gpt4 book ai didi

c - C语言求两个字符串中最长的公共(public)词?

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 04:30:11 31 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

一段时间以来,我一直无法找到两个字符串中最长的常用词。首先我想到了用“isspace”函数来做这件事,但不知道如何找到一个常用词。然后我想到了“strcmp”,但到目前为止我只能比较两个字符串。我在想一些方法来合并 strcmp 和 isspace 以找到不同的单词,然后使用临时值找到最长的单词,但我想不出这样做的正确代码。

   #include <stdio.h>

int strcmp(char s[],char t[]);

void main()

char s[20],t[20];
printf("Type in a string s.\n");
printf("Type in a string t.\n");
gets( t );
printf("The result of comparison=%d\n",strcmp(s,t));

return 0;

int strcmp(char s[],char t[])
int i;
return( 0 );




     #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int returnArrayOfWords (char* str4Parsing, char* arrayParsed[])
// returns the length of array
char seps[] = " \t\n"; // separators
char *token = NULL;
char *next_token = NULL;
int i = 0;

// Establish string and get the first token:
token = strtok( str4Parsing, seps);

// While there are tokens in "str4Parsing"
while ((token != NULL))
// Get next token:
arrayParsed[i] = token;
//printf( " %s\n", arrayParsed[i] );//to be commented
token = strtok( NULL, seps);
return i;

void printArr(char *arr[], int n)
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("Element %d is %s \n", i, arr[i]);

void findLargestWord(char *ptrArray1[], int sizeArr1, char *ptrArray2[], int sizeArr2)
int maxLength = 0;
char *wordMaxLength = NULL ;
int i = 0, j = 0;
char *w1 = NULL, *w2 = NULL; /*pointers*/
int currLength1 = 0, currLength2 = 0 ;

//printArr(&ptrArray1[0], sizeArr1);
//printArr(&ptrArray2[0], sizeArr2);

for (i = 0; i < sizeArr1; i++)
// to find the largest word in the array
w1 = (ptrArray1[i]); // value of address (ptrArray1 + i)
currLength1 = strlen(w1);
//printf("The word from the first string is: %s and its length is : %d \n", w1, currLength1); // check point

for (j = 0; j < sizeArr2; j++)
w2 = (ptrArray2[j]); // value of address (ptrArray2 + j)
currLength2 = strlen(w2);
//printf("The word from the second string is : %s and its length is : %d \n", w2, currLength2); // check point

if (strcoll(w1, w2) == 0 && currLength1 == currLength2)
// compares the strings
if (currLength2 >= maxLength)
// in the variable maxLength -> the length of the longest word
maxLength = currLength2;
wordMaxLength = w2;
printf("The largest word for now is : %s and its length is : %d \n", wordMaxLength, maxLength); // check point
printf("The largest word is: %s \n", wordMaxLength);
printf("Its length is: %d \n", maxLength);

int main ()
int n = 80; /*max number of words in string*/
char arrS1[80], arrS2[80];
char *ptrArray1 = NULL, *ptrArray2 = NULL;
int sizeArr1 = 0, sizeArr2 = 0;

// to allocate memory:
ptrArray1 = (char*)calloc(80, sizeof(char));
if(ptrArray1 == NULL)
printf("Error! Memory for Pointer 1 is not allocated.");

ptrArray2 = (char*)calloc(80, sizeof(char));
if(ptrArray2 == NULL)
printf("Error! Memory for Pointer 2 is not allocated.");

printf("Type your first string: ");
fgets(arrS1, 80, stdin);
sizeArr1 = returnArrayOfWords (arrS1, &ptrArray1); // sizeArr1 = number of elements in array 1

printf("Type your second string: ");
fgets(arrS2, 80, stdin);
sizeArr2 = returnArrayOfWords (arrS2, &ptrArray2); // sizeArr2 = number of elements in array 2

findLargestWord(&ptrArray1, sizeArr1, &ptrArray2, sizeArr2);

return 0;





有很多方法可以解决这个问题。下面,一个指向其中一个字符串中每个字符的指针用于使用 strchr 搜索另一个字符串中的匹配字符。找到匹配字符后,比较循环会运行,推进每个指针以设计存在的公共(public)子字符串的长度(如果有的话)。

例程,匹配字符,检查子串长度,重复,只要 strchr 返回一个有效指针就继续。每次找到更长的子串时,max 长度为返回而更新,并且使用 strncpynul-terminated 将存在的子字符串复制到 r,以便最长的公共(public)字符串的文本可用调用函数 main 在这里。


