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python - 在所有文件的打印功能上应用功能装饰器而无需导入和/或重新应用?

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 04:49:34 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


我正在尝试为运行 python 的整个环境修改打印函数的默认行为,而不必修改正在运行的每个文件。


def modify_print(func):
# I made this so that output always gets flushed as it won't by default
# within the environment I'm using, I also wanted it to print out some
# debugging information, doesn't really matter much in the context of this
# question
def modified_print(*args,**kwargs):
return func(f"some debug prefix: ",flush=True,*args,**kwargs)
return modified_print

print = modify_print(print)
print("Hello world") # Prints "some debug prefix Hello World"

但是我想做的是在我的整个应用程序中修改此行为。我知道我可以在每个文件中手动装饰/覆盖/导入打印函数,但是我想知道是否有某种方法可以全局配置我的 python 环境以在任何地方装饰这个函数。我能想到的唯一方法是编辑 python 源代码并构建修改后的版本。

编辑:这是我想要实现的行为,谢谢 Match 的帮助。它会在您在 python 环境中调用打印函数的任何地方打印出行号和文件名。这意味着您不必在所有文件中手动导入或覆盖任何内容。

import site
import os
import pathlib
# Big thanks to Match on StackOverflow for helping me with this
# see

# This is some cool hackery to overwrite the default functionality of
# the builtin print function within your entire python environment
# to display the file name and the line number as well as always flush
# the output. It works by creating a custom user script and placing it
# within the user's sitepackages file and then overwriting the builtin.

# You can disable this behavior by running python with the '-s' flag.

# We could probably swap this out by reading the text from a python file
# which would make it easier to maintain larger modifications to builtins
# or a set of files to make this more portable or to modify the behavior
# of more builtins for debugging purposes.
customize_script = """
from inspect import getframeinfo,stack
def debug_printer(func):
# I made this so that output always gets flushed as it won't by default
# within the environment I'm running it in. Also it will print the
# file name and line number of where the print occurs
def debug_print(*args,**kwargs):
frame = getframeinfo(stack()[1][0])
return func(f"{frame.filename} : {frame.lineno} ", flush=True,*args,**kwargs)
return debug_print

__builtins__['print'] = debug_printer(print)

# Creating the user site dir if it doesn't already exist and writing our
# custom behavior modifications
pathlib.Path(site.USER_SITE).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
custom_file = os.path.join(site.USER_SITE,"")
with open(custom_file,'w+') as f:


您可以使用 site 中的 usercustomize 脚本模块来实现这样的事情。


python3 -c "import site; print(site.USER_SITE)"


接下来,在该目录中,创建一个名为 的脚本 - 现在只要运行 python,该脚本就会首先运行。

替换 print 的一种*方法是覆盖 __builtins__ 字典并用新方法替换它 - 类似于:

from functools import partial
old_print = __builtins__['print']

__builtins__['print'] = partial(old_print, "Debug prefix: ", flush=True)

将其放入 脚本中,您应该会看到所有 python 脚本从那时起就被覆盖了。您可以通过使用 -s 标志调用 python 来暂时禁用调用此脚本。

*(不确定这是否是正确的方法 - 可能有更好的方法 - 但重点是您可以使用 usercustomize 来交付您选择的任何方法)。

关于python - 在所有文件的打印功能上应用功能装饰器而无需导入和/或重新应用?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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