-6ren"> -我正在尝试使用 celery 通过 ajax 处理用户登录请求。 这是我的用户登录名: #Login the user using Ajax def ajax_loginOrRegisterUser(-6ren">
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我正在尝试使用 celery 通过 ajax 处理用户登录请求。


#Login the user using Ajax
def ajax_loginOrRegisterUser(request):
#Set a test cookie

#Test if the request is POST, otherwise fail
if request.method == 'POST':
#Calls celery to do the heavy lifting
result = userLoginCheck.delay(request)
data = result.get(timeout=30)

#Return the response
return HttpResponse(data)
#Log the System, send an alert message to the admin
logger = logging.getLogger('views.logger.login')
logger.error("Login User should not be GET")
logger.info("Unknown User returning Invalid")

#Send an invalid modal to the user
return HttpResponse("Invalid")


  1. 检查是否是POST请求,如果是则继续
  2. 使用 Celery 验证用户、注册用户并报告任何错误消息
  3. 它将返回一个字符串,该字符串作为 HttpResponse 传递给 jQuery


#Celery should look at login user request, and make appropriate decisions
def userLoginCheck(request):
#Get logger
logger = logging.getLogger('views.logger.login')

#Set user name and type
username = ""
type = ""

#Try to get the user's username
username = request.POST['username']
logger.error("Error occured in Signing/Registering user, cannot find username")
logger.info("Unknown User returning Invalid")
return ("Invalid")

#See what type of request we are making, signin or register
type = request.POST['type']

#Test if cookie works, otherwise inform the user, and fail login
if request.session.test_cookie_worked():

#Try to see username, password, rememberMe is missing or not
username = str(request.POST['username'])
password = request.POST['password']
rememberMe = request.POST['rememberMe']

#If it is a signin type
if(type == "signin"):
##############USER BASED AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM#####################
#Test for the user's public IP or best matched IP to see if it is banned
realIP = str(get_real_ip(request))
IP = str(get_ip(request))

#Get their realIP, and see if it matches, if they have over 10 accounts, then they are banned
SusIP = suspiciousIP.objects.get(pk=realIP)
if(SusIP.count >= 10):
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " has a banned real IP")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Banned")
return ("Banned")

#Get their IP, and see if it matches, if they have over 10 accounts, then they are banned
SusIP = suspiciousIP.objects.get(pk=IP)
if(SusIP.count >= 10):
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " has a banned IP")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Banned")
return ("Banned")

#Test the current user's blockedList
#2 conditions, if lockedTemp = True, then it is temporary locked until user has unlocked it
#by clicking the unlock email
#The other condition is whether tries > 5, and violations <= 5 (at 5th violations, the lockedTemp = true)
#then the user would need to wait until the time is over (900 seconds), which increases by each violations
#Get the user's blocked list if available
userObject = blockedList.objects.get(pk=str(username))
currentDateTime = datetime.datetime.now()
objectDateTime = 0

#Try to see if the objectDateTime is available (meaning a date is there)
objectDateTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(userObject.dateTime), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")

#Load the locked, tries, and violations
lockedTemp = userObject.lockedTemp
tries = userObject.tries
violations = userObject.violations

#if LockedTemp == True, then it means the user is currently locked, can only be unlocked by email
if(lockedTemp == "True"):
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is temp locked")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning tempLock")
return ("tempLock")
elif (tries >= 5 and violations <= 5 and lockedTemp != "True"):
#The user is not locked,
timeDifferenceSeconds = (currentDateTime - objectDateTime).total_seconds()

#if tries > 5, and violations < 5, and locked is false, then we test whether the time difference is > 900 seconds
if(timeDifferenceSeconds > (900 * violations)):
#If over > 900 seconds, then we will reset tries
userObject.tries = 0
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is unlocked, with tries:" + str(tries) + ", violations:" + str(violations))
#If < 900 seconds, then we will keep locking the user
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is currently locked, with tries:" + str(tries) + ", violations:" + str(violations))
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Locked")
return ("Locked")
##############USER BASED AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM#####################

##############SESSION BASED##################
#Initialize tries, to be used later on
# tries = "0"
# try:
# tries = request.session['tries']
# except:
# pass

# #If tries > 5 times
# if(int(tries) >= 5):
# timeNow = request.session['locked_time']
# timeDifferenceSeconds = (datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.datetime.strptime(timeNow, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")).total_seconds()

