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c++ - QMessageBox使用快捷键多次打开

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 05:41:23 24 4
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我将 QMesssageBox 与 CTRL + N 快捷键内联(这意味着将打开新文件)。当我在对象动画时按住快捷键时。这是 Linux 的 UI 问题吗,因为我使用的是 Linux 操作系统,然后我在其他操作系统中尝试,但它没有发生,或者我忘记了任何代码?谢谢。


如果您的目标是一次最多出现一个 QMessageBox,您可以通过以下方式确保在代码中:

static QMessageBox * openMBox = NULL;

void MyClass :: showMessageBox()
if (openMBox) return; // don't open a new QMessageBox if we already have one open!

openMBox = new QMessageBox(args here...);
connect(openMBox, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)), this, SLOT(userClickedButton(QAbstractButton*)));

void MyClass :: userClickedButton(QAbstractButton * button)
if (openMBox)
// [code to handle button-click result could go here]

openMBox = NULL;

请注意,如果 openMBox 为 NULL(也就是说,仅当尚不存在消息框时),showMessageBox() 才会实际创建一个新的 QMessageBox

(The code calls deleteLater() in the userClickedButton() method instead of using the delete operator because it's likely that the userClickedButton() method is itself being called from within a method of the QMessageBox object, therefore we don't want to delete the QMessageBox object until later when it's not in the middle of a method-call)

关于c++ - QMessageBox使用快捷键多次打开,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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