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x86 汇编程序 : floating point compare

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 04:16:27 27 4
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作为编译器项目的一部分,我必须为 x86 编写 GNU 汇编程序代码来比较浮点值。我试图找到有关如何在线执行此操作的资源,据我所知,它是这样工作的:

假设我要比较的两个值是浮点堆栈上的唯一值,那么 fcomi 指令将比较这些值并设置 CPU 标志,以便 je, jne, jl, ... 可以使用指令。


.section    .data
msg: .ascii "Hallo\n\0"
f1: .float 10.0
f2: .float 9.0

.globl main
.type main, @function
flds f1
flds f2
jg leb
pushl $msg
call printf
addl $4, %esp
pushl $0
call exit

不会打印“Hallo”,即使我认为它应该打印,如果你切换 f1 和 f2 它仍然不会,这是一个逻辑矛盾。 jejne 不过似乎工作正常。


PS:fcomip 只弹出一个值还是同时弹出两个值?


TL:DR: 使用高于/低于条件(如无符号整数)来测试比较结果

对于各种historical reasons (映射 from FP status word to FLAGS via fcom / fstsw / sahffcomi(PPro 中的新功能)匹配),FP 比较集合 CF,而不是 OF/SF。另见

现代 SSE/SSE2 标量与 FLAGS 比较 follow this as well , 与 [u]comiss/sd。 (不像 SIMD 比较,它有一个谓词作为指令的一部分,作为立即数,因为它们只为每个元素产生一个全零/全一结果,而不是一组标志。)

这全部来自 Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manuals 的第 2 卷.

FCOMI 只设置了 CMP 所做的一些标志。您的代码有 %st(0) == 9%st(1) == 10。 (因为是栈上加载的),引用卷2A第3-348页的表格可以看到是这样的“ST0 < ST(i)”,所以会清除ZF和PF并置位CF。同时在 pg. 3-544 卷。 2A 您可以读到 JG 的意思是“如果大于(ZF=0 和 SF=OF)则跳转较短”。换句话说,它正在测试符号、溢出和零标志,但是 FCOMI 没有设置符号或溢出!


+--------------------+---+---+---+| Comparison results | Z | P | C |+--------------------+---+---+---+| ST0 > ST(i)        | 0 | 0 | 0 || ST0 < ST(i)        | 0 | 0 | 1 || ST0 = ST(i)        | 1 | 0 | 0 || unordered          | 1 | 1 | 1 |  one or both operands were NaN.+--------------------+---+---+---+

I've made this small table to make it easier to figure out:

+--------------+---+---+-----+------------------------------------+| Test         | Z | C | Jcc | Notes                              |+--------------+---+---+-----+------------------------------------+| ST0 < ST(i)  | X | 1 | JB  | ZF will never be set when CF = 1   || ST0 <= ST(i) | 1 | 1 | JBE | Either ZF or CF is ok              || ST0 == ST(i) | 1 | X | JE  | CF will never be set in this case  || ST0 != ST(i) | 0 | X | JNE |                                    || ST0 >= ST(i) | X | 0 | JAE | As long as CF is clear we are good || ST0 > ST(i)  | 0 | 0 | JA  | Both CF and ZF must be clear       |+--------------+---+---+-----+------------------------------------+Legend: X: don't care, 0: clear, 1: set

In other words the condition codes match those for using unsigned comparisons. The same goes if you're using FMOVcc.

If either (or both) operand to fcomi is NaN, it sets ZF=1 PF=1 CF=1. (FP compares have 4 possible results: >, <, ==, or unordered). If you care what your code does with NaNs, you may need an extra jp or jnp. But not always: for example, ja is only true if CF=0 and ZF=0, so it will be not-taken in the unordered case. If you want the unordered case to take the same execution path as below or equal, then ja is all you need.

Here you should use JA if you want it to print (ie. if (!(f2 > f1)) { puts("hello"); }) and JBE if you don't (corresponds to if (!(f2 <= f1)) { puts("hello"); }). (Note this might be a little confusing due to the fact that we only print if we don't jump).

Regarding your second question: by default fcomi doesn't pop anything. You want its close cousin fcomip which pops %st0. You should always clear the fpu register stack after usage, so all in all your program ends up like this assuming you want the message printed:

.section    .rodata
msg: .ascii "Hallo\n\0"
f1: .float 10.0
f2: .float 9.0

.globl main
.type main, @function
flds f1
flds f2
fstp %st(0) # to clear stack
ja leb # won't jump, jbe will
pushl $msg
call printf
addl $4, %esp
pushl $0
call exit

关于x86 汇编程序 : floating point compare,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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