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我遇到的另一个问题是函数 print_freq。它收到一个 int freq,我应该用这个频率打印单词,但问题是 auxTable 没有保存 htable 中的单词,我不知道为什么它不起作用,因为 auxtable 保存频率正常,但是当它是要保存单词,它会保存一个空字符“”。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define HTABLE_SIZE 1001
#define MAX_LINE_SIZ 1024
/* Hash Table */
typedef struct node* HASH_TABLE; /* estrutura de dados utilizadas para formar a hastable*/
struct node {
char *palavra; /*word*/
int freq;
/*Declaracao das funcoes*/
void inserirHashTable(char *s);
void print_ht();
void print_test();
HASH_TABLE htable[HTABLE_SIZE] = { NULL }; /* Hash table que armazenará as palavras lidas do arquivos */
unsigned int chaves[HTABLE_SIZE]; /* Vetor que armazenará as chaves das palavras da tabela*/
int tamanhoChaves=-1; /*Variavel responsavel por contar a quantidade de chaves do vetor de chaves*/
int size = 0; /* variavel responsavel por armazenar o numero de elementos da tabela*/
/*Função responsavel por processar o arquivo, a mesma recebe o arquivo como parametro,
* pega cada palavra presente no arquivo separa dos simbolos ?!+.-... e chama a função
* inserirHT para inserir a palavra separada na tabela hash*/
void processarArquivo(FILE *fp)
const char *seperators = " ?!'\";,.:+-*&%(){}[]<>\\\t\n"; // caractertes que deveram ser separados
char line[MAX_LINE_SIZ];
char *s;
while((fgets(line,MAX_LINE_SIZ, fp)) != NULL) //pegando a linha do arquivo
for (s=strtok(line,seperators); s; s=strtok(NULL,seperators)){ // separando a palavra
/*printf("Palavra a ser inserida %s \n",s); printf utilizado para mostrar
* a palavra que foi seperada e será inserida*/
inserirHashTable(s);//Chamando a função inserir
/* Função responsavel por criar a chave de cada palavra que vai para tabela,
recebe como parametro um ponteiro para string, logo em seguida pega cada
caractere da string e gera um unsigned int para ele, retorna por fim o
modulo desse unsigned int pelo tamanho da tabela*/
unsigned int hash(char *tok)
unsigned int hv = 0;
while (*tok)
hv = (hv << 4) | toupper(*tok++);
/*printf("conversao: %d \n",hv); Printf utilizado para mostrar o valor de hv antes de ser retorna como modulo*/
return hv % HTABLE_SIZE;
/* funcao responsavel por isenrir a palavra lida do arquivo na hash_table,
* a funçãp recebe como parametro um ponteiro para estra palavra*/
void inserirHashTable(char *palavra) {
/*printf("Inserindo a palavra %s \n",palavra); Printf utilzado para mostrar a palavra a ser inserida na tabela*/
tamanhoChaves++; /*Assim que uma palavra é inserida o numero de chaves é incrementado*/
chaves[tamanhoChaves] = hash(palavra);/*A palavra é convertida na função hash e sua armazenada no vetor de chaves*/
unsigned int hashval = chaves[tamanhoChaves]; /*Chave da apalvra*/
if (htable[hashval]==NULL){
/*printf("indice %u de %s \n",hashval,palavra);Printf utilizado para mostrar a chave e a palavra a ser inserida*/
htable[hashval] = malloc(sizeof(palavra)); /*Alocando memoria para palavrra*/
htable[hashval]->palavra = palavra ; /*Inserindo a palavra*/
htable[hashval]->freq = 1; /*Incrementado sua frequencia*/
}else {
/*If a words already exists in the table, i just incremente her frequency and the size. I guess the problem for repeated word is in here*/
/*A tabela é impressa a cada instante que uma palavra é inserida*/
printf("\nAtualização da tabela\n");
print_ht();/*Impressao das palavras já recebidas, a cada instante, com a quantidade de ocorrências*/
/* Function responsible to print the words that were addedd to the hash table*/
void print_ht() {
int i=0;
/*Tabela auxiliar que servira para impressao das palavras e suas chaves*/
HASH_TABLE *auxTable = (HASH_TABLE*) malloc(sizeof(HASH_TABLE)*size);
unsigned int hashval; /* variavel utilizada para pegar a chave das palavras no vetor de chaves */
for(i; i < size; i++){
hashval = chaves[i]; /*Pegando a chave*/
/*printf("indice %u de %s \n",hashval,htable[hashval]->token);Printf utilizado para ver a chave e a palavra*/
auxTable[i] = htable[hashval]; /*Atribuindo a palavra e a freq para tabela auxiliar*/
/*Imprimindo a tabela*/
printf("Palavra | Frequencia\n");
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
printf("%s \t %d\n",auxTable[i]->palavra,auxTable[i]->freq);
/*Funcion responsible to print the words with the frequency received in the paramater*/
void print_freq(int freq){
printf("Palavras com a frequencia: %d\n", freq);
int i, j =0;
HASH_TABLE *auxTable = (HASH_TABLE*) malloc(sizeof(HASH_TABLE)*size);
