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我为我在学校上的数据结构类(class)创建了一个 C 头文件。我在 C 和 C++ 方面的编码经验有限。它包含使用链接列表构建堆栈以进行数据存储的代码。当我尝试使用 Visual Studio 2013 运行驱动程序以测试实现是否有效时,它会引发以下错误:
检测到堆损坏:在 0x006F8178 处的正常 block (#68) 之后。CRT 检测到应用程序在堆缓冲区结束后写入内存。
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
//type definition for a single stack data node
typedef struct node
void *dataPtr; //create void pointer to user data
struct node *link; //create pointer to next node in stack
//type definition for stack head structure
typedef struct stack
int count; //location to hold number of entries in stack
STACK_NODE *top; //create pointer to top of stack
//function to create empty stack
STACK* createStack()
STACK *stack; //create a stack head node
stack = (STACK*)malloc(sizeof(STACK));
if (stack){
stack->count = 0; //set stack count to zero
stack->top = NULL; //initialize top pointer to null
return stack; //return address of node in dynamic memory
//function to push data onto stack
bool pushStack(STACK *stack, void *dataInPtr)
newPtr = (STACK_NODE*)malloc(sizeof(STACK_NODE*));
//if out of memory
if (!newPtr)
return false;
newPtr->dataPtr = dataInPtr; //assign data pointer to node
newPtr->link = stack->top; //set link to point to node currently indicated as stack top
stack->top = newPtr; //set top node to point to data in new node
++(stack->count); //add one to stack count
return true;
//function to pop data off the stack and recycle node
void* popStack(STACK *stack)
void *dataOutPtr;
//if stack is empty, return NULL
if (stack->count == 0)
dataOutPtr = NULL;
temp = stack->top; //set temp to point to top node to be recycled
dataOutPtr = stack->top->dataPtr; //set dataOutPtr to point to value currently stored in the top node
stack->top = stack->top->link; //set top pointer to point to next node in stack
free(temp); //delete top node
return dataOutPtr; //return address of popped data
//function to retrieve data in top node
void* stackTop(STACK *stack)
//if stack is empty, return NULL
if (stack->count == 0)
return NULL;
//if top node contains data, return dataPtr
return stack->top->dataPtr;
//function to test if stack contains data
bool emptyStack(STACK *stack)
return (stack->count == 0);
//function to delete nodes in stack
STACK* destroyStack(STACK *stack)
//if stack is not empty
if (stack){
//delete all nodes in stack
while (stack->top != NULL){
//delete data entry in top node
temp = stack->top; //set temp to point to top node to be recycled
stack->top = stack->top->link; //set top node to point to next node
free(temp); //destroy top node
//stack now empty, destroy stack head node
return NULL;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "stackADT.h"
int main()
int a = 4;
int *dataPtr, *result, *popped;
STACK *stack1;
//create stack
stack1 = createStack();
//push value in a onto stack and output value on stack top
dataPtr = malloc(sizeof(int));
*dataPtr = a;
pushStack(stack1, dataPtr);
result = (int*)stackTop(stack1);
printf("Value in stack is: %d\n", *result);
//pop stack and output popped value
popped = (int*)popStack(stack1);
printf("Value popped off is: %d\n", *popped);
return 0;
虽然我不完全确定,但我相信错误发生在 popStack 和 destroyStack 函数中的行:
temp = stack->top;
我的想法是将当前栈顶节点(stack->top)包含的地址传递给一个临时节点,然后调用free()释放临时节点中的内存。由于两个指针的类型相同(即都是 STACK_NODE 类型),我不明白为什么赋值操作会触发堆损坏错误。
newPtr = (STACK_NODE*)malloc(sizeof(STACK_NODE*));
正在为“STACK_NODE 指针”分配足够的存储空间 - 通常为 4 个字节 - 但 sizeof (STACK_NODE) 为 8 个字节,因此当您使用 newPtr 时,您将覆盖内存。
newPtr = (STACK_NODE*)malloc(sizeof(STACK_NODE));
关于c - 为什么我用链表实现的栈程序会出现堆损坏?以及如何解决?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28585454/
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