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C - 在无限长度的行中读取有限长度的单词

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 07:53:44 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike



目前我使用 fscanf 和一些特定于问题的内部逻辑来决定我读取的第四个单词是在新行中还是在前一行中。但是这种方式很脆弱,很容易坏掉。



编辑:我仅限于使用 C99 和标准库。



  1. 它不相信用户知道他们提供的是什么,因为数据必须遵守某些规则,因此它假设用户会滥用这些规则。
  2. 因此,它记录了每一行找到的所有单词,全长记录单词,因此使用动态内存分配。

在我发布它之前已经过一些相当严格的测试。您使用 make UFLAGS=-DTEST 进行编译以获得更短的行片段(默认情况下为 64 字节 vs 4096),这也为您提供了额外的诊断输出。我在 6 而不是 64 时用 MAX_LINE_LEN 做了很多测试——这对于调试单词在一行的多个片段上连续的问题很有用.

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

enum { MAX_WORD_CNT = 8 };

#ifdef TEST
static int debug = 1;
enum { MAX_LINE_LEN = 64 };
static int debug = 0;
enum { MAX_LINE_LEN = 4096 };
#endif /* TEST */

typedef struct Word
size_t length;
char *word;
} Word;

typedef struct WordList
size_t num_words;
size_t max_words;
Word *words;
} WordList;

typedef struct LineControl
size_t line_length;
bool part_word;
size_t part_len;
WordList list;
} LineControl;

static void init_wordlist(WordList *list)
list->num_words = 0;
list->max_words = 0;
list->words = 0;

static void free_wordlist(WordList *list)
assert(list != 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < list->num_words; i++)

static void extend_word(const char *extn, size_t ext_len, Word *word)
if (debug)
printf("old (%zu) = [%s]; extra (%zu) = [%.*s]\n", word->length, word->word,
ext_len, (int)ext_len, extn);
size_t space = word->length + ext_len + 1;
char *new_space = realloc(word->word, space);
if (new_space == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "failed to reallocate %zu bytes of memory\n", space);
word->word = new_space;
memmove(word->word + word->length, extn, ext_len);
word->length += ext_len;
word->word[word->length] = '\0';
if (debug)
printf("new (%zu) = [%s]\n", word->length, word->word);

static void addword_wordlist(const char *word, size_t word_len, WordList *list)
if (list->num_words >= list->max_words)
assert(list->num_words == list->max_words);
size_t new_max = list->max_words * 2 + 2;
Word *new_words = realloc(list->words, new_max * sizeof(*new_words));
if (new_words == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate %zu bytes of memory\n", new_max * sizeof(*new_words));
list->max_words = new_max;
list->words = new_words;
list->words[list->num_words].word = malloc(word_len + 1);
if (list->words[list->num_words].word == 0)
fprintf(stderr, "failed to allocate %zu bytes of memory\n", word_len + 1);
Word *wp = &list->words[list->num_words];
wp->length = word_len;
memmove(wp->word, word, word_len);
wp->word[word_len] = '\0';

static void init_linectrl(LineControl *ctrl)
ctrl->line_length = 0;
ctrl->part_word = false;
ctrl->part_len = 0;

static int parse_fragment(const char *line, LineControl *ctrl)
char whisp[] = " \t";
size_t offset = 0;
bool got_eol = false;

/* The only newline in the string is at the end, if it is there at all */
assert(strchr(line, '\n') == strrchr(line, '\n'));
assert(strchr(line, '\n') == 0 || *(strchr(line, '\n') + 1) == '\0');
if (debug && ctrl->part_word)
assert(ctrl->list.num_words > 0);
printf("Dealing with partial word on entry (%zu: [%s])\n",
ctrl->part_len, ctrl->list.words[ctrl->list.num_words - 1].word);

size_t o_nonsp = 0;
while (line[offset] != '\0')
size_t n_whisp = strspn(line + offset, whisp);
size_t n_nonsp = strcspn(line + offset + n_whisp, whisp);
if (debug)
printf("offset %zu, whisp %zu, nonsp %zu\n", offset, n_whisp, n_nonsp);
got_eol = false;
ctrl->line_length += n_whisp + n_nonsp;
if (line[offset + n_whisp + n_nonsp - 1] == '\n')
assert(n_nonsp > 0);
got_eol = true;
if (n_whisp + n_nonsp == 0)
o_nonsp = 0;

if (n_whisp != 0)
ctrl->part_word = false;
ctrl->part_len = 0;

/* Add words to list if the list is not already full */
if (n_nonsp > 0)
const char *word = line + offset + n_whisp;
if (ctrl->part_word)
assert(ctrl->list.num_words > 0);
extend_word(word, n_nonsp,
&ctrl->list.words[ctrl->list.num_words - 1]);
addword_wordlist(word, n_nonsp, &ctrl->list);

offset += n_whisp + n_nonsp;
if (line[offset] != '\0')
ctrl->part_word = false;
ctrl->part_len = 0;
o_nonsp = n_nonsp;
if (got_eol)

/* Partial word detection */
if (o_nonsp > 0 && !got_eol)
ctrl->part_word = true;
ctrl->part_len += o_nonsp;
ctrl->part_word = false;
ctrl->part_len = 0;

