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Python - 快速批量修改PNG

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 03:41:43 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我写了一个 python 脚本,以独特的方式为 OpenGL 着色器组合图像。问题是我有大量非常大的 map ,需要很长时间才能处理。有没有办法以更快的方式编写它?

    import numpy as np

map_data = {}
image_data = {}
for map_postfix in names:
file_name = inputRoot + '-' + map_postfix + resolution + '.png'
print 'Loading ' + file_name
image_data[map_postfix] =, 'r')
map_data[map_postfix] = image_data[map_postfix].load()

color = mapData['ColorOnly']
ambient = mapData['AmbientLight']
shine = mapData['Shininess']

width = imageData['ColorOnly'].size[0]
height = imageData['ColorOnly'].size[1]

arr = np.zeros((height, width, 4), dtype=int)

for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
ambient_mod = ambient[i,j][0] / 255.0
arr[j, i, :] = [color[i,j][0] * ambient_mod , color[i,j][1] * ambient_mod , color[i,j][2] * ambient_mod , shine[i,j][0]]

print 'Converting Color Map to image'
return Image.fromarray(arr.astype(np.uint8))



向量化代码示例 -- 测试对您在 timeitzmq.Stopwatch() 中的效果

Reported to have 22.14 seconds >> 0.1624 seconds speedup!

虽然您的代码似乎只是在 RGBA[x,y] 上循环,让我展示一个代码的“向量化”语法,它受益于 numpy 矩阵- 操作实用程序(忘记 RGB/YUV 操作(最初基于 OpenCV 而不是 PIL),但重新使用矢量化语法方法以避免 for 循环并使其适应您的微积分高效工作. 错误的操作顺序可能会使您的处理时间增加一倍以上。


对于测试,如果 timeit 分辨率足够,请使用标准 python [msec]

如果您需要进入 zmq.StopWatch() 分辨率,请选择 [usec]

# Vectorised-code example, to see the syntax & principles
# do not mind another order of RGB->BRG layers
# it has been OpenCV traditional convention
# it has no other meaning in this demo of VECTORISED code

def get_YUV_U_Cb_Rec709_BRG_frame( brgFRAME ): # For the Rec. 709 primaries used in gamma-corrected sRGB, fast, VECTORISED MUL/ADD CODE
out = numpy.zeros( brgFRAME.shape[0:2] )
out -= 0.09991 / 255 * brgFRAME[:,:,1] # // Red
out -= 0.33601 / 255 * brgFRAME[:,:,2] # // Green
out += 0.436 / 255 * brgFRAME[:,:,0] # // Blue
return out
# normalise to <0.0 - 1.0> before vectorised MUL/ADD, saves [usec] ...
# on 480x640 [px] faster goes about 2.2 [msec] instead of 5.4 [msec]

在你的情况下,使用 dtype = ,猜测它应该更快到 MUL 首先是 ambient[:,:,0] 最后是 DIV 以规范化 arr[:,:,:3] /= 255

# test if this goes even faster once saving the vectorised overhead on matrix DIV
arr[:,:,0] = color[:,:,0] * ambient[:,:,0] / 255 # MUL remains INT, shall precede DIV
arr[:,:,1] = color[:,:,1] * ambient[:,:,0] / 255 #
arr[:,:,2] = color[:,:,2] * ambient[:,:,0] / 255 #
arr[:,:,3] = shine[:,:,0] # STO alpha


人们不需要 Peter Jackson 那样令人印象深刻的预算和时间曾经在新西兰机库里计划、跨越和执行了 3 年的巨大数字运算,那里挤满了一群 SGI 工作站,因为他制作指环王全数字化母带流水线,通过逐帧像素操作,实现毫秒级、微秒级甚至纳秒级的大批量制作生产流水线很重要。



# OPTIONAL for performance testing -------------# ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
from zmq import Stopwatch # _MICROSECOND_ timer
# # timer-resolution step ~ 21 nsec
# OPTIONAL for performance testing -------------# ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
arr = np.zeros( ( height, width, 4 ), dtype = int )
aStopWatch = zmq.Stopwatch() # ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\# <<< your original code segment
# aStopWatch.start() # |||||||||||||__.start
# for i in range( width ):
# for j in range( height ):
# ambient_mod = ambient[i,j][0] / 255.0
# arr[j, i, :] = [ color[i,j][0] * ambient_mod, \
# color[i,j][1] * ambient_mod, \
# color[i,j][2] * ambient_mod, \
# shine[i,j][0] \
# ]
# usec_for = aStopWatch.stop() # |||||||||||||__.stop
# print 'Converting Color Map to image'
# print ' FOR processing took ', usec_for, ' [usec]'
# /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\# <<< proposed alternative
aStopWatch.start() # |||||||||||||__.start
# reduced numpy broadcasting one dimension less # ref. comments below
arr[:,:, 0] = color[:,:,0] * ambient[:,:,0] # MUL ambient[0] * [{R}]
arr[:,:, 1] = color[:,:,1] * ambient[:,:,0] # MUL ambient[0] * [{G}]
arr[:,:, 2] = color[:,:,2] * ambient[:,:,0] # MUL ambient[0] * [{B}]
arr[:,:,:3] /= 255 # DIV 255 to normalise
arr[:,:, 3] = shine[:,:,0] # STO shine[ 0] in [3]
usec_Vector = aStopWatch.stop() # |||||||||||||__.stop
print 'Converting Color Map to image'
print ' Vectorised processing took ', usec_Vector, ' [usec]'
return Image.fromarray( arr.astype( np.uint8 ) )

关于Python - 快速批量修改PNG,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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