gpt4 book ai didi

C nasm代码的实现

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 01:00:46 26 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我想开始转换一个小的 nasm 项目 { synth.asm , synth_core.nh } 到 c 以了解更多有关该小型软合成器的信息。

问题是我的 asm 知识非常生疏,我想知道从哪里开始。我想也许一个反编译器可以帮我解决问题,但我还没有找到任何能够将这些简单的 nasm 列表转换为 c 的开源软件。

另一种选择是手动进行转换 asm->c,但我正在努力理解最简单的函数之一 :(


;float a
;float b
;ebp: distort definition
;edi: stackptr
;ecx: length
section distcode code align=1
add ecx, ecx
fld dword [edi]
fld dword [ebp+0]
fmul dword [ebp+4]
fstp dword [edi]
loop .sampleloop
add esi, byte 8


void distortion_machine(???) { // pusha; saving all registers
int ecx = ecx+ecx; // add ecx, ecx; this doesn't make sense

while(???) { // .sampleloop; what's the condition?
float a = [edi]; // fld dword [edi]; docs says edi is stackptr, what's the meaning?
float b = [ebp+0]; // fld dword [ebp+0]; docs says ebp is distort definition, is that an input parameter?
float c = atan(a,b); // fpatan;
float d = c*[ebp+4]; // fmul dword [ebp+4];
// scasd; what's doing this instruction?

return ???;

// popa; restoring all registers
// add esi, byte 8;

我猜上面的 nasm 列表是一个非常简单的循环,它扭曲了一个简单的音频缓冲区,但我不明白哪些是输入,哪些是输出,我什至不明白循环条件 :')




;float a << input is 2 arrays of floats, a and b, successive on stack
;float b
;ebp: distort definition << 2 floats that control distortion
;edi: stackptr << what it says
;ecx: length << of each input array (a and b)
section distcode code align=1
pusha ; << save all registers
add ecx, ecx ; << 2 arrays, so double for element count of both
fld dword [edi] ; << Load next float from stack
fld dword [ebp+0] ; << Load first float of distortion control
fpatan ; << Distort with partial atan.
fmul dword [ebp+4] ; << Scale by multiplying with second distortion float
fstp dword [edi] ; << Store back to same location
scasd ; << Funky way to incremement stack pointer
loop .sampleloop ; << decrement ecx and jump if not zero
popa ; << restore registers
add esi, byte 8 ; << See call site. si purpose here isn't stated

这是一个真实的猜测,但是esi可能是一个单独的参数堆栈指针,并且ab的地址已经被压入那里.此代码通过对数据堆栈布局做出假设来忽略它们,但它仍然需要从 arg 堆栈中删除这些指针。

近似 C:

struct distortion_control {
float level;
float scale;

// Input: float vectors a and b stored consecutively in buf.
void distort(struct distortion_control *c, float *buf, unsigned buf_size) {
buf_size *= 2;
do { // Note both this and the assembly misbehave if buf_size==0
*buf = atan2f(*buf, c->level) * c->scale;
} while (--buf_size);

在 C 重新实现中,您可能希望更明确并修复零大小缓冲区错误。它不会花费太多:

void distort(struct distortion_control *c, float *a, float *b, unsigned size) {
for (unsigned n = size; n; --n, ++a) *a = atan2f(*a, c->level) * c->scale;
for (unsigned n = size; n; --n, ++b) *b = atan2f(*b, c->level) * c->scale;

关于C nasm代码的实现,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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