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我知道 super() 是用来从父类中检索实例变量的,但是当我看到代码如下时:
public class novel extends literature {
private String title;
private String writer;
public novel(String title)
this.title = title;
this.writer = "Unknow";
public novel(String title, String writer)
this.title = title;
this.writer = writer;
public String getInfo()
return getGenre() + "\nTitle: " + title + "\nWriter: " + writer;
public static void main(String[] args)
novel n = new novel("The devil wears prada", "Lauren Weisberger");
当我看到这个时: super("novel");我很困惑,为什么子类名可以放在 super 方法中?我不知道为什么 this.writer = "unknown";
对不起,大家我仍然不完全明白为什么它使用 super (“小说”)?如果我们说小说这里是一个字符串,那么为什么我们使用与“小说类”同名的字符串呢?
super ("novel")
表示您将 String 作为参数传递给父类的构造函数。 this.writer = "Unknow"
表示将字符串值 "Unknow"
传递给当前类实例的成员。你也可以通过例如。 “Mark Twain”,作者的变量值将是“Mark Twain”。
public class Book {
private String genre;
private String isbn;
//As you can see we have two constructors.
//The first with only one argument
public Book (String genre)
this.genre = genre;
//The second one with two arguments
public Book (String genre, String isbn) {
this.genre = genre;
this.isbn = isbn;
class Novel extends Book{
public Novel(String isbn)
super("novel", isbn);
//super() has now two arguments, because we are calling the second constructor
//which has two args.
//Now, in the parent class members genre = "novel" and isbn equals the value passed in the
//child constructor.
//This is the same as using the parent constructor inner body in this constructor.
//Normally the parent constructor gets overwritten on inheritance.
//But super makes its possible to use the parent constructor.
关于java - 我对 super() 的用法感到困惑,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25808094/
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