/** return length of longest common substring in 'a' and 'b'.
* by searching through each character in 'a' for each match
* in 'b' and comparing substrings present at each match. the
* size of the longest substring is returned, the test of the
* longest common substring is copied to 'r' and made available
* in the calling function. (the lengths should also be passed
* for validation, but that is left as an exercise)
size_t maxspn (const char *a, const char *b, char *r)
if (!a||!b||!*a||!*b) return 0; /* valdate parameters */

char *ap = (char *)a; /* pointer to a */
size_t max = 0; /* max substring char */

for (; *ap; ap++) { /* for each char in a */
char *bp = (char *)b; /* find match in b with strchr */
for (; *bp && (bp = strchr (bp, *ap)); bp++) {
char *spa = ap, *spb = bp; /* search ptr initialization */
size_t len = 0; /* find substring len */
for (; *spa && *spb && *spa == *spb; spa++, spb++) len++;
if (len > max) { /* if max, copy to r */
strncpy (r, ap, (max = len));
r[max] = 0; /* nul-terminate r */

return max;


其他改进是删除 gets,由于其安全风险,它在 C11 中被删除而没有弃用。它不应再被任何理智的编码人员使用(应该涵盖我们大约 40% 的人)。将剩余的位放在一起,一小部分测试代码可能是:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAXC 128

size_t maxspn (const char *a, const char *b, char *r);
void rmlf (char *s);

int main (void) {

char res[MAXC] = "", s[MAXC] = "", t[MAXC] = "";

printf ("Type in a string 's': ");
if (!fgets (s, MAXC, stdin)) { /* validate 's' */
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input for 's'.\n");
return 1;
rmlf (s); /* remove trailing newline */
printf ("Type in a string 't': ");
if (!fgets (t, MAXC, stdin)) { /* validate 't' */
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input for 's'.\n");
return 1;
rmlf (t); /* remove trailing newline */

/* obtain longest commons substring between 's' and 't' */
printf ("\nThe longest common string is : %zu ('%s')\n",
maxspn (s, t, res), res);

return 0;

/** return length of longest common substring in 'a' and 'b'.
* by searching through each character in 'a' for each match
* in 'b' and comparing substrings present at each match. the
* size of the longest substring is returned, the test of the
* longest common substring is copied to 'r' and made available
* in the calling function. (the lengths should also be passed
* for validation, but that is left as an exercise)
size_t maxspn (const char *a, const char *b, char *r)
if (!a||!b||!*a||!*b) return 0; /* valdate parameters */

char *ap = (char *)a; /* pointer to a */
size_t max = 0; /* max substring char */

for (; *ap; ap++) { /* for each char in a */
char *bp = (char *)b; /* find match in b with strchr */
for (; *bp && (bp = strchr (bp, *ap)); bp++) {
char *spa = ap, *spb = bp;
size_t len = 0; /* find substring len */
for (; *spa && *spb && *spa == *spb; spa++, spb++) len++;
if (len > max) { /* if max, copy to r */
strncpy (r, ap, (max = len));
r[max] = 0; /* nul-terminate r */

return max;

/** remove trailing newline from 's'. */
void rmlf (char *s)
if (!s || !*s) return;
for (; *s && *s != '\n'; s++) {}
*s = 0;


$ ./bin/strspn
Type in a string 's': a string with colors123456789 all blue
Type in a string 't': a string without colors1234567890 all red

The longest common string is : 16 (' colors123456789')


$ ./bin/strspn
Type in a string 's': green eel
Type in a string 't': cold blue steel

The longest common string is : 3 ('eel')



为了确保您和我看到的是同一件事,我在下面提供了更多使用示例。没有错误,代码按预期执行。如果您在修改代码时遇到问题,请告诉我您正在尝试做什么,我可以提供帮助。我上面代码中的每个指针增量都经过验证。如果您更改有关指针增量或nul-termination 的任何内容,除非您也考虑到验证中的更改,否则代码将无法工作。

$ ./bin/strspn
Type in a string 's': 1
Type in a string 't':

The longest common string is : 0 ('')

$ ./bin/strspn
Type in a string 's': A man a plan a canal panama
Type in a string 't': a man a plan a river panama

The longest common string is : 14 (' man a plan a ')

$ ./bin/strspn
Type in a string 's': this is my favorite string
Type in a string 't': this is my favoritist string

The longest common string is : 18 ('this is my favorit')

$ ./bin/strspn
Type in a string 's': not the same until here
Type in a string 't': cant be equal till here

The longest common string is : 6 ('l here')

$ ./bin/strspn
Type in a string 's': some str with ten in the middle
Type in a string 't': a string often ignorded

The longest common string is : 5 ('ten i')


好的,在我终于明白你想要完成的事情之后,你可以在 's'' 这两个字符串之间选择最长的常用词 ' 通过使用 strtoktokenizing 每个字符串,将指向每个字符串中每个单词的指针保存在单独的指针数组中,然后简单地迭代指针数组以选择最长的常用词(如果有多个相同长度的常用词,则为第一个)。您只需要像下面这样简单的东西。

