gpt4 book ai didi

c++ - 关于 gcc 3.3.4 内存核心转储的问题

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 00:55:10 24 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

我在 Visual Studio 2010、2008 和 Codeblock 10.2 (gcc 4.x.x) 下测试了这个程序,它运行良好。但是,当我连接到我学校的编译器时,他们使用的是 gcc 3.3.4,它崩溃了,结果是 Memory fault (coredump),我不知道为什么?我想知道是 gcc 3.3.4 的错误吗?或者出了什么问题?有什么想法吗?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

const int MEM_SIZE = 65536;

/* Cache definition */
struct _tag_cache {
int tag;
int *block;

typedef struct _tag_cache cache;

/* Function Prototype */
void set_params( int* , int* , int* );
void program();
void display_options();
int get_val_with_mess( const char* );
int *init_main_mem_of( int );
cache *init_cache_of( int );
void free_cache( cache** , int );
void write_cache( int* , cache* , int , int , int );
void read_cache( int* , cache* , int , int , int );
void show_content( int* , int );

/* Main Program */
int main() {
printf( "\nGoodbye!\n" );
return 0;

/* Function Implementations */
void set_params( int *main_mem_size, int *cache_size, int *block_size ) {
*main_mem_size = get_val_with_mess( "Enter main memory size (words): " );
*cache_size = get_val_with_mess( "Enter cache size (words): " );
*block_size = get_val_with_mess( "Enter block size (words/block): " );

void program() {
int user_option = 0;
int main_mem_size = 65536;
int cache_size = 1024;
int block_size = 16;
int tags = main_mem_size / cache_size;
int *main_mem_ptr = NULL;
cache *cache_ptr = NULL;

// initialize memory
main_mem_ptr = init_main_mem_of( main_mem_size );
cache_ptr = init_cache_of( cache_size );
do {
// display menu
// get user input
user_option = get_val_with_mess( "\nEnter selection: " );

switch( user_option ) {
case 1:
// if user set new parameters, free old memory
free_cache( &cache_ptr, tags );
free( main_mem_ptr );

// get new sizes
set_params( &main_mem_size, &cache_size, &block_size );
// calculate number of tags
tags = main_mem_size / cache_size;

// initialize new memory
main_mem_ptr = init_main_mem_of( main_mem_size );
cache_ptr = init_cache_of( cache_size );

case 2:
read_cache( main_mem_ptr, cache_ptr, main_mem_size, block_size, cache_size );

case 3:
write_cache( main_mem_ptr, cache_ptr, main_mem_size, block_size, cache_size );

case 4:

printf( "Invalid options. Try again!\n" );
while( user_option != 4 );

// free cache
if( cache_ptr != NULL ) {
free_cache( &cache_ptr, tags );
// free memory
if( main_mem_ptr != NULL ) {
//printf( "\nFreeing main memory.\n" );
free( main_mem_ptr );

void display_options() {
printf( "\nMain memory to cache memory mapping: \n" );
printf( "------------------------------------ \n" );
printf( "1) Set parameters \n" );
printf( "2) Read cache \n" );
printf( "3) Write to cache \n" );
printf( "4) Exit \n" );

int get_val_with_mess( const char *user_message ) {
int var;
printf( user_message );
scanf( "%d", &var );
return var;

int* init_main_mem_of( int size ) {
int i = 0;
int* p = ( int* )malloc( size * sizeof( int ) );
for( ; i < size; ++i )
*( p + i ) = size - i;
return p;

cache* init_cache_of( int tags ) {
int i = 0;
// one cache has 64 blocks
// one block has 16 words
cache* p = ( cache* )malloc( tags * sizeof( cache ) );
for( ; i < tags; ++i ) {
p[i].tag = -1;
p[i].block = NULL;
return p;

void free_cache( cache **p, int size ) {
int i = 0;
for( ; i < size; ++i ) {
// if that block is not NULL, free it
if( ( *p )[i].block != NULL ) {
//printf( "\nFreeing block of tag %d.", i );
free( ( *p )[i].block );
// free cache
//printf( "\nFreeing cache.\n" );
free( *p );

void write_cache( int* main_mem_ptr, cache* cache_ptr, int mm_size, int block_size, int cache_size ) {
int addr = 0;
int value = 0;
int tag;
int block;
int word;
int i;
int base_offset;
int already_missed = 0;

addr = get_val_with_mess( "Enter main memory address to write to: " );
value = get_val_with_mess( "Enter value to write: " );

base_offset = ( addr / block_size ) * block_size;
tag = addr / cache_size;
word = addr % block_size;
block = ( addr % cache_size ) / block_size;

