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我需要搜索边界框中存在点的任何记录,但我不确定如何使用 Sequelize 来制定此记录,以便与 MariaDB 一起使用。目前 Sequelize 似乎没有对地理搜索的原生支持,所以我希望可以直接使用 SQL 函数来完成。
// latlon1 and latlon2 are of form [lat,lon]
// representing bottom-left and top-right corners of the box
var a = latlon1[0] + ' ' + latlon1[1];
var b = latlon2[0] + ' ' + latlon1[1];
var c = latlon2[0] + ' ' + latlon2[1];
var d = latlon1[0] + ' ' + latlon2[1];
var e = latlon1[0] + ' ' + latlon1[1];
var boundingBox = `${a},${b},${c},${d},${e}`;
var fn = `ST_CONTAINS(ST_MakePolygon(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(${boundingBox})'), latlon)`;
Address.findAll( { ... } ).then(function (results) {
// results will contain all records where the value of the
// latlon column is within the bounding box
// latlon column is of type 'point'
有了上面的内容,我就有了一个 SQL GIS 函数(我相信这是正确的)和 findAll。问题是我不知道如何合并两者,为我提供我正在寻找的结果?有人可以帮忙吗?
使用 Sequelize 3.24.3、node.js 6.7.0 和 MariaDB 10.0。
我想出的解决方案如下。 sequelize.fn() 是指定基于数据库的函数的方法,然后只需使用sequelize.col() 函数指定您感兴趣的列即可。
// latlon1 and latlon2 are of form [lat,lon]
// representing bottom-left and top-right corners of the box
var a = latlon1[0] + ' ' + latlon1[1];
var b = latlon2[0] + ' ' + latlon1[1];
var c = latlon2[0] + ' ' + latlon2[1];
var d = latlon1[0] + ' ' + latlon2[1];
var e = latlon1[0] + ' ' + latlon1[1];
var boundingBox = `${a},${b},${c},${d},${e}`;
// convert the textual representation to a geometry
var geom = sequelize.fn('ST_GEOMFROMTEXT', `LINESTRING(${a},${b},${c},${d},${e})`);
// convert the geometry to a polygon and the do the contains
var contains = sequelize.fn('ST_CONTAINS',
sequelize.fn('POLYGON', geom),
Address.findAll( {
where: contains
}).then(function (results) {
// results will contain all records where the value of the
// latlon column is within the bounding box
// latlon column is of type 'point'
注意,SQL 查询也可以如下所示,从而无需进行从几何图形到多边形的转换:
WHERE ST_CONTAINS(ST_POLYGONFROMTEXT('POLYGON((45.51195 -73.56973,45.51335 -73.56973,45.51335 -73.56584,45.51195 -73.56584,45.51195 -73.56973))'), `latlon`)
所以作为 Sequelize 代码:
var contains = sequelize.fn('ST_CONTAINS',
sequelize.fn('ST_POLYFROMTEXT', `POLYGON((${a},${b},${c},${d},${e}))`),
*请注意,由于使用了模板字符串,代码需要 ES6。
关于node.js - 序列化,在边界框内搜索点,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40076111/
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