unsigned int hashval;
for(i; i < size; i++){
hashval = chaves[i];
/*printf("indice %u de %s \n",hashval,htable[hashval]->palavra);*/
auxTable[i] = htable[hashval]; /*Problem is in here, when I do this, the auxTable[i]->palavra(word) = "", but the freq has been saved normally n*/
printf("Palavra | Frequencia\n");
for (i=0; i < size; i++) {
if(auxTable[i]->freq == freq) {
printf("%s \t %d\n",auxTable[i]->palavra,auxTable[i]->freq); /*When I print, only the frequency is showed*/
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("input.txt","r");
if (NULL == fp)
fprintf(stderr,"Error ao abrir o arquivo: %s\n",fp);
printf("Imprimindo processo \n");
processarArquivo(fp); /* debuuga aqui pra tu entender o q rola*/
print_freq(3); //should print the word with freq equal to 3
return 0;
首先,我将使用一个单链表来包含具有相同散列的所有不同单词。我还会保存哈希——完整哈希,而不是模哈希表大小——以便轻松调整哈希表的大小。最后,我喜欢对单词本身使用 C99 灵活数组成员:
struct hash_entry {
struct hash_entry *next; /* Pointer to next word in this hash table entry */
size_t hash; /* Any unsigned type works; I just like size_t */
size_t freq; /* Frequency */
char word[]; /* C99 flexible array member */
的每个单词都在卡在entry[hash上的单链表中% 尺寸]
struct hash_table {
size_t size;
struct hash_entry **entry;
int hash_table_create(struct hash_table *ht, size_t size)
size_t i;
if (ht == NULL || size < 1)
return -1; /* Invalid parameters */
ht->size = size;
ht->entry = malloc(size * sizeof ht->entry[0]);
if (ht->entry == NULL)
return -2; /* Cannot allocate memory */
/* Clear all entries: no hashes/chains yet! */
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
ht->entry[i] = NULL;
return 0; /* Success, no errors. */
void hash_entry_free(struct hash_entry *entry)
while (entry) {
struct hash_entry *next = entry->next;
/* I like to "poison" the freed entries;
this makes debugging easier, if you try
to access an already freed entry. */
entry->hash = 0;
entry->freq = 0;
entry->next = NULL;
entry = next;
void hash_table_free(struct hash_table *ht)
if (ht != NULL) {
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < ht->size; i++)
if (ht->entry[i] != NULL)
ht->size = 0;
ht->entry = NULL;
int hash_table_resize(struct hash_table *ht, size_t new_size)
struct hash_entry **entry;
struct hash_entry *curr, *next;
size_t i, k;
if (!ht || new_size < 1)
return -1; /* Invalid parameters */
if (ht->size < 1 || !ht->entry)
return -2; /* Hash table is already freed */
entry = malloc(new_size * sizeof entry[0]);
if (!entry)
return -3; /* Not enough memory */
for (i = 0; i < new_size; i++)
entry[i] = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < ht->size; i++) {
/* Chain in the old hash table entry */
curr = ht->entry[i];
/* We are paranoid, and clear the old entry. */
ht->entry[i] = NULL;
while (curr) {
/* Remember next hash in this chain */
next = curr->next;
/* Index to the new hash table */
k = curr->hash % new_size;
/* Prepend in front of the new hash table entry chain */
curr->next = entry[k];
entry[k] = curr;
/* Advance to the next entry in the old chain */
curr = next;
/* The old table is now useless. Free it, and use the new one. */
ht->entry = entry;
ht->size = new_size;
return 0; /* Success; no errors. */
至于哈希函数,我喜欢 djb2 xor hash :
size_t hash(const char *s)
if (s != NULL) {
size_t result = 5381;
while (*s != '\0')
result = (result * 33) ^ (*(s++));
return result;
} else
return 0;
size_t hash_len(const char *s, const size_t len)
if (s != NULL) {
const char *z = s + len;
size_t result = 5381;
while (s < z)
result = (result * 33) ^ (*(s++));
return result;
} else
return 0;
我还将向哈希表中添加一个字符串/单词分成两个函数:第一个函数创建 struct hash_entry
struct hash_entry *hash_entry_new_len(const char *src, size_t len)
struct hash_entry *h;
if (len > 0 && !src)
return NULL; /* NULL src, but positive len! */
/* To accommodate the flexible array member, we need
to add its size to the structure size. Since it
is a string, we need to include room for the '\0'. */
h = malloc(sizeof (struct hash_entry) + len + 1);
if (!h)
return NULL; /* Out of memory */
/* Copy the string to the entry, */
if (len > 0)
memcpy(h->word, src, len);
/* Add the string-terminating nul char, */
h->word[len] = '\0';
/* clear the next pointer, */
h->next = NULL;
/* set the frequency count to 1, */
h->freq = 1;
/* and compute the hash. */
h->hash = hash_len(src, len);
/* Done! */
return h;
struct hash_entry *hash_entry_new(const char *src)
const size_t len = (src) ? strlen(src) : 0;
return hash_entry_new_len(src, len);
