- android - 多次调用 OnPrimaryClipChangedListener
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- android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException : Index 0 requested, 光标大小为 0
- android - 使用 AppCompat 时,我们是否需要明确指定其 UI 组件(Spinner、EditText)颜色
所以,对于我的计算机科学课,我们应该从网站导入 pygame:
然后我们应该在 pygame 窗口中使用像素在 python 中创建 sierpinski 三角形。所以窗口中的每个像素都需要按照三角形的形状着色。我什至不能让我的三角形只显示黑色像素,而我们应该做的是让它的上角显示为红色,左下角显示为绿色,右下角显示为蓝色。这些颜色应该在整个三角形中慢慢地相互淡化(渐变)。完成的过程应该看起来像这样:
首先,每次我设置窗口时,它都会说我的 main 函数中的 midPoint 未分配,我在其中调用了较早的 midPoint 函数。这让我感到困惑,因为我在第一个函数中明确地分配了它:def midPoint,所以对这个问题的任何帮助都会很棒。除此之外,我不确定为什么我不能让实际的三角形出现。我只想先让它显示黑色,然后再给它上色。对于我最有可能的糟糕代码有什么问题的任何帮助将不胜感激。我应该辅修计算机科学,但我没有通过这门课。我很绝望。请你甚至可以取笑我糟糕的代码,但我需要一些东西,任何东西。我迷路了。谢谢。
import pygame, math, random
def midpoint (x0, x1, y0, y1):
panda = ((x0 + x1)/2)
polarbear = ((y0 + y1)/2)
return panda, polarbear
def randomPoint (width, height):
potato = (random.random() * width)
pickle = (random.random() * height)
return potato, pickle
# PRE: Takes size, which is a 2-tuple (width, height) and provides size of image
# POST: Creates list of length size[0]. Each item in list is length size[1]. Each item of list is a 3-tuple.
# Points of this data structure are denoted as image[x][y] and each point has 3 components: [0] for red, [1] for green, and [2] for blue
def newImage(size):
return pygame.surfarray.array3d(pygame.Surface(size))
# Takes image created by newImage and displays it in open window
# PRE: image is a list of lists of 3-tuples. Each 3 tuple corresponds to a (R,G,B) color.
# POST: image is displayed in window.
def showImage(image):
width, height, depth = image.shape
pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
surface = pygame.display.get_surface()
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(surface, image)
width = int(input("How large do you want your window? "))
height = int(input("How tall do you want your window? "))
window = newImage((width, height))
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
window[x][y] = (255,255,255) #Colors window white
p = randomPoint(width, height)
for i in range(1000001):
corners = [(width, height),(0, height),(width//2, 0)]
c = random.choice(corners)
mid = midPoint(p[0], p[1], c[0], c[1])
if i > 10:
window[(mid[0])][(mid[1])] = (0,0,0)
p = mid
if i % 1000 == 0:
input("Enter to quit")
###################SIERPINSKI TRIANGLE (R,G,B)###################
import pygame, math, random
# PRE: takes a 2-tuple (width, height) input from user and provides size of image
# POST: Creates list, len[0]. Each item in list is len[1]. Each item is 3-tuple.
# Points of data structure (pixels) are denoted as image[x][y] and each point has 3 components:
[0] - RED
[1] - GREEN
[2] - BLUE
def newImage(size):
return pygame.surfarray.array3d(pygame.Surface(size))
# Main function: Takes image created by "newImage" and displays it in pygame window
# PRE: image is a LIST OF LISTS of 3-tuples. Each 3 of the tuples corresponds to a (R,G,B) color.
# POST: image is displayed in window
def showImage(image):
width, height, depth = image.shape
pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
surface = pygame.display.get_surface()
pygame.surfarray.blit_array(surface, image)
# set the variable "p" in main function to the returned values of this function which should be a random point
# PRE: takes in 2-tuple (width, height)
# POST: returns coordinates of a random point in the size of the image
def randomPoint(width, height):
ex = (random.random() * width)
wye = (random.random() * height)
return ex, wye
# find the mid-point between "p" - random point and "c" - random corner in the main function
# PRE: take in all 4 coordinates of the 2 points
# POST: calculate the mid-point between these 2 points and color it black. Set p to the midPoint once this function is complete and repeat.
def midPoint(x0, y0, x1, y1):
eks = ((x0 + x1)/2)
wie = ((y0 + y1)/2)
return eks, wie
def colorPoint (x, y, width, height):
w = (255/width)
h = (255/height)
x_color = x*w
y_color = y*h
r = math.fabs(255 - y_color)
g = math.fabs(255 - x_color)
b = math.fabs(255 - x_color - y_color)
return r, g, b
# Start the CHAOS GAME
# Get user input for the width and height of the window
width = int(input("How wide would you like your window to be? "))
height = int(input("How tall would you like your window to be? "))
window = newImage((width, height))
for ecks in range(width):
for why in range(height):
window[ecks][why] = (255,255,255) #Colors window white
# Set "p" to starting value
p = 1
# Call randomPoint in order to set "p" to a random point within the parameters of the window size
p = randomPoint(width, height)
i = 0
for i in range(1000001):
corners = [(width, height),(0, height),(width//2, 0)]
c = random.choice(corners)
mid = midPoint(p[0], p[1], c[0], c[1])
colour = colorPoint((mid[0]), (mid[1]), width, height)
if i > 10:
window[(mid[0])][(mid[1])] = colour
i += 1
p = mid
if i % 1000 == 0:
print ('Done!')
input ("ENTER to quit")
关于python - 使用 pygame 窗口在 python 中创建 (R,G,B) Sierpinski 三角形。每个角分别是红色、绿色和蓝色,并且相互渐变,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22135235/
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