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为了更好地理解,请在 Jupyternotebook 中重现代码:
我有两个文件:img.jpg 和 img.txt。 img.jpg 是图像,img.txt 是面部特征点……如果将它们都绘制出来,它将如下所示:
我将图像旋转了 24.5 度....但是我还旋转了坐标怎么办?
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('img.jpg')
# In[130]:
landmarks = []
with open('img.txt') as f:
for line in f:
landmarks.extend([float(number) for number in line.split()])
landmarks.pop(0) #Remove first line.
#Store all points inside the variable.
landmarkPoints = [] #Store the points in this
for j in range(int(len(landmarks))):
if j%2 == 1:
# In[ ]:
def rotate_bound(image, angle):
# grab the dimensions of the image and then determine the
# center
(h, w) = image.shape[:2]
(cX, cY) = (w // 2, h // 2)
# grab the rotation matrix (applying the negative of the
# angle to rotate clockwise), then grab the sine and cosine
# (i.e., the rotation components of the matrix)
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cX, cY), -angle, 1.0)
cos = np.abs(M[0, 0])
sin = np.abs(M[0, 1])
# compute the new bounding dimensions of the image
nW = int((h * sin) + (w * cos))
nH = int((h * cos) + (w * sin))
# adjust the rotation matrix to take into account translation
M[0, 2] += (nW / 2) - cX
M[1, 2] += (nH / 2) - cY
# perform the actual rotation and return the image
return cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (nW, nH))
# In[131]:
imgcopy = img.copy()
for i in range(len(landmarkPoints)):
cv2.circle(imgcopy, (landmarkPoints[i][0], landmarkPoints[i][1]), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1)
# In[146]:
# In[153]:
face_angle = 24.5
rotatedImage = rotate_bound(img, -face_angle)
for i in range(len(landmarkPoints)):
x,y = (landmarkPoints[i][0], landmarkPoints[i][1])
cv2.circle(rotatedImage, (int(x),int(y)), 5, (0, 255, 0), -1)
请下载 img.jpg 和 img.txt 以复制此内容:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FhQUFvoKi3t7TrIepx2Es0mBGAfT755w/view?usp=sharing
def rotatePoint(angle, pt):
a = np.radians(angle)
cosa = np.cos(a)
sina = np.sin(a)
return pt[0]*cosa - pt[1]*sina, pt[0] * sina + pt[1] * cosa
虽然很久没问这个问题了。但我决定回答它,因为它还没有被接受的答案,即使这是一个被广泛接受的问题。我添加了很多评论以使实现更加清晰。因此,代码很有希望是不言自明的。但我也在描述 ImageAugmentation
是要保存输出的文件夹目录。该程序将自动在输出目录中创建所有子文件夹,就像它们出现在输入目录中一样。它完全是可选的,它可以通过附加字符串 _augmentation
是要从每个图像生成的增强图像的总数。虽然您只想要旋转,但该程序还设计用于进行其他增强,根据需要更改、添加或删除它们。我还添加了一个指向文档的链接,您可以在其中找到可以在此代码中引入的其他增强功能。默认为 3
,如果保留原图,就会有3 + 1 = 4
用于处理由于空间变换,增强点和下方图像可能超出图像分辨率的情况,您可以选择保留它们。但这里默认丢弃。同样,它还会丢弃具有 width
的图像。或 height
值 <= 0
.默认为 True
表示您是否希望在输出中显示地标。制作 True
或 False
import logging
import imgaug as ia
import imgaug.augmenters as iaa
from imgaug.augmentables import Keypoint
from imgaug.augmentables import KeypointsOnImage
import os
import cv2
import re
SEED = 31 # To reproduce the result
class ImageAugmentation:
def __init__(self, original_data_dir, augmentation_data_dir = None, keep_original = True, num_of_augmentations_per_image = 3, discard_overflow_and_underflow = True, put_landmarks = False):
self.original_data_dir = original_data_dir
if augmentation_data_dir != None:
self.augmentation_data_dir = augmentation_data_dir
self.augmentation_data_dir = self.original_data_dir + '_augmentation'
# Most of the time you will want to keep the original images along with the augmented images
self.keep_original = keep_original
# For example for self.num_of_augmentations_per_image = 3, from 1 image we will get 3 more images, totaling 4 images.
self.num_of_augmentations_per_image = num_of_augmentations_per_image
# if discard_overflow_and_underflow is True, the program will discard all augmentation where landmark (and image underneath) goes outside of image resolution
self.discard_overflow_and_underflow = discard_overflow_and_underflow
# Optionally put landmarks on output images
self.put_landmarks = put_landmarks
def get_base_annotations(self):
"""This method reads all the annotation files (.txt) and make a list
of annotations to be used by other methods.
