gpt4 book ai didi

c - 使用 MPI_Scatterv 分散数组的重叠区域

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 01:29:14 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我有一个二维数组的一维数组表示:下面是一个 6x6 的例子:

[00000012300456700890100234500000] => [------]

典型大小为 514*514 个元素(512 + 2 个光环单元)。我必须在四个处理器之间分配数据:

Rank 0:        Rank 1:      Rank 2:        Rank 3:      
[----] [----] [|456] [567|]
[|012] [123|] [|890] [901|]
[|456] [567|] [|234] [345|]
[|890] [901|] [----] [----]

也就是说,在某种程度上,数据的最右边部分进入排名 0 也必须进入数据的左侧部分进入排名 1,依此类推所有其他邻居对。

我知道如何制作大小为 4x4 的数据类型,但不知道如何将该数组的最后一个元素作为新元素的开始重新发送到另一个级别。




我目前正尝试使用字符数组 (2D) 执行此操作,但在从处理器/队列中收集它们时收到“垃圾”。我更改了类型和所有内容,但目前无法弄清楚问题出在哪里。

void distributeBySend_c(unsigned char **global, const int globalrows, const int globalcols,
const int localrows, const int localcols,
const int rank, const int size,
MPI_Comm cartcomm, const int dims[2], const int coords[2]) {

MPI_Request reqs[dims[0]*dims[1]];
const int tag = 1;

if (rank == 0) {
MPI_Datatype block;
int starts[2] = {0,0};
int subsizes[2] = {localrows, localcols};
int sizes[2] = {globalrows, globalcols};
MPI_Type_create_subarray(2, sizes, subsizes, starts, MPI_ORDER_C, MPI_CHAR, &block);

int reqno=0;
for (int i=0; i<dims[0]; i++) {
int startrow = i*datasize;
int destcoords[2];
destcoords[0] = i;
for (int j=0; j<dims[1]; j++) {
int startcol = j*datasize;
destcoords[1] = j;

int dest;
MPI_Cart_rank(cartcomm, destcoords, &dest);
MPI_Isend(&(global[startrow][startcol]), 1, block, dest, tag, cartcomm, &reqs[reqno++]);

unsigned char **local = alloc2dImage(localrows, localcols);
MPI_Recv(&(local[0][0]), localrows*localcols, MPI_CHAR, 0, tag, cartcomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

if (rank == 0)
MPI_Waitall(dims[0]*dims[1], reqs, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

eachprintarr_c(local, localrows, localcols, rank, size);


Rank 0: ? ? ? ?
Rank 0: � ' V �
Rank 0: � ' V �
Rank 0: � ' V �
Rank 1: ? ? ? ?
Rank 1: � � � %
Rank 1: � � � %
Rank 1: � � � %
Rank 2: ? + + +
Rank 2: � � � �
Rank 2: � � � �
Rank 2: � � � �
Rank 3: + + + ?
Rank 3: � � �
Rank 3: � � �
Rank 3: � � �


不幸的是,您不能使用 MPI_Scatterv 执行此操作,因为发送的数据重叠。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "mpi.h"

char **alloc2d(const int n, const int m);
void free2d(char **p);
void printarr(const char **const arr, const int n, const int m, const char *pref);
void eachprintarr(const char **const arr, const int n, const int m, const int myrank, const int size);

const int datasize = 2;
const int halosize = 1;

void distributeBySend(const char **const global, const int globalrows, const int globalcols,
const int localrows, const int localcols,
const int rank, const int size,
MPI_Comm cartcomm, const int dims[2], const int coords[2]) {

MPI_Request reqs[dims[0]*dims[1]];
const int tag = 1;

if (rank == 0) {
MPI_Datatype block;
int starts[2] = {0,0};
int subsizes[2] = {localrows, localcols};
int sizes[2] = {globalrows, globalcols};
MPI_Type_create_subarray(2, sizes, subsizes, starts, MPI_ORDER_C, MPI_CHAR, &block);

int reqno=0;
for (int i=0; i<dims[0]; i++) {
int startrow = i*datasize;
int destcoords[2];
destcoords[0] = i;
for (int j=0; j<dims[1]; j++) {
int startcol = j*datasize;
destcoords[1] = j;

int dest;
MPI_Cart_rank(cartcomm, destcoords, &dest);
MPI_Isend(&(global[startrow][startcol]), 1, block, dest, tag, cartcomm, &reqs[reqno++]);

char **local = alloc2d(localrows, localcols);
MPI_Recv(&(local[0][0]), localrows*localcols, MPI_CHAR, 0, tag, cartcomm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

if (rank == 0)
MPI_Waitall(dims[0]*dims[1], reqs, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);

eachprintarr((const char **const)local, localrows, localcols, rank, size);

void scatterAndExchange(const char **const global, const int globalrows, const int globalcols,
const int localrows, const int localcols,
const int rank, const int size,
MPI_Comm cartcomm, const int dims[2], const int coords[2]) {

const int lefttag=1, righttag=2, uptag=3, downtag=4;

char **local = alloc2d(localrows, localcols);
for (int i=0; i<localrows; i++)
for (int j=0; j<localcols; j++)
local[i][j] = '.';

MPI_Datatype tmp, globalblock;
MPI_Datatype localblock;

