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Python A* 算法搜索不当

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 06:28:08 25 4
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所以我正在尝试编写 A* 算法的 Python 实现。我的算法可以毫不费力地找到通往目标的路径,但是当我让程序可视化封闭和开放列表时,我注意到封闭列表,只要障碍物有点复杂,就会膨胀成一个大而完美的菱形。换句话说,我的算法将节点添加到封闭列表中,这些节点与目标的距离比“预期”封闭列表的任何邻居都应该远得多。

为了说明,当封闭列表中的一个点距离目标 (2, 1) 远,但一堵墙挡住了去路时,算法将同时添加距离目标 (2, 2) 处的节点 (尝试越过墙)和 (3, 1) 处的算法远离目标...没有充分的理由,因为它显然更远。


def distance(self, tile1, tile2):
self.xDist = abs(tile1.col * TILE_SIZE - tile2.col * TILE_SIZE)
self.yDist = abs(tile1.row * TILE_SIZE - tile2.row * TILE_SIZE)
self.totalDist = self.straightCost * (self.xDist + self.yDist)
return self.totalDist

填充关闭列表的代码如下所示。在这里,.score 2是 H 值,使用上面显示的距离方法计算。

    while self.endTile not in self.openList:
self.smallestScore = MAX_DIST * 50
self.bestTile = None
for tile in self.openList:
if tile.score[2] <= self.smallestScore:
self.bestTile = tile
self.smallestScore = tile.score[2]

“检查”功能将检查过的图 block 添加到关闭列表并将其可行的邻居添加到打开列表,并且似乎工作正常。该算法似乎承认所有 H 分数为 X 的图 block (其中 X 根据目标所在迷宫的复杂性而变化)。

将其放慢到逐个节点的可视化基本上表明它正在填充一个大小为 X 的区域,并在迷宫的入口被填充击中时找到路径。我真的不知道我做错了什么,两天来我一直在努力解决这个问题。

编辑:为了解决问题,这里是更完整的代码摘录。这是 examine() 函数:

def examine(self, tile):
#Add the tile to the closed list, color it in, remove it from open list.
tile.color = CLOSED
pygame.draw.rect(windowSurface, tile.color, tile.rect)
#Search all neighbors.
for a, b in ((tile.col + 1, tile.row), (tile.col - 1, tile.row),
(tile.col + 1, tile.row + 1), (tile.col + 1, tile.row - 1),
(tile.col - 1, tile.row + 1), (tile.col - 1, tile.row - 1),
(tile.col, tile.row + 1), (tile.col, tile.row - 1)):
#Ignore if out of range.
if a not in range(GRID_WIDTH) or b not in range(GRID_HEIGHT):
#If the neighbor is pathable, add it to the open list.
elif self.tileMap[b][a].pathable and self.tileMap[b][a] not in self.openList and self.tileMap[b][a] not in self.closedList:
self.where = abs((a - tile.col)) + abs((b - tile.row))
if self.where == 0 or self.where == 2:
self.G = tile.score[1] + self.diagCost
self.H = self.distance(self.endTile, self.tileMap[b][a])
self.F = self.G + self.H
elif self.where == 1:
self.G = tile.score[1] + self.straightCost
self.H = self.distance(self.endTile, self.tileMap[b][a])
self.F = self.G + self.H

#Append to list and modify variables.
self.tileMap[b][a].score = (self.F, self.G, self.H)
self.tileMap[b][a].parent = tile
self.tileMap[b][a].color = OPEN
pygame.draw.rect(windowSurface, self.tileMap[b][a].color, self.tileMap[b][a].rect)
#If it's already in one of the lists, check to see if this isn't a better way to get to it.
elif self.tileMap[b][a] in self.openList or self.tileMap[b][a] in self.closedList:
self.where = abs((a - tile.col)) + abs((b - tile.row))
if self.where == 0 or self.where == 2:
if tile.score[1] + self.diagCost < self.tileMap[b][a].score[1]:
self.tileMap[b][a].score = (self.tileMap[b][a].score[0], tile.score[1] + self.diagCost, self.tileMap[b][a].score[2])
self.tileMap[b][a].parent = tile
print "parent changed!"
elif self.where == 1:
if tile.score[1] + self.straightCost < self.tileMap[b][a].score[1]:
self.tileMap[b][a].score = (self.tileMap[b][a].score[0], tile.score[1] + self.straightCost, self.tileMap[b][a].score[2])
self.tileMap[b][a].parent = tile
print "parent changed!"


def path(self):
self.startTile.score = (self.distance(self.startTile, self.endTile), 0, self.distance(self.startTile, self.endTile))
self.countDown = 0
while self.endTile not in self.openList:
if self.countDown <= 0:
self.countDown = 5000
self.smallestScore = MAX_DIST * 50
self.bestTile = self.startTile
for tile in self.openList:
if tile.score[0] <= self.smallestScore:
self.bestTile = tile
self.smallestScore = tile.score[0]
self.countDown -= timePassed

下图是使用 self.totalDist = self.diagCost * math.sqrt(pow(self.xDist, 2) + pow(self.yDist, 2))

excess search area

或者,从等式中删除 TILE_SIZE 常量得到这个看起来同样低效的搜索区域:

enter image description here

在我看来,它不应该搜索所有额外区域 - 只搜索紧邻障碍物的区域。


我的理论:这是因为曼哈顿距离不是 admissible在这种情况下,因为您也可以沿对角线移动。


def distance(self, tile1, tile2):
self.xDist = abs(tile1.col * TILE_SIZE - tile2.col * TILE_SIZE)
self.yDist = abs(tile1.row * TILE_SIZE - tile2.row * TILE_SIZE)
self.totalDist = self.diagCost * math.sqrt(self.xDist*self.xDist + self.yDist*self.yDist)
# or it might be self.straightCost, depending on their values.
# self.diagCost is probably right, though.
return self.totalDist

关于Python A* 算法搜索不当,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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