# #See if the difference is greater than 15 minutes, otherwise lock
# if(timeDifferenceSeconds > 900):
# request.session['tries'] = str(0)
# logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is unlocked")
# else:
# logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is currently locked")
# logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Locked")
# return ("Locked")
##############SESSION BASED##################

#See if the user is activated yet (through email)
userActivatedObject = userActivated.objects.get(pk=username)
if(userActivatedObject.activation == "True"):
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is activated")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is not activated yet")
return ("Activation")

logger.info("UserName:" + username + " is trying to login")
user = authenticate(username=username, password=password)

#If the user does exist
if user is not None:
#And is active
if user.is_active:
login(request, user)
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + "is active, and logged in")

#See if the user's remember me is checked, if it is not checked, then
#the session cookie will automatically expire when the browser closes
if(rememberMe == "true"):
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " has set their expiration to 1 day")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " has set their expiration to expire when browser closes")

#See if the user is marked in blockedList, if true, then delete their row
userObject = blockedList.objects.get(pk=username)

logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is in blockedList, removing their entry")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is NOT in blockedList")

#See if the user's real IP is marked in suspicious IP, if true, then remove their entry
SusIP = suspiciousIP.objects.get(pk=realIP)

logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is in suspicious real IP, removing their entry")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is NOT in real suspeciousIP")

#See if the user's IP is marked in suspicious IP, if true, then remove their entry
SusIP = suspiciousIP.objects.get(pk=IP)

logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is in suspicious IP, removing their entry")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is NOT in suspeciousIP")

logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning index.html")
return ('index.html')
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + "is not active, and will not be logged in")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Invalid")
return ("Invalid")
##############USER BASED AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM#####################
#Get their current object, if exists, and increase their tries
userObject = blockedList.objects.get(pk=username)
userObject.tries += 1

print "After:" + str(userObject.tries)

#If their tries >= 5, then lock them temporary, and increase violations
if(userObject.tries >= 5):
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is not valid, current tries:" + str(userObject.tries) + " and will be locked")
userObject.violations += 1
userObject.dateTime = str(datetime.datetime.now())

#If violations >= 5, then we will tempLock, and can only be unlocked by email
if(userObject.violations >= 5):
print "I'm here"
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is not valid, will get TempLocked")
userObject.lockedTemp = "True"
userObject.dateTime = ""
userObject.tries = 0
userObject.violations = 0

#Get their suspicious Real IPs, and increase them, or make a new one
susIP = suspiciousIP.objects.get(pk=realIP)
susIP.count += 1
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " has a suspeciousIP:" + str(susIP.IP) + " current count:" + str(susIP.count))
if (realIP is not None and realIP != "None"):
susIP = suspiciousIP(pk=realIP, count=1)
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " has a new suspeciousIP:" + str(realIP))

#Get their suspicious IPs, and increase them, or make a new one
susIP = suspiciousIP.objects.get(pk=IP)
susIP.count += 1
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " has a suspeciousIP:" + str(susIP.IP) + " current count:" + str(susIP.count))
if IP is not None:
susIP = suspiciousIP(pk=IP, count=1)
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " has a new suspeciousIP:" + str(IP))

logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning tempLock")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning tempLock")
return ("tempLock")

logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Locked")
return ("Locked")
#Invalid password typed, and the username that was typed is not found in our blockedList
#Then we will create a new one

#Setup an invalid password violation in the database
newUsername = str(username)
newRealIP = realIP
newIP = IP
newDateTime = ""
newTries = 1
newViolations = 0
newLockedTemp = "False"

#Create a user blockedList
newUserObject = blockedList(username=newUsername, realIP=newRealIP, IP = newIP,
dateTime = newDateTime, tries = newTries, violations = newViolations,
lockedTemp = newLockedTemp)

#Save the row

logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Invalid")
return ("Invalid")
##############USER BASED AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM#####################

##############SESSION BASED##################
#if the user fails in providing the correct username/password, increment tries
# try:
# tries = request.session['tries']
# num = int(tries)
# num += 1
# tries = str(num)
# request.session['tries'] = str(tries)
# except:
# tries = 0
# request.session['tries'] = str(tries)

