gpt4 book ai didi

python - OpenCV trackbar 断言失败错误

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 22:43:21 27 4
gpt4 key购买 nike


OpenCV(3.4.1) Error: Assertion failed (size.width>0 && size.height>0) in imshow, file /feedstock_root/build_artefacts/opencv_1523502125490/work/opencv-3.4.1/modules/highgui/src/window.cpp, line 356
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 17, in foreground_segment
cv2.imshow('brightness preprocess', tmp)


import cv2
import numpy as np

winName = "ForeGround Segment"

def foreground_segment(src, a=None,b=None, useEqualize=1, blurSize=21, th1=None, brightness=None):
winName = "ForeGround Segment"
tmp = brightness

if (blurSize >= 3):
blurSize += (1 - blurSize % 2)
tmp = cv2.GaussianBlur(tmp, (blurSize, blurSize), 0)
if (useEqualize):
tmp = cv2.equalizeHist(tmp)

cv2.imshow('brightness preprocess', tmp)
#cv2.imwrite('../BrightnessPreprocess.png', tmp)

ret, tmp = cv2.threshold(tmp, th1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
cv2.imshow(winName, tmp)

im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(tmp, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
dst = src


maxDim = 0
largest = -1
for i in range(len(contours)):
cv2.drawContours(dst, contours, largest, (0, 0, 255), 1)
dim = len(contours[i])
if (dim > maxDim):
maxDim = dim
largest = i

img_mask = np.zeros(src.shape, np.uint8)

if (largest >= 0):
theImg = contours[largest]
cv2.polylines(dst, theImg, True, (0, 255,0), 2)
cv2.drawContours(img_mask, contours, largest, 255, -1)

cv2.imshow("Result Mask", img_mask)
cv2.imshow("Result Contour", dst)
#cv2.imwrite("../img_mask.png", img_mask)
#cv2.imwrite("../result.png", dst)

if __name__ == '__main__':
src = cv2.imread('frontal.png')
src = cv2.resize(src, (int(src.shape[0]/3), int(src.shape[1]/3)), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
#src = cv2.resize(src, (500, 500), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
cv2.imshow(winName, src)
dst = cv2.cvtColor(src, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
hsv_planes = cv2.split(dst)
brightness = hsv_planes[2]
useEqualize = 1
blurSize = 21
th1 = int(33.0 * 255 / 100)
cv2.createTrackbar("Equalize", winName, useEqualize, 1, foreground_segment)
cv2.createTrackbar("Blur Sigma", winName, blurSize, 100, foreground_segment)
cv2.createTrackbar("Threshold", winName, th1, 255, foreground_segment)

foreground_segment(src ,0, 0, useEqualize, blurSize, th1, brightness=brightness)




您提供的代码仅使用 cv2.createTrackbar() 创建轨迹栏。为了使用它们,您需要实现 cv2.getTrackbarPos() 以在滑动轨迹栏时获取不同的值。


import cv2
import numpy as np

winName = "ForeGround Segment"

def foreground_segment(im, brightness, useEqualize=1, blurSize=21, th1=None):
winName = "ForeGround Segment"
tmp = brightness

if (blurSize >= 3):
blurSize += (1 - blurSize % 2)
tmp = cv2.GaussianBlur(tmp, (blurSize, blurSize), 0)
if (useEqualize):
tmp = cv2.equalizeHist(tmp)

cv2.imshow('brightness preprocess', tmp)
#cv2.imwrite('../BrightnessPreprocess.png', tmp)

ret, tmp = cv2.threshold(tmp, th1, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
cv2.imshow('threshold', tmp)

im2, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(tmp, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
dst = im.copy()


maxDim = 0
largest = -1
for i in range(len(contours)):
cv2.drawContours(dst, contours, largest, (0, 0, 255), 1)
dim = len(contours[i])
if (dim > maxDim):
maxDim = dim
largest = i

img_mask = np.zeros(src.shape, np.uint8)

if (largest >= 0):
theImg = contours[largest]
cv2.polylines(dst, theImg, True, (0, 255,0), 2)
cv2.drawContours(img_mask, contours, largest, 255, -1)

cv2.imshow("Result Mask", img_mask)
cv2.imshow("Result Contour", dst)
#cv2.imwrite("../img_mask.png", img_mask)
#cv2.imwrite("../result.png", dst)

if __name__ == '__main__':
src = cv2.imread('frontal.png')
src = cv2.resize(src, (int(src.shape[0]/3), int(src.shape[1]/3)), interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA)
cv2.imshow(winName, src)
dst = cv2.cvtColor(src, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
hsv_planes = cv2.split(dst)
brightness = hsv_planes[2]
useEqualize = 1
blurSize = 21
th1 = int(33.0 * 255 / 100)
cv2.createTrackbar("Equalize", winName, useEqualize, 1, foreground_segment)
cv2.createTrackbar("Blur Sigma", winName, blurSize, 100, foreground_segment)
cv2.createTrackbar("Threshold", winName, th1, 255, foreground_segment)


#--- Using cv2.getTrackbarPos() to get values from the slider ---
useEqualize = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Equalize', winName)
blurSize = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Blur Sigma', winName)
th1 = cv2.getTrackbarPos('Threshold', winName)

foreground_segment(src, brightness, useEqualize, blurSize, th1)

#--- Press Q to quit ---
k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
if k == 27:


关于python - OpenCV trackbar 断言失败错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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