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我正在PyCharm Community Edition 2016.1.4上运行带有pyvisa 1.8的Python 3.5.1。
下面列出了“ python -m Visa info”的结果。
尝试使用Keysight 34420A纳伏表进行测量时,我遇到了一个奇怪的问题。
我正在使用National Instruments GPIB-US-HS +电缆与34420A通信。 34420A是GPIB地址22,我已经从前面板进行了验证。
编辑:当我尝试发送错误550消息中提到的SYSTem:REMote命令时,我得到:错误514“仅RS-232允许使用的命令:只有RS-232接口允许使用三个命令:SYSTem:LOCal ,SYSTem:REMote和SYSTem:RWLock”如标题中所述,我正在使用GPIB。另外,如本文稍后所述,当我查询接口类型时,它将返回字符串“ HPIB”,这是GPIB的原始名称。我不知道为什么在使用GPIB时会出现RS-232错误,但是如果我不得不猜测,那是从RS-232是唯一的解决方法开始的错误消息。与仪器进行通信,并且在引入HPIB / GPIB之后从未更新错误消息。
编辑:我读过堆栈溢出帖子pyVISA: Return instrument to local mode programmatically。那是我最初指向control_ren()的指针。但是,正如我提到的,我不知道如何使它工作。
这是“ python -m签证信息”的结果:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
H:\>python -m visa info
Machine Details:
Platform ID: Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1
Processor: AMD64 Family 21 Model 48 Stepping 1, AuthenticAMD
Implementation: CPython
Executable: C:\Anaconda3\python.exe
Version: 3.5.1
Compiler: MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)
Bits: 64bit
Build: Feb 16 2016 09:49:46 (#default)
Unicode: UCS4
PyVISA Version: 1.8
Version: 1.8 (bundled with PyVISA)
#1: C:\Windows\system32\visa32.dll:
found by: auto
bitness: 64
Vendor: Agilent Technologies
Impl. Version: 1345598497
Spec. Version: 5243136
#2: C:\Windows\system32\visa32.dll:
found by: auto
bitness: 64
Vendor: Agilent Technologies
Impl. Version: 1345598497
Spec. Version: 5243136
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Python for Test and Measurement
# Example programs avaialable at 'ftp://ftp.keysight.com/callpub6/callpub6/MISC/Keysight_Python'
# Requires VISA installed on Control PC
# 'http://www.agilent.com/find/visa'
# Requires PyVISA to use VISA in Python
# 'http://pyvisa.sourceforge.net/pyvisa/'
# Keysight IO Libraries 17.1.19xxx
# Anaconda Python 2.7.7 32 bit
# pyvisa 1.6.3
## Copyright © 2015 Agilent Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
## You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and distribute this
## example files (and/or any modified version) in any way you find useful, provided
## that you agree that Agilent has no warranty, obligations or liability for any
## Sample Application Files.
# Example Description:
# Basic Example which connects to instrument and queries instrument ID.
# Required Instrument Setup to Execute Example:
# Any instrument connected via GPIB/USB/LAN
# Additional Information:
# import python modules
import visa
import pyvisa
import pyvisa.resources
import pyvisa.constants
# Open Connection
# Try two different ways of opening a resource manager, to see if either works.
# rm = visa.ResourceManager('C:\\Program Files (x86)\\IVI Foundation\\VISA\\WinNT\\agvisa\\agbin\\visa32.dll')
rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager()
# Connect to VISA Address
# LAN - VXI-11 Connection: 'TCPIP0::xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx::inst0::INSTR'
# LAN - HiSLIP Connection: 'TCPIP0::xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx::hislip0::INSTR'
# USB Connection: 'USB0::xxxxxx::xxxxxx::xxxxxxxxxx::0::INSTR'
# GPIB Connection: 'GPIP0::xx::INSTR'
# myinst = rm.open_resource("TCPIP0::K-E4990A-00892::inst0::INSTR")
myinst = rm.open_resource("GPIB0::22::INSTR") # Keysight 34420A Nanovoltmeter
# Set Timeout - 5 seconds
myinst.timeout = 5000
# *IDN? - Query Instrumnet ID
# myinst.write("SYStem:REMote") # This is an RS232-only command
# From: https://pyvisa.readthedocs.io/en/stable/_modules/pyvisa/constants.html
gpib_ren_assert = pyvisa.constants.VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT
gpib_ren_assert_address = pyvisa.constants.VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT_ADDRESS
gpib_ren_assert_llo = pyvisa.constants.VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT_LLO
gpib_ren_assert_address_llo = pyvisa.constants.VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT_ADDRESS_LLO
# Per https://pyvisa.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/resources.html#pyvisa.resources.GPIBInstrument.control_ren
# "Controls the state of the GPIB Remote Enable (REN) interface line, and optionally the remote/local state
# of the device."
control_ren_return = myinst.control_ren(gpib_ren_assert_address)
print("The value returned from myinst.control_ren(gpib_ren_assert_address) is: %s" % control_ren_return)
control_ren_return = myinst.control_ren(gpib_ren_assert_address_llo)
print("The value returned from myinst.control_ren(gpib_ren_assert_address_llo) is: %s" % control_ren_return)
control_ren_return = myinst.control_ren(gpib_ren_assert)
print("The value returned from myinst.control_ren(gpib_ren_assert) is: %s" % control_ren_return)
control_ren_return = myinst.control_ren(gpib_ren_assert_llo)
print("The value returned from myinst.control_ren(gpib_ren_assert_llo) is: %s" % control_ren_return)
# https://pyvisa.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/resources.html#pyvisa.resources.GPIBInstrument says:
# "Do not instantiate directly, use pyvisa.highlevel.ResourceManager.open_resource()."
# gpib_control_ren_return = pyvisa.resources.GPIBInstrument.control_ren(1)
# print("The value returned from pyvisa.resources.GPIBInstrument.control_ren(1) is %s" % gpib_control_ren_return)
# =======================================================================================================
# Uncommenting the next line causes the error:
# pyvisa.errors.VisaIOError: VI_ERROR_TMO (-1073807339): Timeout expired before operation completed.
# apparently because the instrument is not in REMOTE mode first.
# =======================================================================================================
# myinst.write("MEAS:VOLT:DC?")
# print(myinst.read())
# Close Connection
print('close instrument connection')
except Exception as err:
print('Exception: ' + str(err.message))
# perform clean up operations
长话短说,根本原因似乎是NI GPIB-USB-HS +电缆的连接问题。 34420A在GPIB接口的一侧缺少螺丝适配器,因此我们只能在另一侧拧紧GPIB连接器。当我从另一台仪器上拆下了一个螺丝适配器并将其插入34420A时,我们可以将GPIB连接器的两侧拧紧,问题就消失了。
关于python - PyVISA-无法使GPIB仪器以编程方式进入REMOTE模式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56543309/
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