基本上,我从大学得到了家庭作业,用户必须输入 x 盎司量,所有这些都会被转换并以石头、磅和剩余盎司的形式打印到屏幕上。我已经坚持了将近一个星期。这是我到目前为止设法完成的代码:
inp = int(input("Enter your weight in ounces: "))
stones = int(inp / 224)
inp1 = int(inp - (stones * 14))
pounds = int(inp1 % 16)
print(stones ,"Stones", pounds, "Pounds")
def convert(total_ounces):
ounces = total_ounces % 16
total_pounds = total_ounces//16 # 1 pound = 16 ounces
pounds = total_pounds % 14
stones = total_pounds//14 # 1 stone = 14 pounds
print stones, " stones ", pounds, "pounds", ounces, " ounces"
>>> convert (110)
0 stones 6 pounds 14 ounces
>>> convert (500)
2 stones 3 pounds 4 ounces
inp = int(input("Enter your weight in ounces: "))
stones = int(inp / 224) # Here you get the maximum no of stones. You
# should better be using inp // 224 rather
# that int(inp / 224).
inp1 = int(inp - (stones * 14)) # Firstly, since both inp and stones*14 would
# be int so there is no need for using int().
# and what I think you are trying to do here
# is finding the remaining no of ounces, so
# you should be doing something like
# inp1 = inp - stones * 14 * 16
pounds = int(inp1 % 16) # again here there is no need of using int.
# And inp1 % 16 should return the number of
# ounces not pounds. Pounds should be inp1 // 16 .
print(stones ,"Stones", pounds, "Pounds")