gpt4 book ai didi

python - 高效分组为字典

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-04 00:16:20 25 4
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[('Player1', 'A', 1, 100),
('Player1', 'B', 15, 100),
('Player2', 'A', 7, 100),
('Player2', 'B', 65, 100),
('Global Total', None, 88, 100)]


'Player1': {
'A': [1, 12.5],
'B': [15, 18.75],
'Total': [16, 18.18]
'Player2': {
'A': [7, 87.5],
'B': [65, 81.25],
'Total': [72, 81.81]
'Global Total': {
'A': [8, 100],
'B': [80, 100]

所以每个 Player dict 都有它的本地总值和根据它的全局总值的百分比。


fixed_vals = {}
for name, status, qtd, prct in data_set: # This is the list of tuples var
if name in fixed_vals:
fixed_vals[name].update({status: [qtd, prct]})
fixed_vals[name] = {status: [qtd, prct]}

fixed_vals['Global Total']['Total'] = fixed_vals['Global Total'].pop(None)
total_a = 0
for k, v in fixed_vals.items():
if k != 'Global Total':
total_a += v['A'][0]

fixed_vals['Global Total']['A'] = [
total_a, total_a * 100 / fixed_vals['Global Total']['Total'][0]

fixed_vals['Global Total']['B'] = [
fixed_vals['Global Total']['Total'][0] - total_a,
fixed_vals['Global Total']['Total'][0] - fixed_vals['Global Total']['A'][1]

for player, vals in fixed_vals.items():
if player != 'Global Total':
vals['A'][1] = vals['A'][0] * 100 / fixed_vals['Global Total']['A'][0]
vals['B'][1] = fixed_vals['Global Total']['A'][1] - vals['B'][1]

问题是这不是很灵活,因为我必须做类似的事情, 但有近 12 个类别(A、B、...)

有更好的方法吗?也许这对 Pandas 来说是微不足道的?


每个玩家没有重复的类别,每个人都有相同的序列(有些可能有 0 但类别是唯一的)


似乎每个人都被 dict-only 解决方案所吸引,但为什么不尝试转换为 pandas

import pandas as pd

# given
tuple_list = [('Player1', 'A', 1, 100),
('Player1', 'B', 15, 100),
('Player2', 'A', 7, 100),
('Player2', 'B', 65, 100),
('Global Total', None, 88, 100)]

# make a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(tuple_list , columns = ['player', 'game','score', 'pct'])
del df['pct']
df = df[df.player!='Global Total']
df = df.pivot(index='player', columns='game', values='score')''''

# just a check
assert df.to_dict() == {'A': {'Player1': 1, 'Player2': 7},
'B': {'Player1': 15, 'Player2': 65}}

# A B
#Player1 1 15
#Player2 7 65
print('Obtained dataset:\n', df)


以下是根据 OP 请求更新的:

# the sum across columns is this - this was the 'Grand Total' in the dicts
# A 8
# B 80
sum_col = df.sum(axis=0)

# lets calculate the share of each player score:
shares = df / df.sum(axis=0) * 100
assert shares.transpose().to_dict() == {'Player1': {'A': 12.5, 'B': 18.75},
'Player2': {'A': 87.5, 'B': 81.25}}
# in 'shares' the columns add to 100%:
# A B
#Player1 12.50 18.75
#Player2 87.50 81.25

# lets mix up a dataframe close to original dictionary structure
mixed_df = pd.concat([df.A, shares.A, df.B, shares.B], axis=1)
totals = mixed_df.sum(axis=0) = 'Total'
mixed_df = mixed_df.append(totals.transpose())
mixed_df.columns = ['A', 'A_pct', 'B', 'B_pct']
print('\nProducing some statistics\n', mixed_df)

关于python - 高效分组为字典,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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