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html - 取决于浏览器/屏幕大小的交互式 CSS 框

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 10:41:35 25 4
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01) 我正在尝试创建包含两个内容框的行。第一个将包含图像,第二个将包含文本。我在如何根据浏览器和屏幕大小使其具有交互性方面遇到问题。


enter image description here

这就是我添加的原因:<div class="inner"></div>试图控制最大尺寸,但没有用。


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="rich_text.css">

<div class="inner">
<div class="feature left">
<span class="image"><img src="" alt="" />

<div class="content">
<h2>Total Facebook Image Likes</h2>
<p>65 </p>
<ul class="actions">
<li><a class="button alt" href="#">LINK</a></li>


02) 我还注意到如果图像尺寸太大,我的最终结果会被破坏。


<span class="image"><img style="height:400px;max-width:400px; src="" alt="" />





/* demo purpose only */
.row { margin-bottom:1em;}
.red {background:red;}
.blue {background:blue;}

/* make all divs inside a row get 50% width */
.row div {
box-sizing:border-box; /* this makes sure paddings or borders don't break width calculation */
padding: 1em;

/* by default, all divs have auto width, usually covering 100% of their parent tag */
.row.default div { width: auto; }

/* floating divs to the left will make them next to each other instead of under each other */
.row.floated div { float:left; }

/* adding overflow:auto to the parent of flaoted divs will make sure the layout does not break */
.row.floated { overflow:auto; }

/* rows can have any width you want, the children will resize accordingly and will always be 50% of whatever width the parent has */
.row.maxwidth {max-width:400px;}

/* we can make the children as inline-blocks instead of floating */
/* warning: space in HTML code between inline-blocks will break the layout so be careful */
.row.inline div {display:inline-block;}

/* we can use viewport untis */
/* vw = viewport width */
/* vh = viewport height */
/* 50vw = 50% of viewport width */
.row.vw div { width: 50vw; }
<h2>1. Default Behaviour</h2>
<div class="row default">
<div class="red">default block</div>
<div class="blue">default block</div>

<h2>2. Percentage Width (based on parent)</h2>
<div class="row">
<div class="red">50% width block</div>
<div class="blue">50% width block</div>

<h2>3.1 Percentage Width + Floating</h2>
<div class="row floated">
<div class="red">50% width block - floated</div>
<div class="blue">50% width block - floated </div>

<h2>3.2 Parent with max-width of 400px</h2>
<div class="row floated maxwidth">
<div class="red">50% width block - floated</div>
<div class="blue">50% width block - floated </div>

<h2>4. Percentage Width + Inline-block</h2>
<div class="row inline">
<div class="red">50% width inline-block</div><div class="blue">50% width inline-block</div>

<h2>5. Viewport Width (based on viewport)</h2>
<div class="row vw floated">
<div class="red">50vw width block - floated</div>
<div class="blue">50vw width block - floated</div>

代码有很好的注释,可帮助您了解一切工作原理以及实现所需目标的各种方法。我只建议使用百分比宽度并 float 它们。或者,您可以使用强大的网格系统,例如 Bootstrap,它已经有一个 12 列网格库,您可以使用它而无需编写自定义布局网格基础。

关于html - 取决于浏览器/屏幕大小的交互式 CSS 框,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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