# #If tries > 5, then we will lock
# if(int(tries) >= 5):
# logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is not valid, current tries:" + str(tries) + " and will be locked")
# request.session['locked_time'] = str(datetime.datetime.now())
# logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Locked")
# return ("Locked")
# else:
# logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is not valid, current tries:" + str(tries))
# logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Invalid")
# return ("Invalid")
##############SESSION BASED##################

elif(type == "register"):
#Get the logger
logger = logging.getLogger('views.logger.register')

#Test their session to see if they are already registered
registered = ""
registered = request.session['registered']
registered = "notRegisteredAlready"

#If not registered already, then register the user
if(registered == "notRegisteredAlready"):
#Get the password verdict (strength of password), implemented by zxcvbn
passwordVerdict = ""
passwordVerdict = request.POST['passwordVerdict']
except Exception as e:
#Cannot register the user, possibly failed at user.save(), where the user already existed
logger.info("Error:" + str(e.args))
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " cannot register, problem with getting the verdict")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Invalid")

#Send an invalid modal to the user
return ("Invalid")

#Test the user's verdict
if testVerdict(passwordVerdict):
#Log the System
logger.info("The new user:" + username + " passes password strength checking")
#Log the System
logger.info("The new user:" + username + " password is too weak")

#Send an invalid modal to the user
return ("Invalid")

#Log the user
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " checking for special formats")

if(checkSpecialCharacters(username) == True and checkHPEmail(username) == True and checkLengthUsername(username) == True and checkSpecialUsernames(username) == True):
#Log the user
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " passed username policies")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " is going to register a new account")

#Create the user, and make a new activationObject, and set to false
user = User.objects.create_user(username, username, password)
user.is_active = True

#Send a registration email

#Update the session so it is registered
request.session['registered'] = "registeredAlready"

#Log the system
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " has successfully registered")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Valid")

#Return valid to jQuery
return ("ValidRegistration")
#Log the user
logger.info("Test for username policies:" + str(username) + " failed")

#Return invalid to jQuery
return ("Invalid")
except Exception as e:
#Cannot register the user, possibly failed at user.save(), where the user already existed
logger.info("Error:" + str(e.args))
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " cannot register, possibly the name already existed")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Invalid")

#Send an invalid modal to the user
return ("Invalid")
#The user has already registered an account, according to the session
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " cannot register, possibly the name already registered")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Invalid")

#Send an invalid modal to the user
return ("Invalid")
#This else statement is only true when type = "unknown", where the user might have been fiddling with javascript
logger.info("User:" + username + " has an unknown type")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Invalid")

#Send an invalid modal to the user
return ("Invalid")
except MultiValueDictKeyError:
#This exception comes from we cannot retrieve username or password from the user
logger.info("The user:" + str(username) + " have missing forms")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Invalid")

#Send an invalid modal to the user
return ("Invalid")
except Exception as e:
#This exception comes from we a serious error AFTER we got the user's username and password
logger.error("Error occured in Signing/Register user:" + str(username))
logger.error("Error:" + str(e.args))
logger.error("User:" + str(username) + " returning Invalid")

#Send an invalid modal to the user
return ("Invalid")
#This else statement is only true when the user does not support cookies
#Which in case I need
logger.info("The user:" + str(username) + " does not have cookies enabled")
logger.info("User:" + str(username) + " returning Invalid")

#Send an invalid modal to the user
return ("Invalid")
except Exception as e:
#This exception is only true when cannot identify the "type" which is from jQuery ajax
logger.error("Error:" + str(e.args))
logger.error("Error occured with user:" + str(username) + " cannot detect login/register type")
logger.error("User:" + str(username) + " returning Invalid")

#Send an invalid modal to the user
return ("Invalid")


  1. 检查用户是否被IP封禁
  2. 检查该特定用户是否已激活
  3. 检查用户是否存在


  1. 记录用户的行为,并对用户名和IP进行统计
  2. 经过一定次数后,该用户名将被标记,禁止访问
  3. 如果此特定 IP 导致至少 5 个用户名被标记,则禁止他的 IP。


  1. 检查 session ,无论用户是否注册
  2. 如果没有,那么我会注册用户,并向用户发送电子邮件,以便用户可以使用它来激活其帐户。


无法腌制:属性查找 cStringIO.StringO 失败




Celery 使用pickle 作为默认的序列化格式,所以你不能pickle Django 的请求对象。看thisthis类似的问题。

关于Python Django - 无法腌制 <type 'cStringIO.StringO">,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25964486/

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