/* send just the interior data to the processors */
int starts[2] = {0,0};
int subsizes[2] = {datasize, datasize};
int sizes[2] = {globalrows, globalcols};
MPI_Type_create_subarray(2, sizes, subsizes, starts, MPI_ORDER_C, MPI_CHAR, &tmp);
MPI_Type_create_resized(tmp, 0, sizeof(char), &globalblock);

starts[0] = halosize; starts[1] = halosize;
sizes[0] = localrows; sizes[1] = localcols;
MPI_Type_create_subarray(2, sizes, subsizes, starts, MPI_ORDER_C, MPI_CHAR, &localblock);

int displs[size];
int counts[size];
for (int dest=0; dest<size; dest++) {
int destcoords[2];
MPI_Cart_coords(cartcomm, dest, 2, destcoords);
int row = halosize + destcoords[0]*datasize;
int col = halosize + destcoords[1]*datasize;

counts[dest] = 1;
displs[dest] = col + row*globalcols;

const char *ptr = (rank == 0 ? &(global[0][0]) : NULL ) ;

MPI_Scatterv( ptr, counts, displs, globalblock,
&(local[0][0]), 1, localblock,
0, cartcomm);

/* now send overlap data to neighbors above and below */
int left, right, up, down;
MPI_Cart_shift(cartcomm, 1, 1, &left, &right);
MPI_Cart_shift(cartcomm, 0, 1, &down, &up);

MPI_Sendrecv(&(local[localrows-2*halosize][0]), halosize*localcols, MPI_CHAR, up, uptag,
&(local[0][0]), halosize*localcols, MPI_CHAR, down, uptag,

MPI_Sendrecv(&(local[halosize][0]), halosize*localcols, MPI_CHAR, down, downtag,
&(local[localrows-halosize][0]), halosize*localcols, MPI_CHAR, up, downtag,

/* now send overlap data to neighbors left and right */
MPI_Datatype column;
sizes[0] = localrows; sizes[1] = localcols;
subsizes[0] = localrows; subsizes[1] = halosize;
starts[0] = 0; starts[1] = 0;
MPI_Type_create_subarray(2, sizes, subsizes, starts, MPI_ORDER_C, MPI_CHAR, &column);

MPI_Sendrecv(&(local[0][localcols-2*halosize]), 1, column, right, righttag,
&(local[0][0]), 1, column, left, righttag,

MPI_Sendrecv(&(local[0][halosize]), 1, column, left, lefttag,
&(local[0][localcols-halosize]), 1, column, right, lefttag,

eachprintarr((const char **const)local, localrows, localcols, rank, size);

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int rank, size;
int dims[2] = {0,0};
int coords[2];
int periods[2] = {0, 0};
const int reorder = 1;
MPI_Comm cartcomm;

MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
MPI_Dims_create(size, 2, dims);
MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, dims, periods, reorder, &cartcomm);
MPI_Comm_rank(cartcomm, &rank);

MPI_Cart_coords(cartcomm, rank, 2, coords);

int globalcols = datasize*dims[0]+2*halosize;
int globalrows = datasize*dims[0]+2*halosize;
int localcols = datasize+2*halosize;
int localrows = datasize+2*halosize;

char **global = NULL;
if (rank == 0) {
global = alloc2d(globalrows, globalcols);

for (int i=0; i<globalrows; i++)
for (int j=0; j<globalcols; j++)
global[i][j] = '.';

char val = 'a';
for (int i=halosize; i<globalrows-halosize; i++)
for (int j=halosize; j<globalcols-halosize; j++) {
global[i][j] = val;
if (val > 'z') val = 'a';

printf("Global array: ---\n");
printarr((const char ** const)global, globalrows, globalcols, "");

if (argv[1] && !strcmp(argv[1],"sendrecv")) {
if (rank == 0)
printf("---\nDistributing with Send/Recv:---\n");

distributeBySend((const char **const) global, globalrows, globalcols,
localrows, localcols,
rank, size,
cartcomm, dims, coords);
} else {
if (rank == 0)
printf("---\nDistributing with Scatter/exchange:---\n");

scatterAndExchange((const char **const)global, globalrows, globalcols,
localrows, localcols,
rank, size,
cartcomm, dims, coords);

return 0;

char **alloc2d(const int n, const int m) {
char *data = malloc( n*m * sizeof(int) );
char **ptrs = malloc( n*sizeof(int *) );
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
ptrs[i] = &(data[i*m]);

return ptrs;

void free2d(char **p) {

void printarr(const char **const arr, const int n, const int m, const char *pref) {
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
printf("%s", pref);
for (int j=0; j<m; j++) printf("%c", arr[i][j]);

void eachprintarr(const char **const arr, const int n, const int m, const int myrank, const int size) {
char line[12];
sprintf(line, "Rank %3d: ", myrank);
for (int rank=0; rank<size; rank++) {
if (rank == myrank) {
printarr(arr, n, m, line);


$ mpirun -np 4 ./scatter sendrecv
Global array: ---
Distributing with Send/Recv:---
Rank 0: ....
Rank 0: .abc
Rank 0: .efg
Rank 0: .ijk
Rank 1: ....
Rank 1: bcd.
Rank 1: fgh.
Rank 1: jkl.
Rank 2: .efg
Rank 2: .ijk
Rank 2: .mno
Rank 2: ....
Rank 3: fgh.
Rank 3: jkl.
Rank 3: nop.
Rank 3: ....

$ mpirun -np 4 ./scatter scatter
Global array: ---
Distributing with Scatter/exchange:---
Rank 0: ....
Rank 0: .abc
Rank 0: .efg
Rank 0: .ijk
Rank 1: ....
Rank 1: bcd.
Rank 1: fgh.
Rank 1: jkl.
Rank 2: .efg
Rank 2: .ijk
Rank 2: .mno
Rank 2: ....
Rank 3: fgh.
Rank 3: jkl.
Rank 3: nop.
Rank 3: ....

关于c - 使用 MPI_Scatterv 分散数组的重叠区域,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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