E[] toArray(E[] a) // Pass an array, convert to singly linked list, then return the array.
来自 java.util
Interface List<E>
在 Node
public Node(E v, Node<E> next) {
// pre: v is a value, next is a reference to remainder of list
// post: an element is constructed as the new head of list
data = v;
nextElement = next;
public Node(E v) {
// post: constructs a new tail of a list with value v
public Node<E> next() {
// post: returns reference to next value in list
return nextElement;
public void setNext(Node<E> next) {
// post: sets reference to new next value
nextElement = next;
public E value() {
// post: returns value associated with this element
return data;
public void setValue(E value) {
// post: sets value associated with this element
data = value;
E[] toArray(E[] a)
E[] result ;
Class<?> type ;
Node<E> head, temp, current ;
* Makes a copy of the original array
type = a.getClass().getComponentType() ;
result = (E[])java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(type, a.length);
for(int idx = 0; idx < a.length; idx++)
result[idx] = a[idx] ;
* Sort the array (selection copy)
for(int idx = 0; idx < result.length; idx++)
int best = idx ;
for(int jdx = idx + 1; jdx < result.length; jdx++)
if (result[best].compareTo(result[jdx]) > 0)
best = jdx ;
// swap
if (best != idx)
E temporal = result[idx] ;
result[idx] = result[best] ;
result[best] = temporal ;
* Compose the single linked list (SORTED)
head = new Node<E>(null, null) ;
// Create the single linked list
current = head ;
for(E element : result)
temp = new Node<E>(element, null) ;
current.setNext(temp) ;
current = current.next();
* Copy the single linked list to the array
* (Not needed, added just for educational purpose,
* the result array is already SORTED)
current = head.next ;
// copies the values to the result array
for(int index = 0; current != null ; current = current.next)
result[index++] = current.value();
return result ;