struct hash_entry *hash_table_add_part(struct hash_table *ht, const char *src, const size_t len)
struct hash_entry *h;
size_t k;
if (!ht || ht->size < 1)
return NULL; /* No hash table! */
/* We'll check src and len, so we report the right error. */
if (!src && len > 0)
return NULL; /* Invalid src (NULL)! */
h = hash_entry_new(src, len);
if (!h)
return NULL; /* Must be out of memory! */
/* Index into the hash table */
k = h->hash % ht->size;
/* Prepend new hash table entry to the beginning of the chain. */
h->next = ht->entry[k];
ht->entry[k] = h;
/* Success! */
return h;
/* Helper function, so you don't need to specify the length
if you wish to add a copy of entire source string. */
struct hash_entry *hash_table_add(struct hash_table *ht, const char *src)
const size_t len = (src) ? strlen(src) : 0;
return hash_table_add_part(ht, src, len);
len = (src) ? strlen(src) : 0
表达式是 if (src != NULL) len = strlen(src) 的简写;否则 len = 0;
。我经常使用它,作为检查字符串长度的安全方法,或者如果字符串为空或 NULL,则使用 0。
另请注意,NULL 字符串将收到散列 0
,而空字符串将散列为 5381
请注意,我的“普通”函数以 _len()
结尾,具有相同名称但没有 _len()
后缀的函数是使用整个字符串。这很有用,如果你不使用 strtok()
struct hash_entry *hash_table_find_len(struct hash_table *ht, const char *src, const size_t len)
const size_t hashval = hash_len(src, len);
struct hash_entry *curr = ht->entry[hashval % ht->size];
/* No matches for sure? */
if (!curr)
return NULL;
/* We have a chain (singly-linked list).
Check each one in turn. */
while (curr) {
/* Since we kept the entire hash value,
and not just the index to the hash table,
we can use the extra bits to exclude
words that have the same hash modulus (index)
but different complete hash value! */
if (curr->hash == hash) {
/* We cannot use strncmp() if len == 0,
so we check that case separately. */
if (len == 0) {
if (curr->word[0] == '\0')
return curr; /* Match found! */
} else {
if (!strncmp(curr->word, src, len) &&
curr->word[len] == '\0')
return curr; /* Match found! */
/* No match. Check next one in chain. */
curr = curr->next;
/* Nope, no match. */
return NULL;
struct hash_entry *hash_table_find(struct hash_table *ht, const char *src)
const size_t len = (src) ? strlen(src) : 0;
return hash_table_find_len(ht, src, len);
int hash_table_seen_len(struct hash_table *ht, const char *src, const size_t len)
struct hash_entry *h;
/* Sanity checks first. */
if (!ht || (!src && len > 0))
return -1; /* Invalid parameters! */
h = hash_table_find_len(ht, src, len);
if (h) {
/* Found match; increment freq counter. */
/* All done. */
return 0;
/* Not found. Add to hash table. */
h = hash_table_add_len(ht, src, len);
if (!h) {
/* An error occurred; should be "out of memory",
since we checked the other causes earlier
in this function. */
return -1;
/* The word was added to the hash table.
Since its freq count is 1, we do not need
to increment it; we're done. */
return 0;
int hash_table_seen(struct hash_table *ht, const char *src)
const size_t len = (src) ? strlen(src) : 0;
return hash_table_seen_len(ht, src, len);
size_t hash_table_max_freq(struct hash_table *ht)
size_t result = 0;
size_t i;
if (!ht || ht->size < 1)
return 0; /* No hash table. */
for (i = 0; i < ht->size; i++) {
struct hash_entry *curr = ht->entry[i];
while (curr) {
if (curr->freq > result)
result = curr->freq;
curr = curr->next;
return result;
size_t hash_table_next_freq(struct hash_table *ht, const size_t max_freq)
size_t result = 0;
size_t i;
if (!ht || ht->size < 1)
return 0; /* No hash table. */
for (i = 0; i < ht->size; i++) {
struct hash_entry *curr = ht->entry[i];
while (curr) {
if (curr->freq > result && curr->freq < max_freq)
result = curr->freq;
curr = curr->next;
return result;
int hash_table_for_all(struct hash_table *ht,
int (*func)(struct hash_entry *, void *),
void *user_data)
int retval;
size_t i;
if (!ht || !func)
return -1; /* NULL hash table or function. */
for (i = 0; i < ht->size; i++) {
struct hash_entry *curr = ht->entry[i];
while (curr) {
retval = func(curr, user_data);
if (retval)
return retval;
curr = curr->next;
return 0;
int hash_table_for_freq(struct hash_table *ht, const size_t freq,
int (*func)(struct hash_entry *, void *),
void *user_data)
int retval;
size_t i;
if (!ht || !func)
return -1; /* NULL hash table or function. */
for (i = 0; i < ht->size; i++) {
struct hash_entry *curr = ht->entry[i];
while (curr) {
if (curr->freq == freq) {
retval = func(curr, user_data);
if (retval)
return retval;
curr = curr->next;
return 0;
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