/* If seen newline; line complete */
/* If No newline; line incomplete */
return !got_eol;

int main(void)
char line[MAX_LINE_LEN];
size_t lineno = 0;

while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin) != 0)
LineControl ctrl;
if (debug)
printf("Line %zu: (%zu) [[%s]]\n", lineno, strlen(line), line);

int extra = 0;
while (parse_fragment(line, &ctrl) != 0 &&
fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin) != 0)
if (debug)
printf("Extra %d for line %zu: (%zu) [[%s]]\n",
++extra, lineno, strlen(line), line);

WordList *list = &ctrl.list;
printf("Line %zu: length %zu, words = %zu\n",
lineno, ctrl.line_length, list->num_words);
size_t num_words = list->num_words;
if (num_words > MAX_WORD_CNT)
num_words = MAX_WORD_CNT;
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_words; i++)
printf(" %zu: (%zu) %s\n",
i + 1, list->words[i].length, list->words[i].word);

return 0;

我有一个没有动态内存分配的更简单的版本,但是当一个词被分成一行的两个片段时它不能正常工作(所以如果行片段的大小是 6(5 个字符加上空字节),并且例如,一个单词的最大长度为 16,然后代码在组装片段时遇到了困难。因此,我采用了一种更简单的方法——存储每个单词的所有内容。从问题中不清楚最大单词大小是多少。如果代码应该反对除 0、3 或 4 个单词之外的任何内容,则可以使用数据来提出这些投诉。如果代码应该反对长度超过某个长度(例如 32)的单词,则可以使用数据来提出这些投诉也是。

test-data.1 是一个比较简单的测试文件:

    a b   
a b c d

1123xxsdfdsfsfdsfdssa 1234ddfxxyff frrrdds
1123dfdffdfdxxxxxxxxxas 1234ydfyyyzm knsaaass 1234asdafxxfrrrfrrrsaa
1123werwetrretttrretertre aaaa bbbbbb ccccc
apoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper apoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper apoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper apoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper

其中包含各种选项卡,如同一数据的此版本所示,其中选项卡显示为 \t:

    a b   
a b c d
1123xxsdfdsfsfdsfdssa 1234ddfxxyff frrrdds
1123dfdffdfdxxxxxxxxxas 1234ydfyyyzm knsaaass 1234asdafxxfrrrfrrrsaa
1123werwetrretttrretertre aaaa bbbbbb ccccc
\t\t \t \t\t\t \t \t \t\t\t\tapoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper\t\t\t \t\t\t\tapoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper \t \t \t \t\t\t\t \t \tapoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper\t\t \t\t\t\t \t \t \t \t\tapoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper\t\t\t\t\t\t \t \t \t \t \t \t \t

运行这个 awk 脚本分析数据:

$ awk '{ printf "%3d %d [%s]\n", length($0) + 1, NF, $0 }' test-data.1
1 0 []
5 0 [ ]
11 2 [ a b ]
81 4 [ a b c d ]
20 0 [ ]
63 3 [1123xxsdfdsfsfdsfdssa 1234ddfxxyff frrrdds]
103 4 [1123dfdffdfdxxxxxxxxxas 1234ydfyyyzm knsaaass 1234asdafxxfrrrfrrrsaa ]
82 4 [ 1123werwetrretttrretertre aaaa bbbbbb ccccc ]
2 1 [k]
494 4 [ apoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper apoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper apoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper apoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper ]


Line 1: length 1, words = 0

Line 2: length 5, words = 0

Line 3: length 11, words = 2
1: (1) a
2: (1) b

Line 4: length 81, words = 4
1: (1) a
2: (1) b
3: (1) c
4: (1) d

Line 5: length 20, words = 0

Line 6: length 63, words = 3
1: (21) 1123xxsdfdsfsfdsfdssa
2: (12) 1234ddfxxyff
3: (7) frrrdds

Line 7: length 103, words = 4
1: (23) 1123dfdffdfdxxxxxxxxxas
2: (12) 1234ydfyyyzm
3: (8) knsaaass
4: (22) 1234asdafxxfrrrfrrrsaa

Line 8: length 82, words = 4
1: (25) 1123werwetrretttrretertre
2: (4) aaaa
3: (6) bbbbbb
4: (5) ccccc

Line 9: length 2, words = 1
1: (1) k

Line 10: length 494, words = 4
1: (98) apoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper
2: (98) apoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper
3: (98) apoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper
4: (98) apoplectic-catastrophe-mongers-of-the-world-unite-for-you-have-nothing-to-lose-but-your-bad-temper

您可以在输出中看到来自 awk 脚本的数据。

此代码可在我的 SOQ 中找到(堆栈溢出问题)GitHub 上的存储库,文件为 scan59.ctest-data.1test-data.2 /Users/jleffler/soq/src/so-5201-4002 中的 test-data.3子目录。特别是 test-data.3 文件包含一行 9955 个字符和 693 个单词 — 以及其他不太严格的测试行。

代码运行编译并在运行 macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra 的 Mac 上干净地运行,使用 GCC 8.2.0 和 Valgrind 3.14.0.GIT。 (虽然 makefile 规定了 C11,但此代码中没有任何特定于 C11 的内容;它与 C99 完全兼容。它还可以使用 make SFLAGS='-std=c99 干净地编译 -迂腐'.)

关于C - 在无限长度的行中读取有限长度的单词,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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