# base_annotations are the annotations which has come with the original images.
base_annotations = []
def get_info(content):
"""This utility function reads the content of a single annotation
file and returns the count of total number of points and a list of coordinates
of the points inside a dictionary.
As you have provided in your question, the annotation file looks like the following:
282.000000 292.000000
270.000000 311.000000
259.000000 330.000000
Here, the first line is the number of points.
The second and the following lines gives their coordinates.
# As all the lines newline separated, hence splitting them
# accordingly first
lines = content.split('\n')
# The first line is the total count of the point, we can easily get it just by counting the points
# so we are not taking this information.
# From the second line to the end all lines are basically the coordinate values
# of each point (in each line). So, going to each of the lines (from the second line)
# and taking the coordinates as tuples.
# We will end up with a list of tuples and which will be inserted to the dict "info"
# under the key "point_coordinates"
points = []
for line in lines[1:]:
# Now each of the line can be splitted into two numbers representing coordinates
# Keeping inside try block, as some of the lines might be accidentally contain
# a single number, or it can be the case that there might be some extra newlines
# where there is no number.
col, row = line.split(' ')
points.append((float(col), float(row)))
# Returns: List of tuples
return points
for subdir, dirs, files in os.walk(self.original_data_dir):
for file in files:
ext = os.path.splitext(file)[-1].lower()
# Looping through image files (instead of annotation files which are in '.txt' format)
# because image files can have very different extensions and we have to preserve them.
# Whereas, all the annotation files are assumed to be in '.txt' format.
# Annotation file's (.txt) directory will be generated from here.
if ext not in ['.txt']:
input_image_file_dir = os.path.join(subdir, file)
# As the image filenames and associated annotation text filenames are the same,
# so getting the common portion of them, it will be used to generate the annotation
# file's directory.
# Also assuming, there are no dots (.) in the input_annotation_file_dir except before the file extension.
image_annotation_base_dir = self.split_extension(input_image_file_dir)[0]
# Generating annotation file's directory
input_annotation_file_dir = image_annotation_base_dir + '.txt'
with open(input_annotation_file_dir, 'r') as f:
content = f.read()
image_annotation_base_dir = os.path.splitext(input_annotation_file_dir)[0]
if os.path.isfile(input_image_file_dir):
image = cv2.imread(input_image_file_dir)
# Taking image's shape is basically surving dual purposes.
# First of all, we will need the image's shape for sanity checking after augmentation
# Again, if any of the input image is corrupt this following line will through exception
# and we will be able to skip that corrput image.
image_shape = image.shape # height (y), width (x), channels (depth)
# Collecting the directories of original annotation files and their contents.
# The same folder structure will be used to save the augmented data.
# As the image filenames and associated annotation text filenames are the same, so
base_annotations.append({'image_file_dir': input_image_file_dir,
'annotation_data': get_info(content = content),
'image_resolution': image_shape})
logging.error(f"Unable to read the file: {input_annotation_file_dir}...SKIPPED")
return base_annotations
def get_augmentation(self, base_annotation, seed):
image_file_dir = base_annotation['image_file_dir']
image_resolution = base_annotation['image_resolution']
list_of_coordinates = base_annotation['annotation_data']
# We have to provide the landmarks in specific format as imgaug requires
landmarks = []
for coordinate in list_of_coordinates:
# coordinate[0] is along x axis (horizontal axis) and coordinate[1] is along y axis (vertical axis) and (left, top) corner is (0, 0)
landmarks.append(Keypoint(x = coordinate[0], y = coordinate[1]))
landmarks_on_original_img = KeypointsOnImage(landmarks, shape = image_resolution)
original_image = cv2.imread(image_file_dir)
Here the magic happens. If you only want rotation then remove other transformations from here.
