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c# - 使用 hiqpdf 将带有图像的 HTML 转为 PDF

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 20:00:36 25 4
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我正在使用 HiQPdf 8.0 转换带有图像和 css 文件的 html。我在 MVC 4 中做过很多次。现在我在 MVC 5HiQPdf 8.0 下工作,问题是 HiQPdf 8.0 没有加载 css 文件和图像等外部文件。我通过在页面的样式标签中修改样式解决了 css 文件的问题,但不知道如何处理图像。这是我的解决方案:

byte[] pdf = RenderPdf(contractId.Value, personId.Value, addressId.Value, transportId.Value, peacockeryNumber, peacockeryDate);
System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, pdf);

public byte[] RenderPdf(int contractId, int personId, int addressId, int transportId, string peacockeryNumber, string peacockeryDate)
PdfPageViewModel model = new PdfPageViewModel();
model.Contract = contractRepo.GetContract(contractId);
model.Person = personRepo.GetPerson(personId);
model.Supplier = supplierRepo.GetSupplier(model.Contract.SupplierCode, 1);
model.Customer = customerRepo.GetCustomer(model.Contract.CustomerCode);
model.Address = customerRepo.GetAddress(addressId);
model.Transport = transportRepo.Detail(transportId);
model.Header = settingRepo.GetSetting(Model.Settings.SettingType.Header);
model.FooterAddress = settingRepo.GetSetting(Model.Settings.SettingType.Address);
model.Sign = settingRepo.GetSetting(Model.Settings.SettingType.Sign);
model.Stamp = settingRepo.GetSetting(Model.Settings.SettingType.Stamp);
model.PeacockeryDate = peacockeryDate;
model.PeacockeryNumber = peacockeryNumber;
string htmlToConvert = RenderPdfAsString("HtmlPdf", model);
String thisPageUrl = this.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
String baseUrl = thisPageUrl.Substring(0, thisPageUrl.Length - "Home/ConvertThisPageToPdf".Length);
HtmlToPdf htmlToPdfConverter = new HtmlToPdf();
htmlToPdfConverter.HiddenHtmlElements = new string[] { "#convertThisPageButtonDiv" };
byte[] pdfBuffer = htmlToPdfConverter.ConvertHtmlToMemory(htmlToConvert, baseUrl);
byte[] b = pdfBuffer;
return b;

public string RenderPdfAsString(string viewName, object model)
PdfPageViewModel pdfPage = (PdfPageViewModel)model;
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
ViewEngineResult viewResult = ViewEngines.Engines.FindView(ControllerContext, viewName, null);
ViewContext viewContext = new ViewContext(
new ViewDataDictionary(model),
new TempDataDictionary(),
viewResult.View.Render(viewContext, stringWriter);
return stringWriter.ToString();

这是 HtmlPdf View :

<body id="prt-body" style="font-family: 'B Nazanin'">
<div class="prt-container">
<header id="prt-header">
<div id="prt-header-logo">
<img src="~/Images/logo.png" />
<ul id="prt-header-information">
<li><span>تاریخ: </span>
<li><span>شماره: </span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div id="prt-main">
<ul id="prt-main-information">
<div class="prt-main-message">@Html.Raw(Model.Header.Value.Replace("#Date", Model.Contract.ContractDate))</div>
<ul id="prt-main-tables">
<label>1) مشخصات کالا: </label>
<table class="prt-fiveTD">
<th>نام محصول</th>
<th>تاریخ قرار داد</th>
<th>شماره قرار داد</th>
<th>شماره قرار داد جز</th>
<label>2) مشخصات خریدار: </label>
<table class="prt-fourTD">
<th>نام خریدار</th>
<th>کدشناسنامه پتروشیمی</th>
<th>کد اقتصاد</th>
<th>شماره ثبت / محل ثبت</th>
<table class="prt-fourTD">
<th>کدشناسنامه ملی</th>
<th>کد پستی</th>
<th>نام نماینده / تلفن نماینده</th>
<table class="prt-twoTD">
<label>3) مشخصات قرار داد (ارقام با ریال): </label>
<table class="prt-fiveTD">
<th>نوع معامله</th>
<th>حجم (کیلوگرم)</th>
<th>قیمت واحد</th>
<th>مبلغ کل خرید</th>
<th>کارمزد فروش</th>
@{double totalAmount = int.Parse(Model.Contract.Amount) * int.Parse(Model.Contract.Price);
double wage = totalAmount * 0.00278;
double settlementAmount = totalAmount * 0.99722;
double tax = totalAmount * 0.08;}
<table class="prt-fourTD">
<th>مبلغ واریز به حساب فروشنده</th>
<th>مالیات بر ارزش افزوده معامله</th>
<th>شماره فیش واریزی vat</th>
<th>تاریخ فیش واریز vat</th>
<label>4) پیمانکار حمل: </label>
<table class="prt-twoTD">
<th>نام پیمانکار</th>
<th>کد پیمانکار</th>
<label>5) آدرس محل تخلیه: </label>
<table class="prt-oneTD">
<th>آدرس مقصد (تخلیه)</th>
<label>6) توضیحات: خوانده شده از فایل معاملات </label>
<footer id="prt-footer">
<div id="prt-footer-img">
<img src="Files/Sign/@Model.Sign.Value" />
<img src="Files/Stamp/@Model.Stamp.Value" />
<div id="prt-footer-address">@Html.Raw(Model.FooterAddress.Value)</div>
<div class="clear"></div>

但是输出的 pdf 中有一些空框而不是图像。 HiQPdfMVC 5 问题还是其他问题?


我在 MVC 4 和 .Net 4 和 4.5 中试过了,但它不再工作了。我之前以同样的方式使用它,没有任何问题,但现在它不起作用。


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The images and styles are missing from the PDF document generated by converter and the scripts are not executed because these elements are referenced by relative URLs in the HTML code I convert. How can I give a base URL to be used by converter to resolve these elements?

The methods to convert a HTML code of the HtmlToPdf, HtmlToImage and HtmlToSvg classes and the constructors of the PdfHtml and PdfHtmlImage classes have a baseUrl parameter that can be used by the HiQPdf HTML converters to resolve the relative URLs found in the HTML code you convert.

For example, if an image is referenced in the HTML code you convert with and the image can be accessed from the fully qualified URL, then you have to set as base URL in your application code. Similar for the style and script files referenced in the HTML code you convert.


关于c# - 使用 hiqpdf 将带有图像的 HTML 转为 PDF,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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