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html - libxml2 - 在父节点的内容之前插入子节点

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 03:07:08 24 4
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我正在使用 libxml2 来解析 HTML。 HTML 可能如下所示:

Some very very long text here.


Some header here
Some very very long text here.

不幸的是,libxml2 总是在文本之后添加我的标题,如下所示:

Some very very long text here.
Some header here





// Create an XML document
std::string content( "<html><head/><body><div>Some long text here</div></body></html>" );
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlReadMemory( content.c_str(), content.size(), "noname.xml", 0, 0 );

// Query the XML document with XPATH, we could use the XPATH text() function
// to get the text node directly but for the sake of the example we'll get the
// parent 'div' node and iterate its child nodes instead.
std::string xpathExpr( "/html/body/div" );
xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext( doc );
xmlXPathObjectPtr xpathObj = xmlXPathEvalExpression( BAD_CAST xpathExpr.c_str(), xpathCtx );

// Get the div node
xmlNodeSetPtr nodes = xpathObj->nodesetval;
xmlNodePtr divNode = nodes->nodeTab[ 0 ];

// Iterate the div child nodes, though in this example we know
// there'll only be one node, the text node.
xmlNodePtr divChildNode = divNode->xmlChildrenNode;
while( divChildNode != 0 )
if( xmlNodeIsText( divChildNode ) )
// Create a new element with text node
xmlNodePtr headingNode = xmlNewNode( 0, BAD_CAST "h3" );
xmlNodePtr headingChildNode = xmlNewText( BAD_CAST "Some heading here" );
xmlAddChild( headingNode, headingChildNode );

// Add the new element to the existing tree before the text content
xmlAddPrevSibling( divChildNode, headingNode );
divChildNode = divChildNode->next;

// Display the result
xmlDocDump( stdout, doc );


关于html - libxml2 - 在父节点的内容之前插入子节点,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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