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python - 将点移动到最近的未占用网格位置

转载 作者:太空宇宙 更新时间:2023-11-03 19:55:24 24 4
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我在 2D 空间中有一个随机分布的点,如下所示:

from sklearn import datasets
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

arr, labels = datasets.make_moons()
arr, labels = datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=1000, centers=3)
pd.DataFrame(arr, columns=['x', 'y']).plot.scatter('x', 'y', s=1)

enter image description here


from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean

def get_bounds(arr):
'''Given a 2D array return the y_min, y_max, x_min, x_max'''
return [

def create_mesh(arr, h=100, w=100):
'''arr is a 2d array; h=number of vertical divisions; w=number of horizontal divisions'''
print(' * creating mesh with size', h, w)
bounds = get_bounds(arr)
# create array of valid positions
y_vals = np.arange(bounds[0], bounds[1], (bounds[1]-bounds[0])/h)
x_vals = np.arange(bounds[2], bounds[3], (bounds[3]-bounds[2])/w)
# create the dense mesh
data = np.tile(
[[0, 1], [1, 0]],
int(np.ceil(len(y_vals) / 2)),
int(np.ceil(len(x_vals) / 2)),
# ensure each axis has an even number of slots
if len(y_vals) % 2 != 0 or len(x_vals) % 2 != 0:
data = data[0:len(y_vals), 0:len(x_vals)]
return pd.DataFrame(data, index=y_vals, columns=x_vals)

def align_points_to_grid(arr, h=100, w=100, verbose=False):
'''arr is a 2d array; h=number of vertical divisions; w=number of horizontal divisions'''
h = w = len(arr)/10
grid = create_mesh(arr, h=h, w=w)

# fill the mesh
print(' * filling mesh')
df = pd.DataFrame(arr, columns=['x', 'y'])
bounds = get_bounds(arr)
# store the number of points slotted
c = 0
for site, point in df[['x', 'y']].iterrows():
# skip points not in original points domain
if point.y < bounds[0] or point.y > bounds[1] or \
point.x < bounds[2] or point.x > bounds[3]:
raise Exception('Input point is out of bounds', point.x, point.y, bounds)

# assign this point to the nearest open slot
r_y = (bounds[1]-bounds[0])/h
r_x = (bounds[3]-bounds[2])/w
slotted = False
while not slotted:

bottom = grid.index.searchsorted(point.y - r_y)
top = grid.index.searchsorted(point.y + r_y, side='right')
left = grid.columns.searchsorted(point.x - r_x)
right = grid.columns.searchsorted(point.x + r_x, side='right')
close_grid_points = grid.iloc[bottom:top, left:right]

# store the position in this point's radius that minimizes distortion
best_dist = np.inf
grid_loc = [np.nan, np.nan]
for x, col in close_grid_points.iterrows():
for y, val in col.items():
if val != 1: continue
dist = euclidean(point, (x,y))
if dist < best_dist:
best_dist = dist
grid_loc = [x,y]

# no open slots were found so increase the search radius
if np.isnan(grid_loc[0]):
r_y *= 2
r_x *= 2
# success! report the slotted position to the user
# assign a value other than 1 to mark this slot as filled
grid.loc[grid_loc[0], grid_loc[1]] = 2
df.loc[site, ['x', 'y']] = grid_loc
slotted = True
c += 1

if verbose:
print(' * completed', c, 'of', len(arr), 'assignments')
return df

# plot sample data
df = align_points_to_grid(arr, verbose=False)
df.plot.scatter('x', 'y', s=1)

enter image description here


Python 中这种 hexbin 赋值问题有更快的解决方案吗?我感觉其他人更多地接触了Linear Assignment ProblemHungarian Algorithm可能对这个问题有宝贵的见解。任何建议都会非常有帮助!



对于最终到达这里的其他人,我的实验室将此功能封装成一个小 Python package为了方便。您可以pip install pointgrid然后:

from pointgrid import align_points_to_grid
from sklearn import datasets

# create fake data
arr, labels = datasets.make_blobs(n_samples=1000, centers=5)

# get updated point positions
updated = align_points_to_grid(arr)

updated 将是一个与输入数组 arr 形状相同的 numpy 数组。

关于python - 将点移动到最近的未占用网格位置,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

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