注意 strtok 修改字符串's''t',所以如果你复制需要保留原件。

/** return length of longest common word in 'a' and 'b'.
* by tokenizing each word in 'a' & 'b' and iterating over
* each, returning the length of the logest match, and updating
* 'r' to contain the longest common word.
size_t maxspnwhole (char *a, char *b, char *r)
if (!a||!b||!*a||!*b) return 0; /* valdate parameters */

char *arra[MAXC] = {NULL}, *arrb[MAXC] = {NULL};
char *ap = a, *bp = b; /* pointers to a & b */
char *delim = " .,-;\t\n"; /* word delimiters */
size_t i, j, len, max, na, nb; /* len, max, n-words */
len = max = na = nb = 0;

/* tokenize both strings into pointer arrays */
for (ap = strtok (a, delim); ap; ap = strtok (NULL, delim))
arra[na++] = ap;

for (bp = strtok (b, delim); bp; bp = strtok (NULL, delim))
arrb[nb++] = bp;

for (i = 0; i < na; i++) /* select longest common word */
for (j = 0; j < nb; j++)
if (*arra[i] == *arrb[j]) /* 1st chars match */
if (!strcmp (arra[i], arrb[j])) { /* check word */
len = strlen (arra[i]);
if (len > max) { /* if longest */
max = len; /* update max */
strcpy (r, arra[i]); /* copy to r */

return max;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAXC 128

size_t maxspn (const char *a, const char *b, char *r);
size_t maxspnwhole (char *a, char *b, char *r);
void rmlf (char *s);

int main (void) {

char res[MAXC] = "", s[MAXC] = "", t[MAXC] = "";

printf ("Type in a string 's': ");
if (!fgets (s, MAXC, stdin)) { /* validate 's' */
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input for 's'.\n");
return 1;
rmlf (s); /* remove trailing newline */
printf ("Type in a string 't': ");
if (!fgets (t, MAXC, stdin)) { /* validate 't' */
fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid input for 's'.\n");
return 1;
rmlf (t); /* remove trailing newline */

/* obtain longest commons substring between 's' and 't' */
printf ("\nThe longest common string is : %zu ('%s')\n",
maxspn (s, t, res), res);

/* obtain longest commons word between 's' and 't' */
printf ("\nThe longest common word is : %zu ('%s')\n",
maxspnwhole (s, t, res), res);

return 0;

/** return length of longest common word in 'a' and 'b'.
* by tokenizing each word in 'a' & 'b' and iterating over
* each, returning the length of the logest match, and updating
* 'r' to contain the longest common word.
size_t maxspnwhole (char *a, char *b, char *r)
if (!a||!b||!*a||!*b) return 0; /* valdate parameters */

char *arra[MAXC] = {NULL}, *arrb[MAXC] = {NULL};
char *ap = a, *bp = b; /* pointers to a & b */
char *delim = " .,-;\t\n"; /* word delimiters */
size_t i, j, len, max, na, nb; /* len, max, n-words */
len = max = na = nb = 0;

/* tokenize both strings into pointer arrays */
for (ap = strtok (a, delim); ap; ap = strtok (NULL, delim))
arra[na++] = ap;

for (bp = strtok (b, delim); bp; bp = strtok (NULL, delim))
arrb[nb++] = bp;

for (i = 0; i < na; i++)
for (j = 0; j < nb; j++)
if (*arra[i] == *arrb[j])
if (!strcmp (arra[i], arrb[j])) {
len = strlen (arra[i]);
if (len > max) {
max = len;
strcpy (r, arra[i]);

return max;

/** return length of longest common substring in 'a' and 'b'.
* by searching through each character in 'a' for each match
* in 'b' and comparing substrings present at each match. the
* size of the longest substring is returned, the test of the
* longest common substring is copied to 'r' and made available
* in the calling function. (the lengths should also be passed
* for validation, but that is left as an exercise)
size_t maxspn (const char *a, const char *b, char *r)
if (!a||!b||!*a||!*b) return 0; /* valdate parameters */

char *ap = (char *)a; /* pointer to a */
size_t max = 0; /* max substring char */

for (; *ap; ap++) { /* for each char in a */
char *bp = (char *)b; /* find match in b with strchr */
for (; *bp && (bp = strchr (bp, *ap)); bp++) {
char *spa = ap, *spb = bp;
size_t len = 0; /* find substring len */
for (; *spa && *spb && *spa == *spb; spa++, spb++) len++;
if (len > max) { /* if max, copy to r */
strncpy (r, ap, (max = len));
r[max] = 0; /* nul-terminate r */

return max;

/** remove trailing newline from 's'. */
void rmlf (char *s)
if (!s || !*s) return;
for (; *s && *s != '\n'; s++) {}
*s = 0;


$ ./bin/strlongestcmn
Type in a string 's': I have a huge boat.
Type in a string 't': I have a small boat.

The longest common string is : 9 ('I have a ')

The longest common word is : 4 ('have')


关于c - C语言求两个字符串中最长的公共(public)词?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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