gpt4 book ai didi

c# - 在组合框选择上从 SQL Server 过滤 ListView

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 21:11:52 25 4
gpt4 key购买 nike

如何从组合框选择示例中过滤掉我的 ListView 。

如果用户在组合框中选择项目 5*108,则 ListView 将显示其中包含 5*108 的所有项目P.krydsmål


     public partial class MainWindow : Window, INotifyPropertyChanged

public SqlConnection conn;
public SqlCommand cmd;
string connStrings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Sql"];
string Data = @"Select ps.Mærket AS Mærke, P.DataID, P.Billed, P.Model, P.Årgang, P.[Motor Type], P.Krydsmål, P.Centerhul, P.ET,P.Bolter, P.Dæk, P.Fælge ,PS.Krydsmålene from Data.Hjuldata P inner join Data.Mærke PS on P.MærkeID = PS.MærkeID ORDER BY ps.Mærket";
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private string _selectedParam;
public MainWindow()
ICollectionView dataView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(hjuldata.ItemsSource);
dataView.GroupDescriptions.Add(new PropertyGroupDescription("Mærke"));

private void NotifyPropertyChanged(String info)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));
public string SelectedParam { get { return _selectedParam; } set { _selectedParam = value; NotifyPropertyChanged("SelectedParam"); if (_selectedParam == "ingen") { BindData(); } else { hjuldata.ItemsSource = FilterKategori().Tables[0].DefaultView; ; } } }
private void BindData()
hjuldata.ItemsSource = kategori().Tables[0].DefaultView;

public DataSet kategori()
//SQL statement to fetch entries from Hjuldata
DataSet dsdata = new DataSet();

//Open SQL Connection
using (conn = new SqlConnection(connStrings))

//Initialize command object
using (conn = new SqlConnection(connStrings))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Data, conn))
SqlDataAdapter adapters = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

//Fill the result set
return dsdata;
public DataSet FilterKategori()

string Data = @"Select ps.Mærket AS Mærke, P.DataID, P.Billed, P.Model,
P.Årgang, P.[Motor Type], P.Krydsmål, P.Centerhul, P.ET,P.Bolter,
P.Dæk, P.Fælge ,PS.Krydsmålene from Data.Hjuldata P
inner join Data.Mærke PS on P.MærkeID = PS.MærkeID
WHERE Krydsmål = @param1";//only works with '5*108'

//SQL statement to fetch entries from products
DataSet dsdata = new DataSet();

//Open SQL Connection
using (conn = new SqlConnection(connStrings))

//Initialize command object
using (SqlCommand cmds = new SqlCommand(Data, conn))
cmds.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param1", SelectedParam);
SqlDataAdapter adapters = new SqlDataAdapter(cmds);
//Fill the result set

return dsdata;


<ComboBox x:Name="comboBox_Copy" Width="150" Height="40" Foreground="#FF00FB0B" Background="#FF303030" FontSize="16"  Canvas.Left="1030" Canvas.Top="24" Style="{StaticResource ComboBoxTest2}"  SelectedItem = "{Binding SelectedParam, ElementName=win, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}">
<ComboBoxItem Content="Ingen"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="3x98"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="3x112"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="4x98"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="4x100"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="4x108"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="4x114.3"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="4x160"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="5x98"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="5x100"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="5x108"/>


我建议使用 MVVM 模式,让事情变得更轻松。但是当你使用代码隐藏时:

1- 在您的窗口上实现 INotifyPropertyChanged:

public class MainWindow: Window, INotifyPropertyChanged
//Existing code....

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

private void NotifyPropertyChanged(String info)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(info));

2 - 在您的组合框中定义一个代表所选项目的属性,在其 setter 中,您可以触发您的过滤器方法:

private string _selectedParam;
public string SelectedParam
get{return _selectedParam;}
_selectedParam = value;
hjuldata.ItemsSource = FilterKategori(_selectedParam).Tables[0].DefaultView;


3 - 将 ComboBox SelectedItem 绑定(bind)到您的新属性:

<ComboBox x:Name="comboBox_Copy" 
SelectedItem = "{Binding SelectedParam, ElementName=YourWindowsName, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}"
Width="150" Height="40"
Foreground="#FF00FB0B" Background="#FF303030" FontSize="16"
Canvas.Left="1030" Canvas.Top="24">
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="{x:Static SystemColors.WindowBrushKey}" Color="#FF303030" />
<ComboBoxItem Content="Ingen"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="3*98"/>
<ComboBoxItem Content="3*112"/>

4 - 创建您的 FilterKategori

public DataSet FilterKategori()

string Data = @"SELECT [DataID], [MærkeID], [Billed], [Model], [Årgang], [Motor Type], [Krydsmål], [Centerhul],
[ET], [Møtrikker], [Bolter], [Dæk], [Fælge]
Krydsmål = @param1";

//SQL statement to fetch entries from products
DataSet dsdata = new DataSet();

//Open SQL Connection
using (SqlConnection conns = new SqlConnection(connStrings))

//Initialize command object
using (SqlCommand cmds = new SqlCommand(Data, conns))
cmds.Parameters.AddWithValue("@param1", SelectedParam );
SqlDataAdapter adapters = new SqlDataAdapter(cmds);
//Fill the result set

return dsdata;

关于c# - 在组合框选择上从 SQL Server 过滤 ListView ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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