBS RECAP: Exactly What We Were Hoping NOT to See</b>

Posted To: MBS CommentaryToday wasn&#39;t necessarily a worst-case-scenario for bond markets, but it was reading from the same script. It&#39;s the version of the story where the economic data is weaker than expected, but where bonds sold off anyway. From[&#8230;]
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Created on: <b>May 1, 2015 | 16:35 pm</b>
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<span class="srfrFeedItemDate">May 1, 2015 | 16:35 pm</span>


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