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c - 如何根据扩展名动态获取文件名?

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 05:47:08 24 4
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作为 this question 的跟进....

现在我通过用户 j_random_hacker 的评论找到了那个问题的答案。这里 Windows 遵循 8.3 文件命名标准,意味着 turbo c 只能读取名称长度为 8 个字符和扩展名为 3 个字符的文件。因此,Windows 将为任何不遵循 8.3 命名标准的文件指定另一个名称。就像在我的例子中,Windows 为 HI.TTCN 的实际文件名提供了 HIBDS~1.TTC


glc hi.ttcn

Here glc is my .exe file which will check the coding guidelines violations and hi.ttcn is the actual TTCN file to be checked. So here the problem is as told above windows is giving some other name to hi.ttcn so my program is not able to open that file saying "File name does not exists" because I am giving the same argument string "hi.ttcn" to fopen. So how can I get the windows allocated file name at run time for the given argument string ( means I want to get the string "HIBDS~1.TTC" when "HI.TTCN" is given.)


好的,这是描述您需要调用的 Win32 函数的页面:

GetShortPathName Function

您需要 #include <windows.h>在你的程序的顶部,并且可能会跳过更多的步骤来让它在这样一个旧的编译器上编译(也许 Turbo C 甚至没有附带 Windows 头文件?)祝你好运!

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