我正在浏览 Graphlab 文档,我正在尝试弄清楚如何复制 pandas 功能,如果 na 值被中值、均值或模式等替换...在 Pandas 中,您只需通过以下方式执行此操作:df.dropna().median()或者df.dropna().mean()等等……
但是关于 SFrame 的 dropna 和 fillna 函数的文档没有提到任何类似的东西。在 SFrame 中有可能吗?
( doc )
Impute missing values with feature means.
Input columns to the NumericImputer must be of type int, float, dict, list, or array.array. For each column in the input, the transformed output is a column where the input is retained as is if:
- there is no missing value.
Inputs that do not satisfy the above are set to the mean value of that feature.
data.fillna('feature_name', np.median(data['feature_name']))