You can even add other various types of augmentation, see documentation here:
# Documentation for image augmentation with keypoints
# Here you will find other possible transformations
seq = iaa.Sequential([
scale={"x": (0.8, 1.2), "y": (0.8, 1.2)}, # scale images to 80-120% of their size, individually per axis
translate_percent={"x": (-0.2, 0.2), "y": (-0.2, 0.2)}, # translate by -20 to +20 percent (per axis)
rotate=(-90, 90), # rotate by -90 to +90 degrees; for specific angle (say 30 degree) use rotate = (30)
shear=(-16, 16), # shear by -16 to +16 degrees
], random_order=True) # Apply augmentations in random order
augmented_image, _landmarks_on_augmented_img = seq(image = original_image, keypoints = landmarks_on_original_img)
# Now for maintaining consistency, making the augmented landmarks to maintain same data structure like base_annotation
# i.e, making it a list of tuples.
landmarks_on_augmented_img = []
for index in range(len(landmarks_on_original_img)):
return augmented_image, landmarks_on_augmented_img
def split_extension(self, path):
# Assuming there is no dots (.) except just before extension
# Returns [directory_of_file_without_extension, extension]
return os.path.splitext(path)
def sanity_check(self, landmarks_aug, image_resolution):
# Returns false if the landmark is outside of image resolution.
# Or, if the resolution is faulty.
for index in range(len(landmarks_aug)):
if landmarks_aug[index][0] < 0 or landmarks_aug[index][1] < 0:
return False
if landmarks_aug[index][0] >= image_resolution[1] or landmarks_aug[index][1] >= image_resolution[0]:
return False
if image_resolution[0] <= 0:
return False
if image_resolution[1] <= 0:
return False
return True
def serialize(self, serialization_data, image):
"""This method to write the annotation file and the corresponding image.
# Now it is time to actually writing the image file and the annotation file!
# We have to make sure the output folder exists
# and "head" is the folder's directory here.
image_file_dir = serialization_data['image_file_dir']
annotation_file_dir = self.split_extension(image_file_dir)[0] + '.txt'
point_coordinates = serialization_data['annotation_data'] # List of tuples
total_points = len(point_coordinates)
# Getting the corresponding output folder for current image
head, tail = os.path.split(image_file_dir)
# Creating the folder if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.isdir(head):
# Writing annotation file
with open(annotation_file_dir, 'w') as f:
s = ""
s += str(total_points)
s += '\n'
for point in point_coordinates:
s += "{:.6f}".format(point[0]) + ' ' + "{:6f}".format(point[1]) + '\n'
if self.put_landmarks:
# Optionally put landmarks in the output images.
for index in range(total_points):
cv2.circle(image, (int(point_coordinates[index][0]), int(point_coordinates[index][1])), 2, (255, 255, 0), 2)
cv2.imwrite(image_file_dir, image)
def augmentat_with_landmarks(self):
base_annotations = self.get_base_annotations()
for base_annotation in base_annotations:
if self.keep_original == True:
# As we are basically copying the same original data in new directory, changing the original image's directory with the new one with re.sub()
base_data = {'image_file_dir': re.sub(self.original_data_dir, self.augmentation_data_dir, base_annotation['image_file_dir']),
'annotation_data': base_annotation['annotation_data']}
self.serialize(serialization_data = base_data, image = cv2.imread(base_annotation['image_file_dir']))
for index in range(self.num_of_augmentations_per_image):
# Getting a new augmented image in each iteration from the same base image.
# Seeding (SEED) for reproducing same result across all execution in the future.
# Also seed must be different for each iteration, otherwise same looking augmentation will be generated.
image_aug, landmarks_aug = self.get_augmentation(base_annotation, seed = SEED + index)
# As for spatial transformations for some images, the landmarks can go outside of the image.
# So, we have to discard those cases (optionally).
if self.sanity_check(landmarks_aug, base_annotation['image_resolution']) or not self.discard_overflow_and_underflow:
# Getting the filename without extension to insert an index number in between to generate a new filename for augmented image
filepath_without_ext, ext = self.split_extension(base_annotation['image_file_dir'])
# As we are writing newly generated images to similar sub folders (just in different base directory)
# that is replacing original_data_dir with augmentation_data_dir.
# So, to do this we are using, re.sub(what_to_replace, with_which_to_replace, from_where_to_replace)
filepath_for_aug_img_without_ext = re.sub(self.original_data_dir, self.augmentation_data_dir, filepath_without_ext)
new_filepath_wo_ext = filepath_for_aug_img_without_ext + '_' + str(index)
augmentation_data = {
'image_file_dir': new_filepath_wo_ext + ext,
'annotation_data': landmarks_aug
self.serialize(serialization_data = augmentation_data, image = image_aug)
# Make put_landmarks = False if you do not want landmarks to be shown in output
# original_data_dir is the single parent folder directory inside of which all image folder(s) exist.
img_aug = ImageAugmentation(original_data_dir = 'parent/folder/directory/of/img/folder', put_landmarks = True)
.我建议您安装 0.4.0
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