// assign new value
main_mem_ptr[addr] = value;
// if tag doesn't match
if( cache_ptr[block].tag != tag ) {
printf( "Write miss!\n" );
already_missed = 1;
cache_ptr[block].tag = tag;
// if cache block memory is NULL
if( cache_ptr[block].block == NULL ) {
if( already_missed == 0 )
printf( "Write miss!\n" );
// allocate block
cache_ptr[block].block = ( int* )malloc( block_size * sizeof( int ) );
// transfer from main memory to cache
for( i = 0; i < block_size; ++i ) {
cache_ptr[block].block[i] = main_mem_ptr[base_offset + i];

printf( "Word %d of block %d with tag %d contains %d\n", word, block, tag, cache_ptr[block].block[word] );

void read_cache( int* main_mem_ptr, cache* cache_ptr, int mm_size, int block_size, int cache_size ) {
int addr = 0;
int value = 0;
int tag;
int block;
int word;
int i;
int base_offset;
int already_missed = 0;
addr = get_val_with_mess( "Enter main memory address to read from: " );

base_offset = ( addr / block_size ) * block_size;
tag = addr / cache_size;
word = addr % block_size;
block = ( addr % cache_size ) / block_size;

// if tag doesn't match
if( cache_ptr[block].tag != tag ) {
printf( "Read miss!\n" );
already_missed = 1;
cache_ptr[block].tag = tag;
if( cache_ptr[block].block == NULL ) {
if( already_missed == 0 )
printf( "Read miss!\n" );
// allocate block
cache_ptr[block].block = ( int* )malloc( block_size * sizeof( int ) );
// read from main memory
for( i = 0; i < block_size; ++i ) {
cache_ptr[block].block[i] = main_mem_ptr[base_offset + i];
printf( "Word %d of block %d with tag %d contains %d\n", word, block, tag, cache_ptr[block].block[word] );

void show_content( int* p, int size ) {
int i = 0;
for( ; i < size; ++i )
printf( "%d, ", p[i] );


Main memory to Cache memory mapping:
1) Set parameters
2) Read cache
3) Write to cache
4) Exit
Enter selection: 1
Enter main memory size (words): 65536
Enter cache size (words): 1024
Enter block size (words/block): 16
Main memory to Cache memory mapping:
1) Set parameters
2) Read cache
3) Write to cache
4) Exit
Enter selection: 3
Enter main memory address to write to: 65535
Enter value to write: 14
Write miss!
Word 15 of block 63 with tag 63 contains value 14
Main memory to Cache memory mapping:
1) Set parameters
2) Read cache
3) Write to cache
4) Exit
Enter selection: 2
Enter main memory address to read from: 65535
Word 15 of block 63 with tag 63 contains value 14
Main memory to Cache memory mapping:
1) Set parameters
2) Read cache
3) Write to cache
4) Exit
Enter selection: 3
Enter main memory address to write to: 65534
Enter value to write: 512
Word 14 of block 63 with tag 63 contains value 512
Main memory to Cache memory mapping:
1) Set parameters
2) Read cache
3) Write to cache
4) Exit
Enter selection: 2
Enter main memory address to read from: 1023
Read miss!
Word 15 of block 63 with tag 0 contains value 64513
Main memory to Cache memory mapping:
1) Set parameters
2) Read cache
3) Write to cache
4) Exit
Enter selection: 4


我没有完整地完成该程序,但我发现的第一件事是,当您调用 malloc() 时,您不会检查是否成功。


int* init_main_mem_of(int size) 
int i = 0;
int* p = (int *)malloc(size * sizeof(int));
if (!p)
puts("Error: Out of memory\n");
for( ; i < size; ++i)
p[i] = size - i;
return p;

问题可能是学校计算机内存不足,而不是编译器。检查程序并确保每次调用 malloc() 都成功。

关于c++ - 关于 gcc 3.3.4 内存核心转储的问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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